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Blaise groaned as his neck cracked from being in an odd position for so long. He licked his dry lips and looked around, blinking at the darkness around him, not entirely sure where he was.

The last thing he could remember was...

And then it all came rushing back to him, hitting him like a bucket of cold water and he sat up in horror at what he knew.

Everything that was going on, there was so much more to it. That madman with the mask on, not only was Blaise aware of who he was, but it was dawning on him what the terrible plan that required Draco and Hermione, was as well, and if he was right, things were not going to end well for anyone.

To frame Hermione, and get her to go on the run with Draco of all people, gods, this was a sick, twisted idea of a plan, and he found it hard to believe that that man had come up with it all on his own. Who else was involved in all this?

How was he going to tell Hermione and Draco? They had to know!

Blaise took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. There was no point in freaking out right now, it wouldn't help him out of this situation in any way. He winced was his lungs expanded, and the bruises along his sides began to sting. He'd been knocked out soon after the silencing spell had been lifted and waking up in a creepy dark dungeon was not the greatest gift in the world.

He glanced around the dark room, carefully this time, hoping to find something to help him escape, and noticed for the first time, he wasn't alone.

In the dim light of a fading candle in the corner of the room, Blaise spotted two other pairs of eyes watching him carefully, as if afraid he might jump at them or something. It took him a moment to figure out that the first pair of bright blue eyes belonged to Ronald Weasley, the dead Ronald Weasley, who apparently wasn't dead.

The second pair of eyes were blue and cold, watching him with great judgement and irritation, and belonged to none other than Pansy Parkinson, who also was not dead.

Sufficient to say Blaise Zabini was pretty sure that he was being haunted by ghosts until he noticed the shackles binding them to the wall and he forced his voice to work.

"You guys...aren't dead!?" his dry throat made him sound like a dry old hag, and he hated it. Blaise Zabini was always supposed to sound sexy, that stupid madman had ruined his voice too!

Pansy, ever the Slytherin, rolled her eyes, wondering why of all the people to end up in a dungeon with, presumed dead, it had to be the red-headed freak and the biggest idiot in Slytherin next to Goyle. Neither of them were any good at anything, what she was supposed to do with them?

Ron glared at the Italian boy, struggling against the ropes that had been holding him hostage, "no, idiot, obviously we aren't dead, or we wouldn't be here talking to you, obviously! We're not dead, and Hermione hasn't killed anyone and Malfoy better not get his grubby paws on her!"

Pansy just bit her lips and sighed heavily, her eyes wondering around the dungeon she'd been in for almost two years of her life. The two of them sounded like they were in hell, but neither of them had even been here for a week. Stupid idiots.

Blaise just looked between the two, not knowing how to react. "But...but if you two aren't dead, what about the bodies that were found? I saw the reports and the articles about it in the newspaper, they found both your bodies!" Blaise argued, trying to convince himself that maybe they were ghosts.

It was an easier theory to believe than that they were simply not dead. H sat up in a more comfortable position; something that was hard to do with both arms tied being his back, well at least he wasn't shackled to the wall.

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