Chapter Thirteen

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Nina's POV

I woke up with a chest in my face. What happened, I asked myself. I tried to get away from the chest, but strong arms were holding me close. They just ended up tightening around me. What to do, what to do, I thought to myself. I figured it was Beck, so I did what needed to be done. I stuck my tongue out and licked his chest.


Damn it! What do I do now?

I wrapped my arms around him, and squeezed him tightly.


I moved my arms where I could tickle him.


"What does it take to wake you up?" I asked quietly.

I feel his chest vibrating, I realized that he was laughing.

"How long have you been awake?" I asked.

"5 to 10 minutes." He replied, ending in another fit of laughter. " You licked me! That was hilarious."

"Your arms were wrapped around me! I couldn't think of anything else to do!"

"So you lick me?" I giggled.

"Yeah?" I questioned.

"You are so weird."

I giggled and stuck my tongue out at him. "But you love me anyways."

He smiled, lightly. "That I do."

I mocked surprise, whilst gasping. "You didn't argue with me first before agreeing. Are you okay? Do you have a fever? Do we need to take you to the hospital?"

He chuckles, "I don't think that will be necessary, I just didn't feel the need to argue with the truth."

"I think you are sick. Stay away from me, I don't want to catch truth-itus!" I exclaim, ending in a burst of giggles.

"I will make you catch it." He says, lunging for me. He starts tickling me.

"What are you doing?" I squeal, as I run away from him. He just traps me against a wall; his arms on either side of my head.

He gazes into my eyes with his gorgeous blue eyes. Before I knew it, he was pressing his lips lightly onto mine; I closed my eyes. All I could feel was the desire and love in his kiss. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and I tangled my hands in his hair. He closed the gap as he pulled me close to him. I could feel a faint smile on his lips. He stayed like this for a few moments more, then pulled his lips away. I pressed my forehead on his, willing us to stay close, and he didn't try to move.

"Nina, I like you alot. I think I love you, and I have since the 6th grade after I left." He said with a slight blush on his face. "I want to know if you think we could ever be anything other than bestfriends?" He had kind of a pleading tone to his voice.

"Beck, I realised that I loved you when you came back. I realised that I would never be able to loose you again. I have thought that we would be something more since then."

He grinned. "Then, in that case, Nina, will you be my girlfriend?"

I grinned, right along with him. "Of course."

He picked me up and spun me around, grinning like a maniac. I realised that I probably looked like that too, so I shouldn't be thinking like that.

"I love you." He whispered to me, leaning in again.

"I love you, too." I murmered against his lips.


A little later, we were down in the kitchen. We noticed that we were hungry, so we came down to make breakfast. Well, I was making breakfast, he was holding me around my waist, and murmering sweet things into my hair.

"Beck! Stop! I am so hungry, and I can't do anything with you right there."

He pouted. "Then don't do anything. just grab a banana or something."

"I wanted a smoothie, asshole."

"Language." says a voice from the door.

I look over and see Alex. I giggle, because she gives zero fucks what words come out of her mouth or anyone elses for that matter.

"So are you two together now?" says a new voice. Addison?

I look to find that I was correct. "Blunt much?" I mutter.

"Heard that." She giggles. "But seriously, are y'all?"

I look at Beck, he nods, slightly. "Yup." I said dropping the "p".

"Oooooh, details!"

"Since when?"


"Was it completely adorable?"

They blurted out, completley in sync it was scary.

"Good Lord! It is like 10 in the morning, I have woken up, been asked out, pestered, and all before I have been able to eat!" I exclaim in a huff. I peck Beck on the lips, and point at the bar stool. "Sit." He pouts, I glare, he sits. I look at Alex and Addison, and gesture towards the other barstools. "Y'all too." I demand.

"Wow, she is on fire this morning." Alex giggled at Addison's words.

"That's okay, babe. You haven't been that bad." Beck says, sensing that those words made me upset a little bit.

"Thanks, baby." I said, shooting a smile in his direction. Then I look at the girls. "You both are bitches, y'all know that right?" I ask.

"Of course." From Addison.

"That's what we are here for." Alex chimed in. Shooting me the weirdest face ever.

I laughed. "That was... the funniest... face... Oh my... God... It looked... like you were... constipated" I said through fits of laughter.

Addison and Beck joined in with my laughter.

"Fuck you guys, I will go find new friends."

We just laughed even harder, knowing she was just as anti-social as I am.

"Fuck all of you."

"I love you too," I say, grinning at her.

"Yeah, yeah. Sappy stuff is overrated, anyways." I shoot her a glare. "I love you?" She finishes, but it ends up more like a question.

I laugh.

"Shut up and make us breakfast!" She exclaims, pouting.


We all gathered around the kitchen table, and ate our pancakes with smoothies to drink. We talked, and laughed at each other. I was feeling way happier than I have in a long time.

I told the girls about him asking me out, and how sweet it was. They awed.

Then they left, about thirty minutes ago. Me and Beck are snuggled up on the couch, watching Hunger Games.

I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and towards the living room. Then in comes a very hungover Ariel.

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