Chapter 11

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That night after the "dinner" I sat in bed thinking over my whole life, over my whole story. I had such a great day today, well besides the one part of my evening but other than that I was happy. However I think back in time and wonder what I did to deserve this happy day. Now I'm not one of those people who don't cry because lets be honest, I cry, like a lot especially when I'm thinking of my past. So what happened next was unstoppable...

'The light was dimmed in my room. My jaw and ribs were still hurting from my recent beatings. My tears are streaming down my face as I sit on my bed frozen and angry. My whole family hates me they don't even deserve to be called my family. I'm sick and tired of being pushed and shoved around like I'm dirt. I've been kicked, hit- hell I've been broken! Complete and utterly broken and it's all THEIR fault.

Without even thinking I'm getting off my bed and heading downstairs towards the kitchen where my mother is standing smoking her life away. The tears on my face have dried and I have no expression showing. My mother turns to look at me with a grimace shown on her face.

"Well don't just stand there you useless slut! Start making dinner and cut the vegetables !" She shouts at me and puts out her cigarette on my skin. I don't even flinch as she does so. I turn around to grab a knife completely and utterly not in control of my body as I turn back around and plunge it into her back. My one hand holding the knife and the other muffling her screams.'
Flashback over

"Stop!" I shout at myself now practically drowning in my own tears. I'm pulling at my hair crouching over and sobbing my heart in my bed while screaming into my pillow trying to make the flashbacks stop. But of course you don't always get what you want.

After a couple more stabs causing her to quieten down and flop to the floor I started walking upstairs towards my fathers office. As I walk in my father had just opened the safe. He turns to glare at me. "What the fuck are you doing in here bitch get out!"

But I didn't. Instead I walked over towards my father with the knife behind my back but when I reached him he slapped me so hard I fell to the floor and hit my head on his desk the knife scattering on the floor. Everything went in slo-mo. My eyes were closed as I tried to ignore the pain. It was excruciating and I knew if I stayed under this desk lying in the floor he would hit me again and again. So I opened my eyes and ignored the protests of my body.

There, taped to the bottom of the desk is a gun. So I grabbed the gun and pointed it at my father before putting a hole through his chest and head. He collapsed to the floor as I was getting up off it. I lent against the desk my body aching in pain but just as I was about to drop the gun a ear piercing scream echoed from downstairs. My sister Daniella. Oh my lovely sister. My main bully and most irritating thing alive on earth. She's a spoilt brat always getting what she wants and blaming everything on me well she's gonna pay.

I ignored the throbbing and dragged myself downstairs to see her kneeling over my mother. I gripped the gun and raised it to her head before pulling the trigger watching as her lifeless body dropped.
Flashback Over

"AAHHHHHH!!!!" This time I didn't bother muffling out my screams as they echoed through the mansion. I fell off my bed and started crawling towards the bathroom. If someone were to walk in right now they would think I am a mental patient as I crawl into the shower fully clothed and turn on the cold water.

My body is aching and burning my hands are hitting the side walls and my vocal cords are in pain as I scream. This has only happened once before in my life and I passed out due to pain. I am completely soaked from head to toe and my vision was blurred but I could see movement in front of me however I didn't know who or what it is.

More things kept entering the bathroom and I kept backing up against the shower wall scared that they might beat me like my family did. The humming of their voices scared me and one creature stepped forward into the shower and tried to grab me but I shoved it off of me screaming profanities at it.

Another came in slowly and I tried kicking it away but this one didn't give up. It jumped into the shower with me wrapping its arms around me securing me and causing me to stay still. I tried kicking, wriggling, screaming and scratching but the strong, muscly creature held me tight as another came towards me.

I still couldn't tell who or what these things were but I could tell what the one was carrying as it was close to my face. A needle. Just like the one my father injected me with causing me to become sleepy and then for him to take advantage of me. But no I am not going through that again so I gave all my strength into trying to wriggle out the grasp but it didn't work.

This is how it's going to be. Why couldn't I just have taken my own life that night. It would've been so much easier. The needle stabbed me in the arm and almost instantly I became drowsy. I started feeling flimsy and the creature lay me down on his lap as they turned the shower off.

It was a man holding me and as his face came into view I could see who it was. Wait Jayce? 'Mmm he could take advantage of me any day - wait what was I thinking? It must be the drugs.' That was my last thought until I drifted off into the darkness.

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