Chapter 1: Waking up to a Nightmare

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  • Dedicated to Matthew Phillips

Chapter One  

Waking up to a Nightmare


I'm Ana, I'm nineteen years old and I think my family is the reason the world is ending. I awoke to the sounds of laughter coming from downstairs. Sitting up I looked at my alarm clock, only to scowl. Seven a.m. on a Saturday morning, great. Shaking my head, I threw back the covers to go to the bathroom just as Ashton, my sister and twin, sat up in the bed across from me. I giggled at her nest of blonde hair. Her blue eyes were blank as she mumbled something about chicken then she laid back down and threw the cover back over her head. Shaking my head again I walked into the bathroom.  

It wasn't until after my shower that I looked into the mirror. I scrunched my nose as I brushed my bright red hair, red, I hated red. And to make me even weirder my eyes were violet, not exactly normal colors. I was pulling on my bell bottom Jean's when there was a knock on the door. 

"Ana, I have to use the restroom, please." I laughed at the somber tone as I opened the door to see Avon. She was seven but don't let age fool you, her I.Q was higher than mine. I looked down only to gasp as I run a hand through her hair. 

"Avon, your hair it's..." Avon rolled her violet eyes as she shut the door. I could hear her muffled response through the door. 

"Purple. Duh, I know. I think it's cool and now I match." Good grief mom would kill her. I was headed downstairs when Ashton stumbled past me towards the bathroom. 

"Avon's in there." Ashton sighed but said nothing whereas I would have threw a fit. Avon would bite her tongue off before saying a word, she hated a conflict. I was halfway to the kitchen when there was a knock on the door. I opened the door to see mom and dad standing on the porch soaked in blood. Both of them had deep lacerations on their face and arms and one of mom's fingers was gone. Their eyes were lifeless as I stared at them in horror. They reached for me, blood dripping down their faces as I screamed in terror.


"Ana, wake up, it's okay." Sobbing I opened my eyes to see Ashton and Avon looking at me, worried. They both leaned in to hug me while Avon's left hand hung useless at her side. I'd edited that in my dream, her crippled arm, but had left her in purple hair. Only mom had never seen it. We'd awoken to silence and I'd known instantly something was wrong. Mom and dad had still been on a date when we'd gone to bed but mom was always up before us. When we got up and she wasn't there we had started searching. Several hours later there was a cop was at the door telling us they'd been killed out on a moonlight picnic by what looked like rabid wolves. I'd had to I.D. the bodies and I was still having nightmares. 

"Ana." I looked at Ashton as I realized I was crying again. Using my free hand I wiped the tears away as we all sat back against the bed frame. I glanced at the clock to see it was eight a.m. They both looked at me as I pulled the hair band off my wrist and put my hair into a ponytail. Both of them gasped, and then looked at each other, and then they looked back at me. 

Then they grabbed my hand and pulled me towards my bathroom. I started to ask them what was going on as they pointed me towards the mirror. I screamed in terror as my hands flapped around my face. 

"What the hell? What? How? Shit." I looked over at Ashton and Avon to see that both of them had pointed ears as well. How the hell did you get elf ears over night? Taking a deep breath I let my hair down so my ears were hidden as did Avon and Ashton.  

"Avon, go downstairs and see if we got some milk and cereal, please." Avon rolled her eyes and left the room mumbling about her I.Q being higher than ours. I waited till she left then looked at Ashton. She looked perfect with her straight blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Her skirt and blouse were immaculate but I knew she was freaking out inside. I started to pace as I spoke. 

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