not war yet(sorry)

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I called graham to wait till tomorrow and he agreed. I waited for steven's arrival.

"So,is graham really threatening us?" Justin said.

"Boy,i said to you,if he wants it,he gets it." I said.

"Uhm,i gotta go,my mom's calling,bye." Martin said and left.

"Wait..isn't his mom in paris?" I said.

"I know right?" Justin said as he looked back at jess.

"Weird af." I said and shrugged it off.

"I'm not aware by him. Graham is on with his little tricks again." He said.

"Yeah. I know. You think i'm stupid?" I said coldly to justin.

"Geez,can't you be happy or thankful that i'm helping to get the guys? Why are you so cold towards me? Did i ever do something to make you upset?! I always obey you and soo nice to you." He said,depressingly.

"You're existence is upsetting me. It bothers me a lot." I said,coldly.

"Whatever,i'm sick looking at you. I'm out!" He slammes the door.

"Pfft,like i care." I said.

"Yeah,you don't but i do,desyca." A girl's voice is calling.

"Wha..jess!" I yelled.

"Shut up,des. Why are you like that towards him? I'm not blaming you because of your attitude or yourself existence because thats what you are,practically,but please desyca..he is trying so hard to make you smile happily to him.." she said.

"And why is that?" I said,coldly to her.

"When you are still sleeping,he told me how you were treating him and stuff. At first,he was so happy that he could comfort you a bit but laterthen,he felt so dissapointed of himself because something from him is making you upset,thats what he thinks,but i bet he wasn't the culprit that makes you upset,desyca." She said,crossing her arms.

"He isn't..but he thinks that he he's just being stupid. He's stupid for being so sad of something he didn't do. He's just being....soo.." i stopped.

"Caring about you." She continued my words and smiled.

"What,no!" I said.

"Yes he is. He's being so stupid to be so caring for you." She smiled.

"Whatever. Atleast it's making you smile." I said.

Okay,maybe she had a point but when she smiles,i can't even fight back. If i talk back to her more,she will definitely break my bones to pieces.

"Happy to know,mate." She's still smilling.

"Sorry about..what had happen.." i said,awkwardly.

"Oh,don't say sorry to me. Say it to justin." She said.

"No..i don't want to.." i said.

"But you have to." She said.

Damn,she got a point. Gr.

Jess's Pov.

Wah,what's this? I was about to wake up,but i heard someone fighting. Desyca and justin. Ah,of course. These children will never understand untill i say so,huh?

What a childs play. Oh! Justin slammed the door. I think the door broke a bit. I should celebrate for his first time breakin a door infront of me.

I woke up and scold desyca. Ha,she can't fight back to me now! She is defenseless.

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