Chapter 2

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(Y/n)'s POV


I went to the room that had 'Detention' written on the door in big black letters. Did they have to make it so obvious?!

"(Y/n), you're late."
"But it's exactly 3:30. I'm not-"
"When I say you're late, you're late! Now sit down!"
"Y-yes sir."

He was mean. I had to stay here for one hour doing nothing. I had hoped I could do some homework but apparently he was too selfish to even consider us students. We had a lot of assignments and homework and it was as much as how much work they had to mark. I got out a piece of paper.

"No passing notes!"
"But I wasn't going to-"
"Don't talk back to your teacher!" I was just gonna doodle stuff...*sigh*

~1 hour later~

Finally! No more time with 'Mr Angrypants'. I immediately stood up and left. I grabbed my stuff from my locker and started walking home. I saw my sister at a store with her friends. She said goodbye to her friends and came over to me.

"Hey Bianca."
"(Y/n), look at what Lily gave me." She showed me a handmade bracelet.
"It's nice." She smiled. While we were walking home, a thief came running out of a store.
"Hey! Get back here, you slimy rat!" Bianca shouted.

The thief looked angered and aimed a gun at her. I quickly ran in front of her and took the shot instead. He ran away.

"(Y/n)!" My sister had tears in her eyes.
"I'll always remember you, don't follow me."
"But-" I forced a smile.
"You trust me, don't you?" She forced a smile as well and nodded.
"Continue living, aim for your dreams." I painfully walked away and soon, fell down dead in a forest.

No one's POV

(Y/n)'s sister ran home crying and told her parents what had happened. Her parents were even more shocked than Bianca. They immediately had a funeral planned.

"But...where's her body?" Mary (their mother) asked her daughter.
"I-I don't know, she went off somewhere but I have a feeling that she...died," Bianca replied. For the rest of the day, (Y/n)'s family were mourning over her death.

~Now back to (Y/n)~

The tree spirits surrounded her and transformed her. Her eyes shot open. She was now wearing (later-on appearance).

(Y/n)'s POV

I woke up. I remember everything that happened but how come I wasn't dead? I looked at myself and gasped. This outfit was beautiful but how did I change myself?

I shrugged it off and went back home. I walked inside. My whole family was sad...well obviously, they thought I died.

"Hey everyone."

No reply. They just seemed to continue like I wasn't here. My mum stood up and walked straight through me. Huh? What was happening? Didn't...I exist? Was I just a ghost? Tears filled my eyes. I ran to my secret place, a special clearing in a nearby forest and buried my head in my knees.

~A few minutes later~

"Cheer up, snowflake." I looked around.
"Where are you?! How come you can see me?!" A boy dressed in a blue hoody and snow white hair jumped down.
"I'm Jack Frost." My mouth fell open. A memory of my family passed my mind. I looked away from his gaze.
"You really want them to see you're okay, right?" he asked. I nodded.
"I hate seeing people - especially my family - suffer because of me."
"You'll get used to it." He sat down next to me and made a snowflake.
"Wow, how did you do that?!" I asked, amazed.
"I'll tell you everything as long as you promise to keep living for your family, knowing that they're still alive." I nodded slowly.
"I'm a guardian. I have ice powers but only the people that believe in me can see and hear me. The same goes for you...well, mostly."
"So I'm a guardian?"
"Not yet but you will be because that's probably why the moon chose you."
"Why me? I'm a nobody." He held me by my shoulders.
"You're not a nobody!" I decided to change the topic.
"Do I have powers?"
"Try and find out."
"What can I do?"
"Well, you died in a forest so maybe something to do with plants."

Like what? I stood up and saw the tree I had been trying to save for a long time but I was unsuccessful. I touched it and a gold light appeared. The tree started to heal itself. I gasped. I wondered what else I could do.

There was a flower bud. I held up my hand and willed it to grow. It turned into a beautiful carnation. I stretched my arms and swiped down without knowing I could do what I just did.

A tree grew in the direction of my arm and was about to hit me but I quickly sent it in the opposite direction. That was where Jack was. He moved just in time. I stopped it.

"Could've done that a little sooner," he exclaimed. I smiled, a bit embarrassed.
"Can you fly?" he asked. I tried but it wouldn't work. I shook my head.
"Do you even-"
"Yes, you're (Y/n) (L/n), right?" I nodded.
"How did you know?"
"Well, I've been watching you for some time."
"Oi! I was merely watching over you, snowflake."
"Why do you keep calling me that?"
"Because you're just as beautiful as a snowflake." I blushed.
"S-shut up."

(A/N): I hope this chapter was good enough

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