Chapter 5

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(Y/n)'s POV

I was at Tooth's place. Playing games with her fairies was fun.

"Hey! That's not fair, I can't fly!" They laughed cheerfully. I made a vine grow out of the ground. It took me to where they were.
"Come on, I just got here!"

They flew away. I followed them on the vine and made other vines shoot out of the ground to try to catch them. I jumped off different vines to try to reach my destination, the crystal flower.

We made up a game to see who could get there first. I won't let you go there first. Unfortunately for me, Tooth arrived first and won the game.

"Hey! You weren't part of the game." She laughed playfully.
"But we still won."
"Whatever." I sat down on a giant leaf. Something cold touched my shoulder. I jumped.
"Did I scare you?" Jack asked cheekily. I punched him lightly.
"It's not my fault my hands are so cold...well, according to you anyway."
"Uh duh, you have ice powers."

He smiled. I felt my cheeks burning slightly. No, this could not be happening to me. Was I falling in love with him? No, I needed more information to confirm this.

"Too busy staring at my handsome face to answer?" Jack joked.
"*blush* What? No! I was just thinking. Anyway, what was your question?"
"Do you want to go see Jamie?"

I nodded. He held me and flew to his house. He accidentally knocked something over and it crashed. It also happened to be expensive chinaware. I gave him a glare. He held his hands up in defence.

"Hurry up and clean it." He sighed and dumped it all in the bin. Seriously?!
"Oh hi (Y/n), Jack," Jamie greeted.
"Oh, hi Jamie."
"You knocked that over, didn't you?" he asked, eyeing Jack suspiciously.
"Not my problem at all."
"So it was you!" Jamie exclaimed, accusing Jack. I laughed.
"Where did you put it?" Jamie asked.
"He dumped it in the bin." Jack looked at me, hoping that I would help him.
"You what?!" Jamie asked, clearly shocked. I gave Jack another glare.
"Come with me right now." Jamie grabbed Jack to his room. I followed him. Then he (Jamie) burst out laughing.
"What's so funny?"
"That was a fake. I hid the real one, having this bad feeling that Jack would knock it over."
"Hey, you got me all worried there," Jack exclaimed. Jamie just shrugged.
"So why did you come here?" asked Jamie.
"Jack asked if I wanted to come and I have a favour to ask you."
"Oh, what is it?"
"Can you...make my sister believe in me...please?"

He smiled. We went to her house. Technically, it was our house but I didn't live here anymore so I couldn't really call it my house. Jamie knocked on the door. My mum answered.

"Hi Jamie, are you here to see Bianca?"
"Yes...if you allow it, that is."
"Of course, please come in."
"Oh, would you mind if we go to the park?" Jamie asked.
"Bianca! Jamie wants to go to the park with you!"
"Okay mum, be right there!" A few seconds later, she came running down the stairs.
"Bye Bianca, have fun."
"Okay, bye mum." She went right through me. Jack looked at me, concerned. I forced a smile.

~At the park~

"Do you know who Jack Frost is?" Jamie asked.
"Am I supposed to?" Bianca replied with another question.
"This is gonna take a while," Jamie said to us.
"Who are you talking to?" Bianca asked.
"Jack and..." I smiled encouragingly at him.
"Don't be stupid, Jamie. My sister's dead and I think you should grow up and stop talking to your imaginary friends."

Bianca pushed past him. Jamie looked hurt. I made a single flower grow out of the ground. It was her favourite, a white lily.

"What just happened?" she asked herself then added, "It must be my imagination." She stepped over it and kept walking. There was no other way to do it.
"Jack, do you still have any snow globes left?" He handed me one.
"Thanks. North Pole." I threw it on the ground. Bianca turned around. Jamie pulled her in. We followed them.

~North's place~

"Jamie, what is going on here?" Bianca asked, a little scared.
"You believe in Santa, right?" Jamie asked. Bianca nodded. North came.
"Who are you?"
"I'm Bianca, it's a pleasure to meet you, Santa."
"So what have you come here for?"
"I don't know, Jamie brought me here." North looked at us.
"(Y/n) wanted her sister to believe in her."
"Well, make something grow then," he said.
"No buts, just try." Bianca looked even more confused. I made a giant cherry blossom grow out of the ground.
"Wow, how did you do that?" Bianca asked.
"Ask Jamie." She looked at him.
"They weren't imaginary friends, Bianca. You believe in Santa so you can see him. I believe in Jack and (Y/n) but you don't, that's why you can't see them."
"...(Y/n)?" I hugged her.
"So who's this Jack guy?" she asked.
"Him." She looked to where I was pointing.
"Where?" He made an ice bunny. It hopped on her head.
"I can see why you have white hair."
"Is that supposed to be a compliment?" Jack asked.
"I think so," she replied. After playing around for a bit more, we took them back home.
"Bye guys, see you next time."
"Bye Bianca."

My Precious Snowflake (Jack Frost x reader)Where stories live. Discover now