One Shot 1

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Sorry for my english, it won't be the best, cause english is not my first language, but I hope you like my one shots. :)

Lauren's POV:

BEEP BEEP BEEP!!! Ugh, I'm so tired. I slowely get up and go to the bathroom to take a shower and after brush my teeth. As I walk down the stairs my mom is already waiting for me. "BITCH, MAKE BREAKFAST FOR ME NOW!!!" she yelles at me and I jump a little, but do not hesitate and run into the kitchen to make her a sandwich with some milk. As I bring it out to her I almost trip, but gladely I can keep all the food in my hands. I set the food down on the table in front of my mom and hear the schoolbus honking so I grab my backpack and head over to the bus.

As I enter the bus everyone stares at me and Chelsy and her minions start to laugh at me. I try to ignore everyone and sit down at the back of the bus. As we arrive at school I was about to walk out of the bus, when I felt someone push me and I fell out of the bus. Everyone started to laugh and some of the kids walk by me kicked me in my ribs. I just layd there for a moment not moving. When I heard the bell ring I slowely got up and went to class and as I walked in the whole class stared at me and wispered some things. The only free place was at the front so I walked there and sat down. Beside me sat Chelsy. Throughout the whole class she wispered horrible things to me like brat, whore, worthless peace of shit and lots more.

When lunch break came I went to walk to my locker to put my things in. As I opened my locker I felt some hands on my shoulders pushing me in the locker and I fell to the floor. Of coure it was Chelsy and her minions. They kicked me in my ribs and stomach and laughed. "Look at you bitch, you are ugly as fuck and you look like a fat pig!!!" she said while laughin and tears streamd down my face. Lucy one of the minions added: "awww, is baby crying.", and they laughed harder. When they heard someone come they ran away and left me crying on the floor. About two minutes later I got up and ran to the bathroom. I looked if someone is in there and gladely no one is. I went to the last one, locked the door and slid down the wall crying. I took out my best friend, my blade. I slowely slid it across my wrist and blood pourd out of my wrist. As I was finished I had about 12 new cuts and started cleaning my wrist of. I felt a little dizzy, because of the blod I lost. My next period was History, Ugh!

As the bell rang I ran out of the school and decided to walk home. I pluged in my earphones and started playing Warrior by Demi Lovato. I haven't told you yet, but I'm a huge Lovatic and I know probably every Lovatic says that but she's the only reason I'm still alive. My dad and my little sister died 2 months ago and that's when the abuse from my mom began. They died in a car accident and she blames me for them dieing. She came home a little late at the beginning and it got later every night. And one night she came home drunk and that's where it all began. Anyways, I don't really like talking about that and I never told anyone. You are the first I'm telling this to.

When my house came in view I started to run. My mom won't be home till about midnight. So, when I'm inside I run up the stairs to my room and lock the door, I don't bother eating anything, I'm already fat enought.

At midnight the door opens from downstairs and my mom yells to me: "GET YOUR UGLY ASS DOWN HERE AND MAKE ME DINNER, NOW BITCH!!!" I ran down the stars and answer with: "Yes, miss, what do you want to eat?", "PASTA AND TOMATOESAUCE BITCH!", she yelles at me. I go to the kitchen and start cooking, when I'm finished I give it to my mom. "THAT'S NOT EBOUGHT TOMATOE SAUCE LITTLE FUCK UP!", she screams and punches me in my stomche. I whimper and apologize. She yells at me to go to my room and I do so. When I finaly arrive I start doing my homework and after that I put on my PJs and go to bed.

The next morning my annoying alarm goes off and I roll out of bed to get ready. After I showerd and got dressed, I went down stairs to check if my mom is already awake. Gladly she isn't awake and I start make scrambled egg with mushrooms for her. When she also comes down stairs I gave her the breakfast I made for her and head out to school. I decide to walk again, because I don't feel like getting pushed out of the school bus again. I plug in my headphones and listen to Skyscraper by Demi Lovato.

When I'm at school I remember that some woman comes to make a speech about bullying today and I slowly walked to the ensemble. A lot of students where already there and seated and I sat down in the front row, because that was the only free row. Soon the director walked on stage and started talking: "Welcome students, as most of you already know today we hear a speech about bullying. I want you to welcome the one and only Demi Lovato!" Everyone cheered and Demi walked on the litte stage of our school and starts her speech: "Hello everyone! I'm so happy to be here and I want you to know that bullying destroys lifes. So, who of you bullied some one once? Pleas put your hand up." A lot of students rase there hand, the funny thing is Chelsy and her minions don't raise there hand. "And who got or gets bullied? raise your hands please" Everyone, except some students, raise there hand. Chelsy glares at me, but I ignore it. After Demis speech we had lunch break and I ran out of the ensemble really fast. As usual I put my things in the locker, soon I hear Chelsy say: "Look how pathetic you are, you don't even have friends. But I can understand those people who don't wanna be friends with you, I mean look at you! You are UGLY and FAT! You look like a fucking PIG BITCH." Tears welled up in my eyes and Chelsy started laughing. She pushed me against my locker and walked away. I started running down the hallway to the bathroom. I was almost there as I collided with someone. I looked up to see who I bumped into and there stood the amazing Demi freaking Lovato who smiled at me with a concerned look on her face. She stretched her hand out for me to take and I gladely took it. She helped me to my feet and asked: "Are you okay?", and smiled at me. "Yes, I'm fine", "Are you sure? You were running down the hallways pretty fast." "Yeah, I'm sure. I have to go though." "Okay, see you around.", she smiled at me and walked away. I continued to the bathroom and my mind started racing. Alle the bad things that happened in my life suddenly flew around my head and my demons were screaming like crazy. I started sobbing really hard. I've had enough of this life, I can't take it anymore. I reached into my bag and took out the bottle of pills that I took with me everywhere I go. That's it. I took the plls in my hand and swallowed them. I'm sorry Demi, I love you so much where the last words I had in my head before drifting into an endless peace.

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