Sad Ending

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(A/N): Just a heads up, these endings aren't connected

(Y/n)'s POV

~Half a year later~

I was walking around the place. *sigh* What was there to do? I turned at the corner and bumped into Tooth. She looked really excited.

"Um, what's up?"
"Oh nothing, nothing at all, hehe," she replied quickly and rushed off. That was weird and unexpected. I whistled and Jake came.
"I'm bored."
"Seriously? Go play with Jamie/Bianca or something."
"Can you please take me there?" He nodded.

I got on and he flew off. I wonder where Jack was. I haven't seen him all morning. He usually always hung with me. He must have something to do, yeah that must be it.

"Relax (Y/n), it's not like Jack's abandoned you. He would never do that and if he does, we'll still be here for you."
"Thanks Jake."

Jack's POV

I met up with Tooth in a nearby forest.

"Is she gone?"
"Yep, we can finally have some time alone," Tooth replied. I smiled and kissed her.
"I love you." She blushed and giggled.
"I love you too."

I felt like there was something missing when I was with (Y/n) but Tooth made me complete. I realised that she was the one I loved. I still pretended to date (Y/n) so that she wouldn't get upset. This has been happening for the past half year. Tooth was my only reason for living. She sat on my lap.

"I'm sorry I didn't notice your love all those years ago."
"It's okay, Jack. As long as you love me now," she replied happily. She was the best.

(Y/n)'s POV

We arrived. Apparently, Bianca had gone on a holiday to (place) with our parents for a week. I was left with Jamie. We went to the forest (not the same one as the one Jack and Tooth's in). Jake returned to his normal form and sat beside me. Jamie sat on the other side of me.

"Why isn't Jack here?" Jamie asked.
"I don't know. He always shrugs it off, he's been acting a bit weird lately." Jamie looked down.
"What is it?"
"Oh nothing." I gave him a seriously look.
"Come on, spill the beans." He sighed.
"I'm sorry (Y/n), I just can't tell you." I wonder what he was talking about. I stared out into the distance.
"Hey, do you want to do something?"
"Yeah, it's better than sitting here all day," he replied.

I laughed and made a swing out of leaves and vines. Jamie jumped on. I made it swing by itself. I made one for myself and Jake.

~A few minutes later~

We were resting while drinking (drink). Jamie looked troubled by something.

"Jamie, is there something you want to talk about? You know you can tell me anything, right?"
"I's just that-" He stopped in the middle of his sentence.
"Calm down." He smiled weakly.
"I hate lying to you, (Y/n). But...I haven't exactly been honest with you about Jack."
"Well, what is it?"
"He...he's dating Tooth. He loves her and only her." What?! He...only pretended to love me? I was upset and angry.
"No (Y/n), don't confront him!" But I had already went off with Jake.


I tiptoed to behind a nearby tree. Jake was on top of a tree, hiding.

"Tooth, I'll protect you for as long as I live. I was wrong to love (Y/n)."
"Yeah, I know. I mean, (Y/n) is a good friend and all but...why would you see something in her first and not me?"
"I'm sorry." I stepped out. I glared at the both of them.
"So all that was a lie?"
"(Y/n), I-I can explain-"
"No! This is what I get?! After all the things we went abandon me?!" He looked down. Tooth slapped me.
"What is your problem?! He obviously saw something better in me."

I was shocked. I kicked her and used vines to tighten around her. Jack used an ice sword to cut the vines. I had cuts all over my arms and legs. He looked angered. Jamie came running towards us.

"How could you tell her?!" Jack asked, furious.
"I can't lie to her-"
"Shut up!"

Jack sent a wave of ice towards him. Jamie was hurt badly. I gasped. He would dare hurt Jamie?! I kicked and punched Jack. I would never forgive him! Jamie was still unconscious. Jack and Tooth teamed up against me.

Both of them combined were stronger than me. I would never lose to those backstabbers! Suddenly, I felt something pierce my heart. Tooth just giggled. Jack remained emotionless. He had stabbed me. I fell. Jake growled.

"Jake...don't, he'll hurt you." Jack and Tooth tried to leave but were held back by an angry looking Jake and a shocked Bunny.
"Please...look after Jamie and Bianca for me. Jake, take care." I closed my eyes.

North's POV

"Jack! Tooth! You two will no longer remain guardians! I will find someone to replace you. I never want to see you two again!"

They just shrugged and left. I went to (Y/n)'s side. *sigh* We would always remember you. Rest in peace. Tears filled our eyes. Suddenly, her body turned into a beautiful plant. I picked Jamie up. Thank you for everything.

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