Chapter 4

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I waited for pain, it never came, I waited for dizziness but it never came. Maybe I was already dead, so I opened my eyes. Wait what? He didn't shoot me? He's not even in the same room as me. The bang must've been from the door being slammed shut. What the hell? Why didn't he just shoot me, I was prepared and everything. Yep, I am definitely kicking him where the sun don't shine when I get out.



Ok I used to enjoy the mumbles for entertainment but right now I'm pissed off and not wanting to be distributed. "Would you all just shut the fuck up out there I'm trying to die over here but I can't with all your bickering on the other side of the wall!"

Silence. 'Awesome' I thought. I can finally get some peace and quiet and die alone. But before I can return to my supposed 'dying', I hear the door open and close.

"Ugh now what?" I look up to see a woman carrying a bag? I have never seen her before but she is so pretty. Like if you put her next to me I would look like a squashed bug and she would look like a wedding cake.

"Hello, my name is Alice. I'm here to treat your wounds." She smiled at me warmly like I was her friend. I didn't mind since I needed some kindness lately but I am still annoyed with the interruption of my death.

"Hi." My voice coming out monotone and hoarse since I shouted at the devil a couple minutes ago without drinking water. She started pulling different materials and cream out her bags while I watched her curiously. I never got to use medical things to treat my wounds. My parents always told me to walk it off even when they broke my finger.

"I'm just going to clean your cuts and ice your bruises then I will untie you if you promise not to hurt me or run away. There are guards outside so if you try anything they will be here ok?" Ug she sounds irritating but whatever she's gonna help me. I kinda don't want help but I still wanna kick the douchebag in the nuts before I die, I won't hurt her but I'll hurt the douche so I nod my head.

"Cool, this might sting a little but after all you've been through I doubt you will feel it."I nod again as she cleans my wounds.

Doubt you'd feel it my ass! It hurt so much that she had to call two people into the room to hold me down even while I was tied down in a chair and to add on to that, she put duck tape on my mouth to stop me from cussing and screaming, and who are these other people? I've seen more people in one day then I have in the past two weeks! At least I think that's how long I've been here.

Tears stained my face and the guy to my left is glaring at me because when he tried to keep my head still, I bashed his hand against the back of the chair when I threw my head back in pain. I gave him an apologetic look but I don't think he took it.

So far I've had the one bullet taken out my shoulder and all my cuts and stabs cleaned. She is now icing each injury carefully. After a while she finished. "Ok I'm going to take the duct tape off now, promise not to scream?" I nod and she takes it off. Ew I can feel the stickiness of where it used to be.

"Now I'm going to untie you and help you out the door to a different room so you can clean up and rest, is that ok? But promise not to hurt me or run away?" She looks at me, studying my face.

"I promise." I tried my best to smile but failed miserably. So she untied me and helped me off the chair. I was a bit wobbly at first but I got it after the short walk to the door. Finally I can get out of this god forsaken room and go take a long shower.

The door opened and we came into a passage. It was dark and scary and dimly lit by breaking or broken lights on the roof. As we walked, well I mainly limped or got carried by a guard, we passed many other doors leaving so much to my imagination as to what could be behind them. All they had were numbers next to the door. My number was number 7 and I estimate that there were about 15-20 doors all together.

After about one flight of stairs and two falls to the ground, one bringing the guard to my right down with me, not the guard I bit though or he would probably hate me more, we finally arrived at a more expensive looking door which I assumed was our destination. Alice typed in some numbers on the keypad next to the door, we heard a click and opened the door.

Behind it was a office. If I weren't here because I was captured I would think I was auditioning for a job that's how professional it looked. Alice walked up to a lady behind the desk and said a few words to her. The lady then looked up at me and snickered. How dare she! Imagine if she were in my shoes then what? If I weren't weak from dehydration and hunger I would waltz up to her and slap her across the face.

Alice came back with a frown on her face muttering something along the lines of 'little bitch' but I let her be and we carried on our trail. After what felt like hours but probably around 5 minutes later, Alice unlocked yet another door and we entered into a medium sized room, beautifully decorated and with a walk in closet and ensuite bathroom.

"Wow, it's beautiful." I whispered in awe.

"I know, and it's all yours for now so I'm glad you like it. I decorated it myself, before it was like a mancave so I added some womanly touches to make you feel more welcome." All for me? Why am I suddenly getting moved from a jail cell into my own room. Am I going to die tomorrow so they thought they could give me a nice rest before I pass, is this a trap! I started looking around for any cameras but I couldn't find any, strange...

"I know you have a lot of questions and they will all be answered shortly but for now I suggest you get cleaned and have a rest. Food and drinks will be sent to your room in a while. Sadly as much as I didn't want them to, they have barred the Windows and put locks on the doors so only myself, Jayce or Andrew can enter. I would also love to take you outside in the garden but your not allowed I'm sorry I know you'd want to, even I would want to. I don't like outdoors so much but when locked in the same room for 2 months I would want to." 'Whose Jayce? Garden, I love gardens and TWO MONTHS?!' But before I could say or ask anything she was gone. I thought I have been here for two weeks never mind two months! Oh my god I feel like I'm hyperventilating. No Stacey stop just go get showered and changed after all you are only in lingerie. 

I have so many questions. But I understand the locking in part, they don't trust me, heck even I wouldn't trust me because I would've tried to escape. Scratch that I will still try to escape not from the building, just so I can get some fresh air not matter what they say. I just need a plan...

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