Chapter 1: The Greatest Intro Ever

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The hunt begins, my friends, I think to myself.
Yes, I talk to myself as if I was with a group.
It's what causes my thoughts to often have multiple voices, but it's so fun I can't stop.

Anyways, moving on. Yes, where was I...
Oh right, the hunt begins, my friends. The hunt for the ladies, that is. With my newly created playbook, I am ready for the upcoming months as I diverge into the life of a hunter.

I. Sound. So. Desperate.
But I guess that's part of life. And no matter how much I say I'll be hunting, I guess I'll never actually push myself to do it. Probably because I have better things to do. Such as record everything I say into this journal. But before I move onto the present, I must first address the past, as with any good story.
Also, the author hasn't paid me enough to do this, but I'm a nice guy, so why not, right?

The name's Nick Bailey, nice to meet you. I probably won't know your name, but it's nice to say that anyway. I assume the usual meet and greet is here, but I guess it's a one way road. I am but a young adolescent just 2-3 years shy of the age of consent, and yes, that means I'm still in High School. However, I probably get into as much antics as the next handsome, yet humorous guy you'll see.

My background is fairly simple and very common: I'm not swimming in gold, but at the same time, I've had a roof over my head my entire life with caring hands supporting it in place; an avid reader and a phrase that you would probably use to describe me too: a hopeless romantic. But more on that, later.

I am a fine believer in irony, like looking for girls but at the same time not being ready for that little vessel they call a relationship. More often than not my attraction to the females have been the cause of more than one adventure, or dare I say, misadventure. However, as much as I may seem like a typical player who has no regard nor respect for female emotions, I only hope to change your mind with the stories of my past adventures and the ones right now. Because as they say, don't judge a book by their cover, or in this case, the first chapter.

But enough about me, because you'll see more of me (probably more than you'd want to) as the book goes on. Instead, let's move on to the people who I actually spend my time with. In other words, to my social life, which will play a huge role in the upcoming adventures, therefore it is vital that you're acquainted with them. 

We have my bros, who won't be getting as much screen time as they'd probably like to, except for a few. These will be Priestly, who is pretty much my advisor and long-term buddy. Kinda like my secretary too, because I tell him everything that goes on in my life; Moriarty, if his name doesn't suggest it, he's the smart one, more often than not playing devil's advocate to my Sherlock Holmes, always finding a way to go against my antics because of a flaw or consequence, but I appreciate his advice and looking out for me nonetheless; and lastly we have Borus, or as we call him, Led, who's pretty much the music-minded one here. Give him a song, he'll probably play it on different octaves too.
Those are the boys, who pretty much have my  back in certain situations, which you'll see soon. Now, onto the jewels in my crown of life: the ladies.

I would be a fool not to mention the ladies who probably have as much impact on my life as my bros, and since you'll see them around as much, why not, right?

So, we begin with Claire, a striking brunette with hair in curls till the mid of her back. Not on the tall side, but she doesn't need height to be noticed, with her beautiful voice that often misses the ears of many and heads straight for their hearts. Then there's Rachel, who probably reads more than I do, yet is still much more active than I am. (I really don't know how she does it. ) Her hair, dark as night, stops two or three inches below her shoulders, and she somehow manages to make everything she wears look good on her. Her eyes are piercing black, looking for both the good and the bad in a person. Did I mention that all my girl (space) friends are very much strikingly beautiful? Good lord, God must've blessed them in particular.

But yes, you caught me, dear reader, saving the best for last. As I would've been a fool to skip on the ladies,  I would win the prize for the biggest idiot there is if I didn't mention Angie. If I can describe Claire and Rachel, I can't describe Angie Gale. Simply put, a breathtaking sight every time I see her, sending my brain into freeze and my heart into pause. With her brown hair falling elegantly past her shoulders, putting every shampoo commercial to shame, and her chocolate eyes which just find ways to shine as if they were little stars across the sky. And I kid you not, every time she smiles, I feel a cage being opened as butterflies flying freely in my stomach. She was kind,  generous, caring, (totally girlfriend material) and she was It's only been a year, compared to my other friends,  who've I've been with for around three to five years now. Whenever she would grin or laugh it's just a cuteness overload in my mind.

If you hadn't guessed,  I'm Pompeii and she's the lava my life, and if you hadn't guessed, I've fallen hard. Very. Very. Much. If love was a train then I just walked right in front of it, propelled into darkness. But that's okay. It wouldn't be the first time.

That's the social life and meet and greet out of the way. Now that you've seen the characters and the apple of my eye, it's time to move on to the stories which connect them all. I really am not getting paid enough for this.

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