・Chapter 13・

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   Ellington's heart pounded against his chest as he walked up the doorsteps to his house. It's time I got to stop this, he thought to himself. His sweaty hand goes to the door knob and he opens the door slowly, making it creak with every motion. "Hey, shut the door will you?" He heard Trent's voice echo from the kitchen.

Suddenly, the anger came rising back up like water boiling.

Ellington's thoughts shifted to Rydel.

How she is his girl. Rydel is only his and he had this feeling. It was a feeling he's never felt before, neither can describe it, but he knew that it was because of Rydel.

He slams the door shut behind himself knowing it'd cause commotion with Trent. He could hear his footsteps and his heart rate escalated. "Can anyone hear my heart because its beating like a drum?" He mumbles to himself.

Trent's dark eyes looked like glass when he appeared in front of Ellington. His eyes were always like that, no emotion shown whatsoever. "Why did you slam the door, Elliot?" He spat in Ellington's face.

It's been over a year, and he still hasn't learned Ellington's name.

"Why the hell did you hurt my girlfriend?" Ellington's voice rose quickly and he couldn't help it. His hands were in balls of fists so tightly he could hear the heartbeat in them. He could feel himself wanting to ramble on, to ask why he would hurt his mother and why he hurt Rydel.

"Oh, the blonde headed girl?" A grin appeared on his face and Ellington just wanted to pounce him at this moment. "I didn't know that you, a weird looking teenager, could get such a sl-" he didn't finish his sentence before Ellington's fist collided with his face.

Trent falls to the ground holding his nose, which is now bleeding, his hand covered in blood. Ellington wipes his fist along his jeans even though there was nothing on them.

Why do I always have to punch someone, Ellington thought to himself thinking about the first encounter with Rydel. How that guy had her pinned against the brick building, Rydel looked helpless. Ellington recognized her (because he stared at her while she left the music store) and instantly, like a magnet to steel, Ellinngton was attracted to Rydel.

The front door swings open to Cheryl (Ellington's mom) carrying a plastic bag minding her own business until her eyes landed on the scene in front of her.

The bottle of champagne she had in the bag dropped and shattered on the ground with her mouth gaped open. "What happened?" She asks shocked.

Trent holds his nose making grunting noises as he stood up. Ellington just watched him walk away, not having any idea what to say to his mom about this.

"Ellington, what happened?" His mom avoids the shattered glass as she walks up to her son. Ellington just shakes his head not knowing what to say or do. Cheryl puts her hand on Ellington's shoulder and Ellington pulls her into a hug.

They just stood there embracing each other not having a care in the world. Ellington forgot about what just happened for a few seconds as his focus was all on his mother.

The whole house was silent in those few seconds.

Until a gun shot.


  Her Hello Kitty slippers on with pink pajamas, Rydel was writing in her journal in her room with her ear buds in. Ellington made her a playlist  with all his favorite songs at the moment on Spotify. Rydel did the same with his.

They both agreed that music was a huge impact on their relationship. Rydel came up with the idea of sharing a playlist with each other so they wouldn't have to waste any more money on vinyls. All The Small Things by blink-182 is currently on full volume in her ears.

Say it ain't so, I will not go

Rydel hums along to it tapping her pencil to the beat. I love Ellington's taste in music, she thought to herself. Both her and Ellington had different tastes, but she loved his music.

Suddenly her ear bud gets pulled out making her jump. "Hey sorry," her brother Ross interrupts. "There's someone on the home phone for you." He holds out the home phone and Rydel takes it worriedly.

Nobody calls the home phone anymore. Who would be calling me anyways? Rydel thought to herself as she put the phone to her ear.

"Is this Rydel Lynch?" The unfamiliar voice asks Rydel.

Rydel says it's her and the voice on the other end started speaking very quickly and quietly, just so she could hear. Ross watched her, biting his lip nervously.

He jumps when he hears Rydel gasp and drop the phone on her bed. "What's wrong?" Ross asks Rydel sitting in front of her on her bed. Rydel starts shaking her head quickly, tears welling up in her eyes. Ross puts his hand to hers for comfort and she looks at him.

"I-I need to get to the hospital." Rydel stutters and Ross stands up automatically and goes out of the room.

Rydel grabs a coat not even caring about her slippers making noise with each step she walked quickly.

Meow. Meow.

Rydel charges through the hallway to the door and opens it to the December chills. "I need the keys to a car!" She shouts loud enough for everyone to hear.

Riker stands up from the couch and looks at her. "I can take you. Where are you going?" Rydel doesn't answer as she runs outside to his car.

Couple minutes later, Riker gets into the car with a very anticipated and nervous Rydel, fiddling with her hands. "Where-"

"Hospital. Now."



I know this is kinda a new writing style, but I don't think its permanent. I just wanted to try it out, you know?



Also I guess it's official that Rocky has a girlfriend??? I'm a Rocky girl but I'm glad he found someone that makes him happy. 💕

Love Always

Zayne 💕



2. ADGHKOJHHJ *inserts question here*

3. THIRD PERSON WRITING OR FIRST POV? Please tell me so it'd help in the future. ❤️

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