Chapter 19

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Silence. That's all you could hear. The sound of silence echoed in everyone's ears as they waited for my reaction to the recent news. Even I didn't know what to think I mean how would you react if you have been living with gang members for a long time without knowing it.

Well I guess it makes sense now. I mean for fucks sake, they locked me in their basement and tortured me for answers as to why I was in 'their territory' I mean come on Stacey why didn't you catch on woman!

I mentally slapped myself for not questioning it however if they gang members whose the gang leader? Oh wait that makes sense it's Jayce! That's why he was bossing them around earlier like he owned them because technically sorta kinda he did own them.

Wait, these people are probably wanted around the city because they're in a gang. That means they won't let me go. OMG that explains the mini search party for me the day I went outside for air. This all makes sense now. Ugh another slap for being such an idiot Stace.

Hold up, being in a gang also meant that they killed people. I'm in a room of murderers! Well Jayce most definitely is but I don't know about Alice so I'm in a room with one murderer. Actually...-

"Stacey?" A voice cuts off my thoughts bringing me back to the present. I let out a grunt of surprise because I completely forgot about the other people in the room. "You've been staring at the wall for about 5 minutes I mean I know this is a shock but the suspense is killing us."

I slowly tilted my head up to look into Alice's eyes and then I looked towards Jayce. "You're the gang leader aren't you?" He nodded at my question however his face wore a blank, emotionless expression witch irritated me but that's not the point right now.

"That explains everything. The torture, the questions, the search party, your angry attitude, you getting shot, the random man that came inside and all the guards basically bowing down to you as you walk by. Those people in the other room are all gang members and have most likely killed people. You guys are like trained assassins and I'm like a little child running around oblivious to everything around me. How did I not notice? The signs were all there!"

Alice looked ashamed and Jayce just looked bored. "Are you part of the gang Alice?" She nodded while looking down. I took in a deep breath before straightening up and turning towards Jayce. "Well I guess it's settled then," Jayce looked towards me and for a second I though he looked scared as to what my decision might be but I got rid of that thought the moment it came," when do I start training to be an assassin?"

To say they both looked shocked was an understatement. Alice's mouth practically hit the floor and Jayce's eyeballs basically fell out his head. "W-what?" Alice asked.

"Well you clearly won't let me go and even if you did I wouldn't leave. This is the first time in my life I feel accepted. Everyone has their baggage, some more than others and clearly you guys are part of that some but guess what, I am too so I don't care if you guys are gang members or gang leaders of if you've killed people because frankly I- uh I- uhm..." I looked up into Alice's eyes ashamed of what I have done and almost immediately she came to hug me not even knowing what I was going to say.

"Shhh it's okay Stace you can tell us I mean it's not like we're going to go to the police." That caused me to giggle a bit but I stopped shortly after. This time I looked up into Jayce's eyes. "I have a lot of explaining to do and I would prefer not to repeat it so I would like to tell all of you at the same time if you don't mind." He nodded and whispered a small 'sure' before heading out the room probably to call a small gathering for my story.

"Don't judge me." I whispered to Alice and if she hadn't been so close I doubt she would've heard me but she did and whispered back,"never." And we followed Jayce out the door where we found everyone sitting in the lounge expectantly curious as to what is happening and as if someone didn't get shot a couple hours earlier.

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