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One moment Draco had been standing next to Hermione, exactly where he wanted to be, about to fight off that cruel joke of a man, and the next she had thrown him a portkey and he was in the middle of nowhere.

It had taken him a few seconds to figure out how he'd managed to end up here, and what it was that Hermione had just done, and then another few to feel the dreadful fear creep into his heart.

Hermione was now all alone with that creepy masked guy. What if something terrible happened to her? How was he supposed to survive without her in his life?

He clenched the necklace she'd thrown at him, tightly in his hand, but the magic on it was gone, like it was a one-way ticket away from her. He stared at the silver chain, and felt his heart break.

All those years ago, after their graduation, before they'd all gone their separate ways and he wouldn't see Hermione Granger for years, as a thank you for everything that she'd done for him and his house, he'd given her a simple gift. As a play on the nickname that everyone had given her, the Princess of Gryffindor, he'd gotten Blaise to help him pick out a simple silver chain with a pendant shaped like that of a crown.

All these years, and she'd kept that silly thing, and she'd given it back to him, along with his safety. With his life.

Stupid, stupid Granger.

If this was some kind of a message, then she was going to have to explain it to his face herself. He'd never been good at reading between the lines anyway.

He was going to see her again and face to face, she was going to explain why she'd sent him away. Nodding to himself and making up his mind, Draco apparated back to Hogsmede and ran all the way to the school grounds, the necklace placed safely around his neck.

She was a princess alright, and he was going to be the one to save her this time. No matter what.

Arriving back at the hallway where he'd been with Hermione not twenty minutes ago, he found the place deserted. The Aurors were still at the Astronomy Tower, trying to put of the flames, and the love of his life was with a psycho killer who wanted her dead.

Even that crazy bitch with the soap name had disappeared.

It was then, for maybe the second time in his life that he felt anguish for Hermione. The first time, it had been out of his hand, after all jumping in while Bellatrix had been questioning her, would have gotten everyone killed. His aunt had been mentally insane, and he'd been young and foolish and afraid to stop it, even if it had hurt him deeply to see her being tortured, but now...

Now though, Draco faced reality like the man he was. There was no way that he was going to allow anyone to take Hermione away from him again. This time, even if he died, she was going to get out of here alive. This time, he was going to kill that son of a hag and rescue her.

He tucked the necklace inside his shirt, finding a little comfort when the cold pendant pressed against eh flushed skin of his chest.

Now, all he had to do was figure out where that Hag's son had taken her in the first place and rescue her and live happily ever after. Both he and Hermione deserved a happily ever after, especially after everything they'd been through, and nothing would get in his way.

Draco could feel his blood rushing around his body in anger, his mind filled with worry of what could be happening to her right now, whilst he was here, like a lost child. It was easy to tell himself that nothing would get in his way, but finding her was going to be a problem. Hogwarts was a maze of places to hide away.

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