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Draco watched the owl fly off towards the Weasley-Potter residence with a frown on his face. He had advised against letting the she-Weasel know anything, but Hermione had insisted on telling her something or other. There was a nagging feeling in the back of his mind, yelling at him that there was something she wasn't telling him, but he ignored it.

There wasn't any point in trying to convince her to reveal everything to him anyway, she was stubborn and determined and it was kind of hard to win an argument against her.

The woman in question was sitting on a dry patch of grass on top of the grassy hill they'd apparated to after leaving Kurt's house. Her form was relaxed and there was a small smile on her face, like she was thinking happy thoughts.

He sat himself beside her and sighed quietly to himself, wishing that they were here under different circumstances. It would have been nice to be here, next to her for the sake of it, and not because they were avoiding being tracked by a murderer and her best friend.

"It's kind of weird, isn't it?" He finally broke the silence, staring out over the sea visible from where they sat. Hermione glanced up surprised and frowned, "what's weird?" she asked, drawing her knees up to her chest and observing him sideways.

A small breeze played with a few strands of her hair that had escaped the ponytail, and the irreplaceable scent of oranges and cinnamon filled the air. Draco took a deep breath, not surprised when he found himself relaxing too. It had become such a familiar scent, one that he was beginning to realise that he'd been able to smell around here, even back at school. It was the scent he'd begun to associate with her that his body reacted to it without thinking.

"The situation we're in, Granger. It's weird." He answered simply. Hermione considered his words, biting the corner of her bottom lip in thought before she nodded.

"I agree, it's just like the battle of Hogwarts all over again, except this time, I'm the bad guy." Her tone was upbeat and the smile on her face wasn't forced, but Draco scowled at her words.

That hadn't been what he'd meant at all. Why did she always presume the worst case, even from him? why would he even mean that? He sighed, stubborn witch.

She played with the ring on her ring finger wistfully and he frowned, surprise that the ring on his own finger hadn't irritated him at all. It didn't feel weird or new, and he hadn't even noticed its presence in a long time either. Had its magic stopped working, then?

"Don't be so negative, Granger. I meant the fact that I'm enjoying such a day with you is weird. The last time we did something like this was before our graduation ceremony at Hogwarts and we got in trouble for being late for the Heads' speeches." He reminded her, trying to get her to forget about her earlier words.

At the memory of McGonagall's red face at their appearance twenty minutes after they were supposed to start, Hermione found herself grinning. "Oh yeah. Ginny was convinced that you and I were doing things we shouldn't be and everyone kept staring at us because we were such a mess during the speech. We kept mucking it up and laughing about it! I'm pretty sure that Blaise was smirking at me the whole time that day too."

"She-Weasel thought we were doing what? What are these things we shouldn't have been doing?" Draco inquired, intrigued at her words. He hadn't heard this side of the story before, though he was pretty sure he knew what the red-haired girl meant. She hadn't been the only one to notice the sceptical whispers flying around after they'd come to the Great Hall together for the ceremony, looking a mess.

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