One Shot 4

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Hey guys, I'm back once again. Hope you like my one shot
Demis POV:
Today are the first auditions for the X factor and I'm so nervous, I'm not sure if I'm able to say no to anyone cause I hate destroying someones dreams. As I walk into the studio I get even more nervous. Simon walks up to me and gives me a hug. 'Hey Dems', 'Hi Simey' I shyly say. He looks at me with sympathetic eyes and gives me a hug again. As he pulls away I start to pace up and down the room. Soon I hear the door open and turn around to see Paulina Rubio walking in. She goes to Simon first and then she walks over to me. She looks at me and fastly recognizes that I'm utterly nervous and takes my hand into hers. I don't know her really well, but I know that she's a really nice person. She talks to me and I get distracted from the auditions and my nervousness slows down. At last Kelly Rowland comes into the room and greets us all. After that we are called on stage and I get really nervous again. At the judges table I sit besides Paulina and Simon. As we sit Simon takes my hand and squeezes it reassuringly. I give him a small smile and the auditions begin. After the auditions I'm so tired and I just wanna get to the hotel and sleep, so I rush to my dressing room and get changed as quickly as possible and then I run to my car on the way I run into someone and look up to see Simon looking at me confused as to why I'm so stressed right now. I just say sorry and tell him that I'm really tired and just wanna sleep. Then he picks me up and carries me to his car and tells me that he's gonna drive me. When we're at the hotel he carries me to my room and lays me into my bed. I say a quiet thank you and he turns off the lights and walks out. When he's gone, I can't seem to fall asleep, even though I'm really tired. I get up and walk over to Paulinas hotel room and knock quietly on her door. She opens her door fastly and lets me in. I tell her that I can't sleep and she lets me sleep here. When she gets into bed I cuddle up to her side and quickly fall asleep. The next morning I wake up pretty early and Paulina still sleeps. I get out of bed carefully and try not to wake her up. When I'm out of bed I feel my phone buzzing in the pocket of my pyjama pants. I take it out and see that it's mom so I pick up.
~phone convo (D=Demi M=Mom)
D Hey mom, what's up?
M Hey honey, I have to tell you something
D Are you okay? You sound really sad...
M Demi, Patrick has died one minute ago
D Okay
I quickly hang up and fall to the floor and cry really hard. I guess I woke Paulina up cause I feel arms wrap around me and lift me up. She sits onto the bed with me and pulls me into her chest tightly. When I calmed down a little she asks what happened and I tell her that Patrick died. 'Oh baby girl, I'm so sorry for your loss', she softly says to me and I just burry my head into her neck.Today is the second day of auditions and I really don't wanna go, but I will go cause I don't really trust myself right now. When I fully calmed down Paulina and I walk to the breakfast hall and sit down. I'm really not hungry right now. Paulina gets up and gets some food for me and her. When she returns I look up at her and tell her that I'm not hungry. 'Demi, no. You will eat something, it's not healthy to skip breakfast because your not hungry', she says with a stern but caring voice. I slowly eat some scrambled egg, but not even half way through I feel like I have to throw up so I stop eating. Paulina looks at me and says that I should eat some more. 'But Pau Pau I feel sick', I whine with my baby voice. She takes me into her arms again and gives me a peck on the cheek. 'Okay baby girl, but you have to eat a big lunch', she says. I nod slowly and just lay my head on her shoulder. When she finishes eating we both get up and Pau Pau drives me to the arena, where todays auditions are. When we are inside I go straight to my dressing room and lay there on the couch just letting some tears fall. I suddenly feel two strong arms wrap around me and look up to see Simon standing there. "Dems, you really shouldn't be doing auditions today", he says looking at me sympathetically. I give him a small smile and tell him that it's fine and that I can do the auditions. He just nods and takes me into his arms. After he releases me, my makeup team walks in and gets me ready for the show. When I'm all ready I walk out and go to Paulina and sit on her lap. Shortly after some crew member tells us that we have to take our seats at the judges panel, so we walk out and sit down. When the auditions begin, I'm starting to feel a little better because they are really distracting me from my thoughts. Now the last contestant of today walks on stage and he smiles at us. After the first sentence he said, tears start to form in my eyes and my lip trembles. Soon they flow down my cheek and I'm sobbing uncontrollably. Paulina takes me into her chest and I cry my eyes out. I can't believe that he reminded me of him. I just wanna run off stage and burry myself into a deep hole and never come back. It hurts so much. I hear the producers telling him to leave the stage and Pau Pau lifts me up. She carries me backstage and sits me down on my dressing room couch. "Pau Pau, can you please leave me alone for some minutes? I need some time to think", I tell her with a raspy voice from crying. She nods and walks out. I probably shouldn't have sent her out cause now my demons scream at me even more to cut. Tears start to stream down my face again and I rush into the bathroom. My eyes dart around the bathroom searching for something sharp. Finally I find my razor and I stand on it to get the blades out. When I have a blade in my hand I start to frantically slice my wrist and soon enough my whole arm is full of cuts. My vision starts to blur and black spots come into view. Before it all goes black my muscles give up and I fall to the floor with a loud thud.
Paulinas POV:
I hear a thud come from Demis dressing room and I run over to it. The first thing I do is open the bathroom door and what I see there breaks my heart. I quickly call 911 and take Demis cold body into my arms and just cry. When the paramedics arrive they have to rip her away from me, but they let me drive in the ambulance. In the hospital I call Demis mom and tell her what happened. She tells me that she'll book the earliest flight to LA and that I should update her on how Demi's doing. I wait in the waiting room for about 5 hours before a doctor comes over to me and tells me that she didn't make it. I break down crying in front of him and ask him if I can see her one last time. When I get into the room she lays in, I take her hand and almost break down again. "Demi baby, why did you do this? Why didn't you say anything? I love you so much and I'll forever miss you. If I could, I would take you back to life right now even if I had to die instead. You're forever gonna be missed my me, your friends, your family and your Lovatics. I hope you're free from all the pain you felt. Bye baby girl.", I whisper in her ear and walk out with fresh tears streaming down my face. I hope she's in a better place now.
Please comment down below what you think and I love you all.
~ S

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