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Draco walked slowly to the front door, dragging his feet and attempted to open t, only to remember that Hermione had placed as many locking spells on it as she could the night before. Groaning in irritation, he removed all of them as quickly as he could, a sneer automatically appearing on his face as he opened it, and found himself face to face with one of his friends.

He stifled a yawn, and rubbed the back of his neck. He really did hate being woken up before he woke up, he made a mental note to point that out to Granger.

"Did you have a late night, mate?" Blaise Zabini asked with a smirk, hitting Draco on the back and walking in and looking around his second home with a satisfied, knowing smile on his face.

"What the hell are you doing here, Zabini? It's far too early in the morning for this." Draco yawned again.

Blaise raised an eyebrow. "It's Friday, Draco. I always come here on Fridays for the weekly report on the company. Plus, today is the day that you actually get to do something. Plus, what's with all the locking charms on the gates? Are you avoiding some girl again?"

Draco stared at him blankly. Blaise let out a sigh of irritation, waving away the questions. He walked into the empty dining room, noticing that Draco stiffened slightly. Blaise wondered what his best friend was hiding from him now...or who. Draco wasn't usually good at hiding things from him, Blaise had known the guy far too long to know that something was going on.

He pretended not to notice and dug his hands into his pockets, not unused to seeing his friend in almost no clothes. It was a bad habit that he'd had since school, sleeping in nothing but boxers.

The guy was an idiot when it came to common sense.

"Draco, its 11:55 in the morning, which means that you have, oh, I don't know, five minutes to get to Ireland for the meeting!" Blaise finished his sentence with a raised eyebrow. He let it sink in, watching the uninterested look on Draco's face evaporate into that of shock as he shouted "oh crap!" and ran out of the room.

Draco smacked himself across the forehead as he bolted for his room. Today was the day he was going to make the one of the biggest deals of his life, today was the day he finally got to do something for his company and he was hanging around here? Draco changed at record speed, finding acceptable clothes that smelled okay and was racing downstairs just in time to hear Blaise ask someone, "and you are?"

For a second, Draco panicked. If Blaise figured out Draco was harbouring the most wanted witch in England in his house, he wouldn't hear the end of it. Sure, even Blaise and Granger had been friends during school, but Blaise was sane and would probably alert the Ministry anyway.

Plus, the man had an unhealthy addiction to attention and the spotlight.

Then again, Blaise was talking to Granger, the Hermione Granger as long as she had her disguise on, it would be alright. She was smart enough to know not to tell him who she was. At least, he hoped so, otherwise he'd have to lock Blaise in a cupboard, again.

Rushing to the room, Draco heard a soft, girly voice reply, "I'm Daniela. It's a pleasure to meet you! I've heard so much about you from Draco!" Damn that accent!

Draco raced into the dining room to find a petit, black haired, blue eyed beauty talking to his best friend, leaning against one of the table chairs like she was modelling it for a magazine, her face lit up in an interested smile as Blaise practically stumbled and drooled his way over to her.

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