T W E N T Y - F I V E .

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The first bad thing about today, is that I woke up late. Not just few minutes late, a whole hour.

Why am I bothered about being late if I'm the owner of the business with no clear-cut schedule for that morning?

Because I have this nasty thing called Precisionst Fever.

I have to be there at the stated time. Especially when I am the one who set the time.

So understandably, my mood shot to the ceiling when Maggie informs me she wouldn't be around this evening.

"Who the fuck is supposed to take care of him?" I state angrily.

"Definitely not me." She had answered with enough attitude to match a twelve-year-old.

I have no sooner dropped into the back seat of my car when it occurs to me that I left a sick and immobile person all alone for close to ten hours.

I pull out my phone and frantically go about searching for the number to the phone I gave Maggie.

I hope she left it with him.

I was about ready to pull my hair out when I stumble upon a stern worded text from Maggie, with the number at the bottom.

I have poked mama bear.

And as luck would have it, Dr Richards decided to cash in his doctors visit today.

I'm ninety percent sure he's going to haul Demi's ass out of my house this night.

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