Chapter 10

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(Y/n)'s POV

Jack was sitting on the roof. I silently walked up to him.

"Hey Jack." He turned around, I poked his cheek. He smiled a little.
"Got you." I sat down next to him.
"How can you do that?" he asked.
"Do what?"
"Remain so...calm when everything turned out to be a disaster." I shrugged.
"I've gotten used to it, I guess." He sighed.
"You know, my mum told me a story once." He looked at me as if to tell me to keep going.
"There was a little girl with no name. Everyone teased her about it and even managed to hurt her. Her parents always said to never give up, even if everyone else thought all hope is lost. Always remain calm, friendly, keep pushing forward. Until one day, her strength lead her to becoming a leader. Everyone admired her. Her bullies soon regretted what they did. But she forgave them and her name became Yurushi, meaning forgiveness." He looked peaceful.
"Thanks, you've made me decide."
"Decide what-" He kissed me. *blush* He looked at me.
"I love you, snowflake."
"Just say you love me."
"I l-love y-you." He smiled. I blushed even more. Gosh, he was making me a blushing mess.
"We should go back." We went back inside and everyone congratulated us.
"So, are we invited to your wedding?" Bunny asked.
"What?!" Jack and I yelled at the same time.
"Just kidding, calm down." Jack glared at him.
"Is that a fight you want?!"
"Bring it on, ice block." North pushed both of them back.
"Bye guys, Jack and I are going to see some friends." I grabbed Jack. We went to Jamie's place.
"Hey guys, long time no see."
"(Y/n)! Jack!" For some reason, Bianca was with him.
"Hey, can we go to watch a movie?!" Jamie asked, super excited.
"Okay?" Bianca dragged us outside.
"Bye mum!"
"Have fun."

They dragged us to the movies but must've looked like weirdos to other people that couldn't see us. It seemed that they had already bought movie tickets. We were sitting in the middle rows. It was (movie name). The movie started after what felt like an hour.

~After movie~

"I'm hungry," Bianca whined.
"What do you want to eat?"
"I don't know, a lot of stuff?" We sweatdropped.
"That doesn't help," Jamie commented.
"I know, you like Italian food. Come on, I know a good place."

Everyone followed me to wherever I was taking them. We arrived a few minutes later. Obviously, Jack and I didn't get anything, although we did try to steal an ice cream bar. But it sorta failed because everyone thought it was a ghost except for some of the children. We just sat there waiting for them to finish.

"Who's paying?" Jack asked. Jamie and Bianca looked at each other.
"Don't tell me you didn't bring any money?"
"What?! How are you going to get out?" Bianca went up to the waitress and said in a super sweet voice, "Miss, we forgot our money. Would you mind if we gave it to you next time?" She thought for a minute.
"Yeah, that's okay. As long as you promise to bring it."
"I promise." The waitress smiled. We left.
"That was lucky," exclaimed Jack.
"Are you actually going to bring the money?" Jamie asked.
"If I go there with my parents," Bianca replied. "Wow *sarcasm*"
"Now what?" Jack asked, not knowing what to do.
"Hang around?" Jamie suggested. We all just shrugged and agreed.
"Oh look, it's Bianca, the creepo," one brunette said. What?!
"I'm gonna kill you for calling my sister a creepo!" Jack held me back. I used my hand to grab a vine around her leg.
"Ugh, what is this disgusting thing? Get it off me!"

That made me angrier. I was about to surround her in more but Jack held my hand. Could I control plants with my mind as well? I tried it and it actually worked.

"Watch what you say, you could have a painful death," Jamie said. We all looked shocked.

~After they left~

"Thank you Jamie."
"Oh, it was nothing." We took them home.

(A/N): Sorry for the short chapter, I have a bit of writer's block.

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