Chapter 18

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(Y/n)'s POV

I sat here for a while. Jack had went back inside. I looked at the moon. My life has had lots of ups and downs. Without my friends and family, I didn't think I would have ever had such an interesting life. Thank you. Jake came and sat in my lap.

"Can you understand me now?" I nodded, laughing.
"And I'm glad I can." We sat there for a while before going back inside to bed.

~The next morning~

I woke up and went to find everyone else.

"Good morning (Y/n), we're having breakfast."

I sat down in the empty seat. Yum, bacon and eggs. There were also waffles and pancakes. I ate quite a lot.

"I'm surprised you don't get fat after eating that much," Tooth exclaimed. I laughed.
"I have no idea if that's supposed to be a friendly insult or compliment."
"Kinda both," she replied with smile. When we finished, North announced that we were gonna have a competition.
"Since there aren't many children in the world that still believe in us - because of Demitra - your job will be to get as many kids as possible to believe in us again. The prize is a secret and will be announced at the end of the day," he said.
"3 2 1, go!" I grabbed a snowglobe and went to my hometown first.
"Hey! That's cheating!"  Jack exclaimed. I just shrugged and went off.
"(Y/n), a-are you back to normal?" Bianca asked hesitantly. I nodded with a smile. She hugged me.
"Come on, grab Jamie and meet me in the local park."

A few minutes later, they were there. I explained the whole situation to them. They nodded and agreed to help me and only me. I did a fake evil laugh. They gave me a 'seriously' look.

"Hehe, let's go." How should I do this?
"Hey everyone, there's a burnt down forest nearby. Let's go help revive it!" Jamie shouted.

Everyone followed him. I mouthed a 'thank you' to him. He smiled at me. I began to make the forest regrow. The children were amazed. The parents didn't even bother to look, they just talked to each other.

"Wow look, it's Mother Nature!" one kid exclaimed. I waved at them.
"She's so cool, she can heal plants with a wave of her hand."
"Well, bye Jamie, Bianca. I have other kids to 'help' as well."

I whistled and Jake came. After I left, all the kids surrounded them, asking them stuff like 'How did she know you?'. I was glad I was able to get them to believe in me and help the forest. While I was riding on Jake, Jack met us.

"Hey, I bet I'm gonna win this," he said.
"I doubt it."
"I don't so I'm gonna win."
"That doesn't make any sense."
"I know."
"Wait what?" He just laughed. We raced each other around the world to get as many kids as possible to believe in us again.

~At the end of the day~

"So...who's the winner?"
"No one!" North answered.
"What?!" we all yelled at the same time.
"There was no prize in the first place. I set this up so you all would go."
"But we would've done even if there was no prize!"
"Oh really?" he asked while deep in thought.

We sweatdropped. After a few minutes of arguing, we went off to do whatever we were doing. I went to Jamie's place. Jack followed me there.

"Hey Jamie, want me to help you confess to Bianca-" He covered my mouth but Jack still heard.
"You like Bianca?" Jack asked. Jamie blushed and tried to deny it.
"Yeah right *sarcasm*." I giggled.
"Come on." I grabbed Jamie's hand and controlled a plant to take us to Bianca's window. I opened it and we went in.
"What are you guys doing here?" Bianca asked, annoyed that we came in through her window.
"Jamie wants to tell you something." She looked at him.
"What is it?"
"I uh um l-"
"He likes you," Jack finished for him since he couldn't be bothered waiting. Jamie blushed as red as a beetroot. Bianca blushed as well.
"I-I like y-you too." Jack made a love heart out of ice and broke it in two. He gave a half to both of them.
"You'll be together forever," Jack said, winking at Jamie. They just ate it.
"Eh?! You ate my beautiful artwork!" Jack exclaimed. We laughed.
"Bye guys, I need to go somewhere. See you later." I whistled. Jake came.
"Let's go to the forest." He nodded and flew there. When we arrived, I saw the deer that I had met earlier.
"So you finally went back to your normal self?" I nodded.
"What are you doing here?"
"I just came to talk to you."
"What for?"
"I don't know, I just felt like it." It laughed.
"What's your name?"
"Michael." I smiled. We talked for a bit more.

(A/N): Sorry for the shorter chapter, I have a bit of writer's block

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