Chapter 31

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Now you're probably wondering how we get away with destroying a whole hotel island. Well here's the answer... We don't.

After we had packed our things and strapped Alice up, Jayce phoned for one of the jets to pick us up from a landing just down from where we are. So we jumped onto one of the boats from the attackers and headed off with a GPS towards wherever the jet was picking us up.

The boat ride towards our destination was quite as we were clearly exhausted from fighting. It was slowly getting darker and colder however none of us have changed out of our clothes from before meaning some of us were still covered in dirt and blood. Knowing that there will not be a shower on the plane I take off Jayce's top and am left in my costume before wetting a cloth with some fresh water from a bottle and start wiping myself clean.

A quick 'bath' later and I am averagely clean. I had also expertly changed into some warmer clothes from my suitcase behind a towel I made Alice and Hannah hold up. The others also followed my genius plan and eventually we were suitable for a long trip home.

As a long flat terrain came into view, I could see the jet casually parked on top waiting for our arrival. Eventually, roughly five minutes later, we were all helping each other out the boat and leaving the boat on run so it could carry on going until someone found it.

"I cannot believe all my time planning this vacation and it just got ruined! I mean what the fuck?" Alice practically shouts out as we are boarding the jet. "Dont worry Al, we only had today left and then we would've gone home anyway." I say as I help her up the stairs due to her ankle having been shot. Fortunately it wasn't as serious as it looked so we just did some minor fixes and it will be looked at better when we get home.

The plane was the same private jet we had used on the way here and now we are leaving in it. As much as I don't want to leave, I'm kind of excited to get home, learn how to drive my absolutely stunning car, get back into shape and start fighting again.

Once I have gotton Alice into her seat I pick mine and angle it so that I am able to sleep on the way home. Before the jet takes off Jayce stands at the front facing everyone and tells us the instructions.

"Okay everyone when we get home I want Alice to go get her ankle checked out, Hannah and Stacey, you guys will unpack and clean the weapons. The boys and I have some errands to run and we need to leave straight away." And with that, Jayce motions for Andrew and Blade to head to the back of the jet while the girls and I prepare for a long sleep home.

Jayce's POV

After a while of meaningless talking with Andrew and Blade, I check to see if all the girls are sleeping before I get down to business. Fortunately they are.

"Okay guys so I know you are confused as to what we are doing when we get home." I whisper just in case one of the girls are awake so they can't hear me. "Well as you know Stacey and I aren't really in a good situation right now, as in we are always fighting and shit but the thing is that... Uh..." I lose my words not knowing how to say it.

But I guess the guys already knew what I was going to say because Blade said it first. "Bro we can see that you love her, it's freaking obvious! And she clearly loves you." He practically shouted earning a glare on my behalf.

"As I was saying, the thing is that even though I've only known her for a short period of time, recent events have made me realize that any of us could die at any moment and yes Blade, I do care for her and that is why I don't want to lose her and boys for that reason when we get home, we are going shopping."

They stare at me quite confused as to what I'm talking about but look as if they are slowly catching on to what I am saying. "Now what exactly are we going shopping for?" Andrew asks with a raised eyebrow as if he already knows. And my next answer, I guess, confirms his thoughts.

"A ring."

Thanks for the support guys you are all amazing people! Don't forget to vote, comment and follow me. I've entered the #wattys2017 so please can everyone vote it will mean a lot. I also entered my new book 'Stunned' so go check that out too :p. Please spread the word of my book and I will update soon xx


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