Chapter 12: All The Colors in One...

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I would've asked Angie...

...if she didn't ask me first.

Okay, let me explain. It was out of the blue. We were alone in the classroom, and she just pops the question:

"Nick, will you go to prom with me?"

Me, being me, simply replied, "If you asked me? Sure. Why not?" As calm as I could be.

Dammit you oblivious piece of-

"No, I mean, with me. Like an actual date."

Oh. OH. WAIT WHAT? Keep calm, Nick, I tell myself. Time to play it cool. WAIT WHAT?

"Hahaha," with a giggle (those damn giggles, man). "Is it really that hard to believe?"

Well, time to answer her. Don't mess this up, man. She's practically at your feet!

With all the courage I muster, I say, "Sorry, I'm not sure if I could bring a date."

Now, if I could turn back the time, I would smack the living crap out of myself for saying that. And the award for most idiotic, cringe-worthy man, of the year, goes to...

"Nick," she comforts me. Bless her soul. "It's okay. As secret, then? Our secret?"

God bless her soul. You saint. You angel. I could hear God shouting as He smiles, saying, "Finally man. You actually did it."

It hadn't hit me yet until we were walking to the admin building, a normal pickup point for us students. There, the sparks ignited inside me, and I saw fireworks in my own eyes; the music started playing even though there was none at the moment; and I started to dance. My hands were balled into fists, pumping into the air as the realization dawned on me:

"I have a date. I HAVE A DATE! I. HAVE. A. DATE! HELL YEAH! HELL. YEAH. WOOHOOO!" I shout out loud for the world to hear...

...all this while my world was right beside me.

Needless to say, I was alive. The king of the hill. And on the way home, I was smiling still. And when I told Claire, she flashed me this smile and we were smiling together. The biggest fan of the ship was her, and she was so happy to see this finally sailing. Hell, I was too. And telling my best girl friend about it, made the experience even better.

See, dear reader, Claire and I tell each other everything related to love. She tells me about this guy she likes, another friend who will pop up in more times than you might expect; and I tell her about Angie. This led to many late night conversations and a lot, and I mean a lot, of flirting. Strictly platonic, however, all things considered, and we're always there for each other. So when I told her, naturally, she celebrated with me.

However, I wasn't satisfied. This "secret" thing wasn't meant for me. I wanted to flaunt her. Let the world know, that I GOT A DATE WITH ANGIE. So I devised a plan. One to make it official, and it all starts with my mother.

My mother is a very protective woman, and me being her only child, leads to the conclusion that I am on the confined side of the wall of love. Free not, am I to love and date. But I had to fight for her, I had to fight for Angie. This is the true test of a man's balls; standing up to his mother. And I shall, do this...

...after a lot, lot of mental preparation of course.

I spent days getting ready, and as prom drew near, there was only two weeks left before the big day. I knew I had to ask her soon. Swallowing my pride, I did so.

"Mom, am I allowed to bring a date?"

She pauses. Her mother gears working. Ever so loudly to let me know: get ready to fight.

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