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Draco opened his eyes, only to shut them again quickly as a wave of nausea passed over him. Kneeling on the ground, he attempted to get his breathing under control as Hermione stood up and observed their surroundings in grim determination. "What happened to giving people a warning before apparating, Granger?" he asked, rubbing his forehead and standing up slowly.

"Coming from the guy who kidnapped me twice? That's rich! That's how I felt both times you dragged me to the Manor, deal with it." Hermione answered tersely.

He glanced at her and found her lips pulled into an unimpressed frown as she stared at him evenly. "Granger, don't be mad at me for what happened, it wasn't entirely my fault!"

Hermione scowled and rolled her shoulders, "I'm not mad at you, Malfoy. I'm mad at the situation that I'm in right now. I'm mad at Rita Skeeter for being a nosy bug and I'm mad at myself for not being able to see this happening already."

"Happening already?"

Hermione glanced around the beach, glad that it was deserted. It was three in the morning here, after all, but early risers had been a risk she'd been willing to take. "Yeah, I knew something like this was going to happen the moment I decided to come to the Manor willingly. The very fact that I was there meant that the world finding out where I was, was a huge possibility. I expected a ministry visitation to your place if someone else was found dead, but I didn't expect it to be Ron and I didn't expect it to happen before even a week was up. Plus, Rita wasn't supposed to turn up until much later and in that scenario, I was supposed to jump in and knock her out..."

Draco stared at her blankly, exactly how far ahead had she been thinking when she'd come asking for his help? And what kind of a plan was that?

"Well, it can't be helped. You and I have a hell of a lot of bad luck, staying together, it was inevitable something terrible was going to happen." She pulled out her wand from the depths of her sleeves and straightened her posture. "We can stay in one of the hotels for now, our bodies are used to England's time zones so we'll start to feel really tired soon, resting now is the only way we can keep going."

Draco nodded absentmindedly, watching as she waved her wand over herself, her eyes closed in concentration. Her brown locks got longer and began to turn black in the early morning sun, her pale skin tan, and when she opened her eyes again, they were a deep blue.

"You're wondering when there is a spell like this, why do people bother using Polyjuice potion, right?" she asked as she transfigured her casual jeans and shirt into a flowery yellow summer dress, sighing as her comfortable jeans transformed, she really did hate dresses, and they were annoying and almost impossible to run in.

"How did you know?" he asked, taken aback by her words. Indeed, he'd been considering why there were so many people that went to all the trouble of finding the ingredients for that complicated potion when Hermione's spells seemed to work just as well.

She flicked her long hair away and focused on him, motioning for him to stand still as she began casting spells. "Polyjuice potion only works if the person you're transforming into is still alive, and it changes you entirely into that person, minus the personality and mind, however, the spells that I developed are basically an illusion. Even though it might look like I've changed my looks to you, it's only because the spells I cast, play tricks with the light to make anyone who looks at you think you're someone else."

The spells she'd developed? Draco watched her as his blond hair turned dark brown and his eyes turned black, before she finally changed his clothing to bright tourist shorts and a simple white t-shirt. "We need a new persona, names and whatnot. Got any ideas?" she asked, tucking her wand into the small beaded bag at her side.

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