Chapter 8

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(Y/n)'s POV

We were still watching them play with Jake.

"Hey (Y/n)- nevermind." I looked at him, confused. A black arrow shot at them but Jake caught it in his mouth.
"What was that?!" I stood protectively in front of Jamie and Bianca. Pitch's nightmares appeared.
"Who's fear is drawing them in?" Jack asked. I looked at Bianca. She was trembling.
"Hey, everything's gonna be alright, okay?"

I smiled gently at her. She held my hand. Strangely, Pitch wasn't here. Jake was already attacking them. We fought them as well, while trying to keep Jamie and Bianca safe. I made a large basket thing out of branches and vines.

"Get in." They did as I told them.
"You'll be safe in there but if they do somehow manage to break through, call me."

They nodded. I went off to help Jack and Jake. Soon, they went away. The basket disappeared. Jamie and Bianca jumped out then ran over to us. Jake turned back to his normal form then fell asleep. I picked him up.

"(Y/n), I'm so sorry. I was the reason they came..." Bianca said with tears in her eyes. I knelt down to her level.
"Don't worry about it. It wasn't your fault." Jack froze an arrow that was about to hit me.
"Seriously, where are these arrows coming from?!"

They weren't Pitch's arrows. A girl with long blonde hair and cold, grey eyes jumped down. She had light pink highlights in her hair. I couldn't see the rest of her face because she was wearing a black mask. The rest of her clothing consisted of black jeans, a dark grey tshirt and a ripped denim jacket.

"Who are you?"
"I'm Demitra, the 'guardian' of life and death." Our eyes widened.
"So what do you do? Why are you here?"
"I have white arrows for life and black arrows for death. They decide who is gifted with life and who is supposed to die. I am here to kill you. Apparently, you are the victim of destroying numerous forests and...killing my family."
"What?!" Jack glared at her.
"Do you have any proof?" he asked. She showed photos of me destroying forests and killing people. Jack got really mad.
"I have watched her my whole life and she has done nothing you have just described!"
"I am sorry if I am incorrect but my master never lies. He is the one who created me." What was she saying?
"I will avenge my family and those forests that I grew so close to!" she stated, fiercely.
"Jamie, Bianca, go home."
"Just go, before you get hurt." They hesitated but soon went. Demitra shot multiple black arrows at me but Jack froze them.
"If those won't work against you then maybe this will!"

She shot a blast of pure death at me but Jack shielded me. He fell but I managed to catch him. He was still breathing but he was unconscious. I glared at her, it felt like my heart just broke in two. I put Jake next to him and stood up.

"Demitra, who's your master?"
"Pitch, he was unable to kill you so he told me to." Huh?! Gold sand surrounded her. Sandy was here.
"What are you guys doing here?"
"We thought you might need help," North replied. Bunny got his boomerangs out.
"Mate, I won't go easy on you for hurting my friends."
"I don't intend you to," she replied. Nightmares gathered around us. We started fighting them.

Jack's POV

~A few minutes later~

I woke up but my body hurt a lot. Jake had already woken up but it seemed that he was still recovering from spending too much time in his other form. Everyone had arrived and were fighting them.

(Y/n) and Demitra were versing each other. But (Y/n) turned around because she heard a noise. Demitra took this chance to shoot one of her death arrows at her.

"(Y/n), watch out!"

She turned around just in time to catch the arrow. I sighed in relief. Soon after that, Demitra and the nightmares went away.

(Y/n)'s POV

I sat down. That was tiring. We got on North's sled and went back. Tooth lost a few of her feathers and almost fell but I steadied her.

"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine."

They all went back to their own places to rest. As for me, I had nowhere to go so I just stayed in one of North's guest rooms. And I had no idea where Jack was staying.

"Wanna play chess?" He nodded. We had won five games each.
"This one decides the winner."

~A few minutes later~

"Checkmate, I win."
"I demand a rematch!"

I laughed. We kept playing rematches until we got so competitive that North had to come in and tell us to shut up.

"Sorry, hehe."

He sighed then left. I turned the lights off then went to bed. Jake just fell asleep on the floor. Jack wrapped his arms around me.

"J-Jack, what a-are you doing?" I asked, blushing.
"I'm tired, snowflake."
"Then go rest somewhere else."
"Can't be bothered and I'd rather spend time with you." I blushed harder. I felt my heart beating faster. He fell asleep.
"Why me, Jack?..." I sat there thinking about it. *knock knock* North came in.
"I brought you some homemade cookies," he whispered.
"Thank you." He put them on the table and left. I decided to eat them tomorrow. I fell asleep.

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