One Shot 10 - Help Me!

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Katys p.o.v

Hi, I'm Katy. I'm 16 years old and I live together with my little sister Hannah and my father. My mom passed away a few years ago in a tragic car crash... I don't really like to talk about it though. Since my mom died, nothing has been the same anymore. My sister doesn't talk to me anymore and my father started to drink. They blame me for what happened. The kids at school tell me that I should have been the one dying in the crash and if I'm honest with you, I really feel like I should be the one that died. I just want to be free from all of this pain. I want to be with my mom again. I miss her so much! 'Mommy I love you with all of my heart, why can't you just come back?!', I say to myself with thick tears streaming down my face. Today I can finally go to school again. I know what you may think, 'why would you want to go to school if you get bullied there', the answer is simple. My father isn't there... I'd rather get bullied, than beaten up, screamed at and play 'big girls games' every day. You could place me anywhere in this world, just not here. I want to get as far away from this house as possible. I can't call this house a home anymore. I don't feel safe here. It's now time for me to go to school. I have to walk to school every day, since my father doesn't want to pay for the bus. The way to school takes me about 30 minutes if I hurry up. It's 7.20 am and school starts at 8am. I quickly make my way downstairs and out of the door, so I don't have to face my father. On my way to school I listen to music. My favorite singer is Demi Lovato. She is my biggest inspiration. Without her I wouldn't be alive anymore today. Her music has helped me a lot in the past few years, especially with everything that has been going on. When my mother died, everything just went downhill. All the people that once loved me turned against me. I hate the life I'm living. I haven't been truly happy since my moms death. As you probably can guess, my grades got wore as well. The second I enter the school building; all eyes turn on me. I hear snickering and some rude comments, I guess you could say I'm used to it by now. I slowly make my way down the hall to my locker while looking at the floor as if it's the most interesting thing on this planet. Sure enough, there at my locker is Kayla already waiting for me. She is the worst of all of them. "Hey fatass.", I ignore her. Big mistake. "I said hey fatass, REPLY TO ME WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU!", she screams in my face. "I'm sorry", I reply quietly, praying that this will be over soon. She then pushes me into my locker and whispers: "Don't you dare ignore me again, next time I'm going to fucking chock you bitch. Understood?!", I nod my head frantically and say yes. She then laughs at me and slaps me. "You're just a pathetic little slut that accidentally came into this world. Even god regrets giving you the chance to live. You were even selfish enough to kill your mother. You're a freak! You're nothing more than a useless little murderer." "Please just leave me alone" "What you gonna do about it? Go home and cry to your mother? Oh wait, you can't cause you already murdered her!", she snarls and kicks me in the stomach. "FATASS" *kick* "GO KILL YOURSLEF!" *kick* "NO ONE LIKES YOU" *kick* "FUCKING MURDERER" *kick* "PSYCHOPATH" *kick* "UGLY FREAK" *kick* when she's finished, she lifts me up by the collar of my shirt and pushes me into the lockers one last time. She then laughs and walks away. By now I have tears streaming down my face. I slowly pick my self up off the ground and run to the bathroom, ignoring all the pain in my body. When I look at myself in the mirror, I completely break down. I just can't help it. I don't want to live this life anymore. Suddenly the school bell rings, indicating that the classes start now. I quickly compose myself and hurry to my first class. As I walk into the class room, again everyone stares at me and I quickly take my seat. After school is over I slowly start to make my way home. Fortunately for me, my father isn't home yet. I run to my room and start doing my homework. A few minutes into it, I hear the door slam. As quick as possible, I put my homework away and curl up in the corner of my bed. When I hear heavy footsteps make their way up the stairs, I shiver, thinking about what will happen in a few seconds. A loud knock at my door startles me. The door then opens and my father stands there with a sick smile on his face. "Hello baby girl, come here", he sweetly says. I hesitantly make my way over to him. He then grips my arm tightly. "Take off your clothes!", he orders. With shaking hands, I slowly start to take my clothes off until I'm only in my bra and panties anymore. "I said take off your clothes you idiot. That means EVERYTHING! You're such a useless little bitch. You killed your mother, now you have to pay for it!", he slurs. I then quickly take the rest of my clothes off. My father forces himself onto me and you can imagine what he does next. When he finally leaves my room, I just lay there motion less on my bed with tears rapidly streaming down my face. I should be used to all the pain, but the truth is, you never get used to it. Every time it hurts more. You just always wonder, why this is happening to you? The pain is just way too hard to explain. It feels like you're trapped in a pitch-black room and don't know how to find your way out of it. For the rest of the night I just lay there doing practically nothing. I can't sleep, every time I close my eyes I get flashbacks. When morning finally arrives I take a shower, cover all of the bruises up and go to school. On my way there I remember that we have an assembly with some special guest that will talk to us about bullying. When I arrive at school I quickly make my way into the auditorium, where the assembly will be held. I take a seat in the front row and wait for it to begin. "Welcome students", our director starts, "as you already know, we have a special guest today. Please everyone, please welcome the lovely Demi Lovato!" The moment he mentions her my breath get caught in my throat. I can't believe that I'm going to see the only person that has kept me going all those years. When she steps on stage, tears once again start to roll down my cheeks. "Hi guys, I'm Demi Lovato", she says and giggles, "to start this off, who has ever been bullied?" Almost everyone raises their hand, including me. "Who has ever bullied someone else?" Again, some kids raise their hand, but of course Kayla and her minions act all innocent and don't raise their hands. "To all of you who have been bullied or been in a dark place, I promise that it will get better. I have been there too and I got out of it. You didn't do anything wrong. It's not your fault. You are all worth so much more than you think and even if you won't believe me, there will always be someone out there that will miss you." After she spoke some more, she sang Skyscraper and Warrior. At the end of both songs, I was full on crying again. I just can't stand all of this pain inside of me anymore. When the assembly ends I make my way to the toilettes. My most important wish has come true, now I can finally leave this world. I run to the bathroom, but halfway there I bump into someone and fall to the ground. "Oh my god, I'm so so sorry hun. Are you okay?", I hear an angelic voice ask me. "I'm fine. Don't be sorry, I just didn't watch where I was going.", I reply and put on my best fake smile. After I get up, I reach my hand out to help Demi stand up as well. "Thank you", she says to me. I tell her that it's no problem. "Can I hug you?", I suddenly find myself asking. When I realize what I just said, I blush and look to the ground. "Of course you can, come her hun", she says opening her arms and I immediately walk into them and wrap my arms around her. When she pulls away from the hug, she smiles brightly at me. "I really have to go now Demi, but it was really nice to meet you." "It was also really nice to meet you hun." She gives me one last hug and then I make my way to the bathroom. When I finally arrive there, I lock myself into the last stall and sit on the floor. This is the last time any of you have to deal with me. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bother you with all off my stupid problems. I will finally accomplish what you all wanted. You will never have to see me again. I wish all of you the best in life and please just keep on smiling. Goodbye! With that I take my death notes out of my backpack, that I had prepared some days ago. When I reach for the bottle of pills at the bottom of my backpack, my hand starts to shake. I lift it out and slowly twist the cap off. By now my whole body is shaking. I put all of the pills into my hand and then down them with some water from my bottle. After some minutes, my vision starts to get blurry and it seems like it's getting harder to breathe. Now I can finally be with my mother again!

I hope you liked that one! Please go check out my Instagram: @kzheartbeatlovatic ❤️
Thank you for reading and I love you all so much
~ S

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