One Shot 11 - Nightmare

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Demis p.o.v

I'm in a dark alley, hiding from the person that I've seen way too many times. As I see his shadow creeping up from the dim streetlights, I feel my body start to shake and I break out into sweat. I try to shield my face, but as soon as I hear the container move that I'm currently hiding behind, my body goes into full on panic mode. I freeze. His smirk showing me what he wants to do. I try to stop him from touching me, but there's no use. I try to scream, but no sound makes it's way out of my mouth. I feel my body shaking again, but not out of fear. Confused I try to figure out who is touching me. The hands that are shaking me are soft and small.
In a shock I wake up from my reoccurring nightmare. When I look to my left I see my girlfriend Y/N standing there with worry written all over her face. Tears start to cloud my vision and soon make their way down my cheeks. Her warm and comforting arms wrap me up in a gentle hug. As I sink into her body, I try to regain my composure, but there's no use. The tears just keep on falling. Y/N then starts to whisper reassuring things into my ear and I almost immediately calm down at the sound of her soft, calm voice. "What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?", Y/N whispers after some minutes of silence. "It's nothing, just a stupid nightmare." I tell her and she gives me that look that says 'tell me the truth', so I give her nothing but the truth. I tell her how a few years back I got raped and ever since I've had these reoccurring nightmares of that night. I also tell her that I'm in constant fear of something like that happening again. When I'm finished with my little story I look into Y/N eyes and she gives me a peck on the lips as if to tell me that it's going to be alright, but is it? What if that dude finds me after I've put him in jail and now wants to get revenge? I get interrupted by    Y/N voice: "Let's get some sleep babe." I nod and lay back down. When she lays down herself, I cuddle into her and fall back asleep. The rest of the night I sleep peacefully, because of the love of my life that is holding me in her arms. I can just hope that one day we'll get married and have children.

It's really short, I know, but I hope you still find it good... ❤️ Is anyone even reading this anymore? If you are please leave a comment if I should continue or not

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