One shot 9

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Demis P.o.V
I'm sitting on the bathroom floor crying my eyes out. Looking back on what I did just some minutes ago, I feel so ashamed. I have been clean for so long and now I had to fuck it up again. I hate myself for being the way I am. For the first time in months, I made myself sick again. I don't know what went through my head, it was like something else took over me and I had no control left of my body and now I'm sitting besides the toilet on this really cold tile floor with tears streaming heavily down my face.
Laurens P.o.V
After I've worked a long, hard day, all I wanna do is get home and cuddle with my beautiful girlfriend Demi. As I walk into our house, everything is quite. "Dems, I'm home." I call out, but get no answer back. I start to walk further into our house and suddenly I hear quite sobs coming from upstairs. I bolt up the stairs and walk as fast as possible into the bathroom, where I see Demi curled up against the wall, sobbing. My heart shatters into a million pieces, seeing her like this. I quickly make my way over to her and cradle her in my arms.
Demis P.o.V
Suddenly I feel someones arms wrap around me and for a second I freak out, but as soon as I smell her perfume, I relax into her arms and keep on crying. Soon I start to feel a panic attack rising up, so I cling on to Lauren and try to get my breathing in control. "Calm down baby girl, you're okay. Just take deep breaths in and out with me." She starts to take deep breathes and I try to match my breathing with hers. After some time, my breathing is finally back to normal and I just lay there in Laurens arms. I then feel a kiss being pressed against my forehead. Soon after I'm drifting off into a deep sleep. All this crying has made me so tired.
Laurens P.o.V
After my baby falls asleep, I lay her into bed and get in with her to cuddle her. I'll talk to her tomorrow about what happened, for now, I'm just glad that she stopped crying. I soon after also drift off to sleep.
Demis P.o.V
The next morning I wake up to someone kissing my face and when I open my eyes, I see the most beautiful brown eyes staring down at me lovingly. "Good morning beautiful", she softly says and gives me a peck on my lips. "Morning baby", I croak out in my morning voice smiling up at Lauren. "How are you Dems?", she asks me with concern lingering in her voice. "I'm better", I tell her, "just need some cuddles now." I smile up at her and Lauren just chuckles. "Well okay the miss Lovato, but first lets eat some breakfast", she answers me. Immediately fear washes over me. Food is the last thing I want to think about right now. "It's okay Dems, I'm going to help you", Lauren says sweetly while taking my hand and leading me to the dining room. There on the table I see breakfast already laid out on the table, so I sit down and just stare at the food for a moment. Lauren then starts to fill my plate with food. Anxiously I take my fork and knife into my hands and cut a piece of pancake off. I stare at it intensely and slowly start bringing it to my mouth. With my demons screaming at my I put it into my mouth and start chewing. I then feel a hand grasping mine and squeezing it tightly. I then feel tears start to roll down my cheeks and Lauren takes me onto her lap. For the rest of my breakfast, Lauren feeds me and I just sit there crying and eating. "I have to use the bathroom", I say quickly, trying to get off her lap, but without luck. "No you don't, we both know what is going to happen if I let you go", she whispers to me. After that I completely break down in her arms. I sob my heart out and pray in my head that this pain will go away soon. I feel so tired of having to deal with my eating disorder every day, that I just want to give up. I already caved in, so why not just stop completely. I don't need food to survive. " I'm here baby girl, we're gonna get through this together. I'm gonna help you every step of the way", she tells me. I slowly start to calm down. "But is it worth it?", I whisper to her. "Yes, it is baby. I can't watch you destroy yourself over food", Lauren sadly says. For once in my life, I see a light again. After Wilmer and I broke up, I completely crumbled, but now I see a reason again. I see hope to fight through this battle.

Thank you for reading this, I hope you liked it and leave some comments. If you have anything i could do better, feel free to comment or dm me :) I love you all! Thank you so so much for reading my stories ❤️

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