One Shot 12

177 4 2

Demis p.o.v
The wind is howling against the houses and raindrops are banging against my window. It's 2am and I just can't seem to fall asleep. All I can think of is her. Her beautiful, emerald green eyes and her slim figure. Her perfectly shaped butt, her silky black colored hair and her gorgeous boobs. Her room is just next door to mine. Suddenly I see a bright light flash outside my window and then a loud bang echoes through the night. I hate thunder. I'm scared of it even, every time the loud bang echoes, I jump and hide under my blanket. When I realize that it won't stop any time soon, I make my way out of bed and knock on the door of the room next to me. As I'm waiting for the gorgeous girl behind the door to open up, I can't help myself, but to think of her. I'm suddenly brought out of my trance by another loud bang. Then I rapidly knock on Jessies door and hope she'll open up. After a few seconds, the door flies open and there standing is a really sleepy Jessie. 'Uh, sorry for waking you up, but could I might.. uhm.. sleep.. um here.?' I ask her nervously and she gives me a small smile and says yes. I smile at her gratefully and she opens the door wider for me to come in. Once the both of us are laying in bed again, I start to focus on my surroundings. Her room is really tidy and everything is neatly folded. A loud bang echoes through the room and I jump up into Jessies arms. She giggles at me and tightens her grip on me. I can feel her smile into my shoulder which instantly makes me smile too. We stay like this cuddled up until we both fall asleep.
The next morning I wake up, wrapped up in someones arms. I instantly recognize it as Jessie and remember how I got here. I get up quietly and make my way to the kitchen to make her some tea and me a coffee. When I'm finished I go and wake her up. With a groan she opens her eyes and looks at me. Almost instantly she starts to smile and gets up. "Good morning Dems", she says in her raspy morning voice. I giggle at her and also say good morning. "I made you some tea", I tell her. She thanks me and we walk to the little kitchen together. After eating breakfast I go back to my room to get changed. Today Jessie has a concert and she invited me as a special guest, so we'll be stuck at the arena all day long rehearsing. Don't get me wrong, I love doing concerts and most of all I love singing, but rehearsals can be really tiring. When I'm finished with getting ready, I go over to Jessies room and knock on her door. After she opens it, we both make our way to the car that is waiting for us. On the way there we make small talk. Since the venue is really far away from the hotel we have a 3 hour ride in front of us. I really hate long car rides, because I always get car sick and I pray to god that I won't get sick today. I don't want to throw up in front of Jess. Half way through the ride, I get really tired and fall asleep. When I wake up I have this really bad feeling in my stomach. I order the driver to pull over and the moment I jump out of the car, I have to throw up. A really concerned Jessie runs over to me and pulls my hair back and rubs my back. When I'm done we get in the car again and soon we arrive at the arena. I'm glad that every arena has a back entrance, since the front is always packed with screaming fans and annoying paparazzi. Throughout the rest of the day, me and Jess don't talk much since we don't have the time. On the car ride home, after the concert I feel really tired and almost immediately fall asleep. The concert was amazing, but I have no energy left to do anything. I feel two arms life me up and carry me into the cold night. I start to shiver and little whimpers escape my mouth. Jessie then sets me down in the car and gets in on the other side. I sleep throughout the whole journey back to the hotel. I tiredly make my way into the hotel, with Jessie following close behind. Once we reach our rooms we say goodnight to each other and part ways. When I lay down in my bed, my thoughts start to consume me again. I think I'm falling in love, but Jess would never feel the same way since she's straight. I suddenly get a text from my mom, telling me that I should call her ASAP. I immediately picked up my phone and put in my mom's number. Not even after one ring she picks up. "Hey baby girl", my mom whispers through the phone. "Hey momma, what's wrong?" "Mimaw just passed away", she says with a really sad voice. After we talked for a little longer, we hung up and I started to cry. Mimaw was my world and I don't know what to do without her. I love her so so much. I didn't even realize that I was in hysterics until I heard a loud knock on my door and a really panicked Jessie telling me to open up. When I open up Jess pulls me into a tight hug and tries to soothe me. "What happened Dems?" "Mimaw died", I sob out and grip onto her shirt. "It's okay Dems, lets just get some sleep now." Jessie then laid me into bed and went to walk out, but I grabbed her wrist. "Please stay", I whisper out barely audible. She nods and lays down beside me and pulls me into her body. I finally start to relax and fall asleep. The next morning I wake up with burning eyes and a sore throat. Yesterday was really hard. I wanted to cave in and just cut again. I'm glad that Jessie came over and helped me. Thinking about her made my heart beat faster. I am head over heels in love with her, but she isn't in love with me. "Good morning Dems, how are you?" "I'm okay", I replied while a little blush made its way onto my face. This woman drives me crazy. "Hey um Jess, I have to tell you something...", immediately I could see concern on her face and she sat down beside me. "What is it Demi?" "Umm.. I uh... I kind of have a crush on you...", I said with my head hanging low. Jess then put two fingers under my chin and made me look into her eyes. "Don't be shy Dems, I kind of have a crush on you too...", as Jess said that a huge smile made its way onto my face. Jessie then started to lean in and so did I. As our lips connected I felt fireworks go off inside of me. This was definitely the start to a beautiful relationship.


I'm crap at writing love stories, I know, but please leave a comment and tell me what you think. Your opinions really matter :) Thank you so much for reading

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