Chapter 11: What's A Little Monster Slime Among Friends?

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I walked in the gym to a room of kids ranging from eight to seventeen. I stopped a few feet in front of them as a couple snickered. I eyed them remembering what Ax had always told me. Find the biggest and the meanest and take them out. That way you could get respect from the others. My gaze landed on a guy with green and black hair. I couldn't tell how old he was but green and black hair? The kid was camo. What did that say about him? Thinking as a fighter I eyed him carefully. He was built like a tank with wide shoulders and lots of muscle. He outweighed me by at least a buck fifty so I'd make my point if I took him to the mat. I looked at Zak and the guards sitting on the bleachers. Wic met my gaze and nodded. I grinned. He knew what I was going to do. 

"So can we get on with this or what?" I turned my attention to who was speaking and realized it was camo boy. I smiled. 

"What's your name, Camo boy?" He sneered as several of the other kids chuckled at either my nickname for him or his starkness. I was betting the latter. 

"My name is Xeon and I am not a child. I am eighteen and I am three times bigger than you, Banshee." I waved my hand in the air in a dismissive gesture as I spoke. 

"Look X I could take you right here and now. I've been fighting people bigger than me since I was eight." He snickered and I raised a brow as he spoke. 

"You can't take me, world killer." Zak's fury was so strong I felt it hit me in a wave. I turned and met his eyes from across the gym where he'd risen to a stand on the bleachers.  I quicklyspome to him in my head.

"I got this Zak, please." He nodded but I could see his struggle to hold back his anger as he settled back down on the bleachers. I turned back to X, sweeping a practice stick from the floor and tossing it to him as he stepped forward.  

"You're going to need that." He sneered again as his eyes flashed black. Creepy much? 

"You have no weapon." 

"If I wanted one I'd have one." I pulled swords from the air and the snickering from behind him stopped as everyone stared at me. He scowled and stepped onto the mat as I let the swords fade out. 

"Only a Diha should be able to do that." I gestured for him to come get me. 

"Let's do this, kid." He growled and rushed forward as he swung his stick. I stepped back and stopped the stick an inch from my side. I yanked forward as I swept my leg at his feet. He let go of the stick and leapt behind me. I ducked and rolled on the ground as I tossed the stick to the side. He landed on top of me as I slammed my feet into his stomach and tossed him over my head. I quickly rolled to my feet as he lunged at me full tilt. I laughed and kicked him in the nuts. He bent over and I yanked his shirt over his head as I gave him a wedgie then I shoved him on his ass. He was struggling to get free when I turned and stepped closer to the rest of the class. 

"If you fight fair with the bad guys they'll kill you. They..." I felt my bond to Zak pulse as I whirled around to X. He'd tied a knife to the end of his practice stick and was throwing it at me. I threw myself backwards into the floor. It wasn't until I hit the floor that I realized who it would hit. I opened my mouth to scream at V as I leapt to my feet only to see the stick was frozen in the air. I looked around to see that everything was frozen in time except me. I slid my hand through my hair struggling to think and not panic. Shit, I had no idea how to unfreeze them.  

I pushed the stick so it was turned towards an empty wall and looked at Zak. He might know what to do. I walked over to him and ran my hands down his arms as I leaned forward and kissed him. I felt something shimmer and he was kissing me back his tongue sliding over mine. He pulled me into his lap and I felt him pressed against my ass. I squirmed as he slid a hand to grasp my breast. I stopped kissing him so I could slide my tongue over his ear. I bit down gently as he shuddered and whispered in my ear. 

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