Chapter 12

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(Y/n)'s POV

"You are...on my side now."
"But I'm not evil-"

She got out a book that looked very old and ancient and slammed it on the table. She smiled evilly. *gulp* I slowly started walking towards the door but she shot an arrow at me.

I burnt it, this new power was cool. She just sighed and flicked through the pages until she found the one she was looking for.

"What are you doing?"
"You'll see." She started enchanting this weird spell in some weird ancient language. A light started glowing around me. I felt sleepy.
"What's happening?..." I dropped to the ground. Before I drifted off, I heard her say something about her win.

~1-2 hours later~

I woke up and found myself in an unfamiliar room. The bed had a black sheet and the curtains were black lace. The walls and ceiling were a dark red and the floor had grey carpet. There were a few pictures of black and red roses and other things similar to that kind of theme. Demitra came in.

"You're awake. You are now under my command, shall we try it out?"

I had a bad feeling about this. She said a sentence (in ancient language). It felt like I was being taken over by another soul. I lost my sanity and common sense.

"Now my little servant, go and destroy the guardians." I laughed.
"Your wish is my command." I rushed off.

~Tooth's place~

I walked in slowly and found everyone in the main hall. They all turned their heads and stared at me. Tooth was about to come toward me but I held up a ball of fire. She stopped.

"Hi everyone, I'm here to destroy you. It was very nice to meet you," I said in a weird insane voice.
"(Y/n), what happened to you?!" Jack asked, concerned.
"That's what I would like to find out but you should know the answer to that," I replied with an insane laugh.
"What do you mean?"
"You willingly turned me over to her. Now it's your turn to pay."
"Please let me explain-"
"No! I won't hear any of it!" I ran towards him and made a fire scythe. I sliced it at him but he blocked it with an ice shield.
"Stop it, you two!" North yelled. I smiled sadistically.
"Would you like a go at feeling pain?" He looked shocked.
"What did she do to you?!" Jack asked, disgusted.
"Nothing much."

I continued fighting him. I felt stronger in this self, the other me was weak. That was why I loved. You'd only get hurt in the process. Now, love was just a stupid myth.

"(Y/n), come back to your senses! Would you truly do this?! What if Jamie and Bianca saw you like this?!" Jack argued.

I stopped. Jamie?... Bianca?... He took this chance to lower my hand that was holding the scythe. No! I burnt his arm.

"That's all in the past now!" I smiled like a maniac.
"The look of pain on your face is beautiful."

Everyone looked at me as if I was a hideous creature. I decided to kill them later so I went back to Demitra's hideout. I changed back to my usual self. What did I just do?... Why? Why did I still continue when he mentioned Jamie and Bianca? They weren't involved in why?

Because you're weak.
Who was that?
Your other self.
Get out of my head!
Haha, no can do. I was put here by Demitra and I can't just go out.
Why not?!
I was put here and someone needs to take me out, you idiot.

Ugh! Now I had stupid 'other self' thoughts in my head. I somehow knew the way to my room and sat down at the brown antique desk. Pitch sneaked in from the balcony.

"What are you doing here?!"
"I'm here to talk to you," he replied.
"You're doing things like how I used to. I regret making that decision. I'm here to warn you, nothing good will come out of going on the side of evil. Please listen to me." This did not affect me.
"Go away."
"Please, don't make the wrong choice." I laughed.
"Is this Pitch begging?"
"...Yes, it is and if you don't listen to me now, you'll have the worst times of your life." He disappeared. As if that would happen...right? I went to find Demitra.
"Did you complete the task?" she asked.
"Not yet, I plan to do it later."
"What?! The sooner you kill them the better."
"And why's that?"
"It'll be easier to carry out my plan of creating a world full of servants for me without any 'interruptions'."
"So? What if I don't care about your plan?" She looked mad.
"You'll get punished for that."

She dragged me to an empty room with a single chair in the middle. She strapped my arms and legs to the chair. She then got it a small knife and lightly drew a cross on my arm.

"I much should I do?"

I glared at her and tried to get out but it wasn't budging. She cut me multiple times on my legs and arms. It was bleeding all over. Why couldn't I heal?! Oh wait...that wasn't my power anymore. Damnit, why did this have to turn out like this? Demitra released me and left.

That was fun, I loved the look of pain on your face.
Grrrrr, I hate you.
Do you really?

*sigh* I went to clean up my wounds.

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