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Draco shifted in his sleep, turning to his side and sighing in his sleep. It was the most peaceful rest he'd had in a long time, the kind that came with a clear head and a heart that was beating for someone else.

He pulled the blanket higher to his neck and blinked his eyes open suddenly, uncomfortable with the feeling that he was being watched. He sat up suddenly, rubbing the sleep away and scrutinised his room, catching sight of the irregular shadow over by the door. It was easy to spot a mishap in his room, after all this had been his room since he'd been born; he could tell if something was wrong in pitch black and it was pitch black and there was something wrong.

There was someone in his room and it certainly wasn't Granger.

"One should generally introduce themselves before inviting themselves into another person's room, don't you think?" Draco asked, searching for his wand under his pillow. It wasn't there.

"Looking for your wand Draco? I'm afraid you won't be able to find it. And as for introductions, where is the fun in that?" her voice was confident, and the wand pointed at his chest was a clear indication as to why. He was unarmed and there was a stranger in his room.

"What is the fun if you know who I am, Mr Draco Malfoy? But don't worry, I'm not here to harm you, though I won't hesitate to scar that handsome face of yours if you try and get smart with me. All I want are some answers and I'll hand you back your wand and leave you alone." She stayed in the darkness of the shadow cast by the door, away from the open drapes of his curtain where the moon light was flooding in.

Draco vaguely acknowledged recognising her voice. He'd heard her before, knew her from somewhere. He frowned in thought, trying to remember when and who.

She didn't wait for him to say or do anything, continuing anyway. "I know you have Hermione Granger in your custody; I want to know why and how." Draco sat up in his bed slowly, making sure not to alarm her.

"You want the truth, huh?" he asked.

There was a moment of silence as if she didn't know how to respond to that statement. Draco wondered if she'd done anything to Hermione, but waved off that thought. Granger was smarter than anyone else he knew, there was no way that some witch had managed to get to her so easily...though the fact that this woman had managed to get through the Manor's wards and infiltrate his bedroom was something.

"I'll ask the questions, Mr Malfoy. Don't question me or answer my questions with more questions, I don't like it. I'll let this time pass as a first and last time offence. Don't think that I'm some sort of an idiot, I will harm you if you try and trick me." Her voice didn't waver, which wasn't a good sign.

Typical, of course the first woman in his room after so long was deranged and willing to harm him, that was just his luck.

He licked his dry lips, "I'll tell you anything you need to know, if you tell me how you got into my house without making the wards go off or trap you." He held his breath. He needed to know how she managed to bypass the security system and into his room. If there was a breach in his defences, he needed to know it, otherwise someone else might sneak in and hurt Hermione when she least expected it.

She snorted and stepped towards him slightly, like she was making sure that it was really him after all. "That's a stupid question. I cast a spell; I'm a witch, that's what I do. It was a complicated little spell that was invented by your Miss Granger to break apart the defences in wards for a couple of minutes. It would have helped all those helpless Auror friends of hers immensely if I hadn't stolen it myself. Now, tell me why Hermione Granger is here and how you managed to get her here and make her stay. The only thing I can't break is her anti-tracking spells, but you not only managed to find her, but keep her here too."

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