Chapter 3

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I have no idea how long it has been since I've been in here. The only person I have seen is Andrew but he never looks me in the eyes. It's as if he regrets coming in and torturing me, asking me questions again and again. I only answer the simple questions like 'what's your favorite color?' But he barley asks me questions like that.

I have gotten so bored of staring at the same walls, same door and the same table with the same tools on top. I'm tired of this stupid chair and stupid Andrew who only comes here to hurt me.

A couple times I can hear people behind the door separating me from freedom and hell, arguing about something but their words are always muffled and quiet that I barely hear a thing.

Food comes only twice a day. Bread, butter and a glass of water but I haven't been drinking the water lately, I'm over life. I just want to die. Dehydration and blood loss seem to be the key but you never know, lack of movement may kill me. I'm so sore from being constantly tied to this chair. The only time I get untied is when I go to the bathroom which is a bucket in the corner. I don't think it's even possible to die from lack of movement but I'm dying to move. See what I just did there.



Ah here they go again. The same voices arguing outside my door like per usual. One voice I recognize as Andrews but the other is unfamiliar. I sometimes hear it when they open the door so I know it's a man due to the deepness of his voice. I really want to know what they fighting about. They my only source of entertainment even if it is hushed voices outside my prison cell.

The door opens a crack but I can't see whose opened it, I can only hear the people on the other side. "Fuck you dude, I've done this for way too long! She would've cracked by now if she knew anything!" Are they talking about me?

"But what are we supposed to do? We can't just let her go Andrew she will say something! We should just kill her! It's as simple as that." Wait me? Killed? Please I'm begging you!

"NO! How inhumane can you be? We can't just kill her, she doesn't deserve to die! I can see she's been through enough already." No shut up Andrew!

"She's already trying to kill herself, I don't see what the big deal is, and close the door she can probably hear us." Ah fuck I'm caught. Maybe if I tried acting asleep they would carry on. But they don't. They close the door and carry on bickering. Damn, now what? I might as well go to sleep. Hopefully they will forget about my torturing today, after all I wasn't going to answer them anyway...

I've been awake for some time now, I could actually go for a blanket right now because Andrew had to remove my cardigan and jersey so he could find new places to torture me. Speaking of Andrew, I'm kinda missing him, I know call me crazy but I do. He does torture me but I can see it pains him when doing so. He also is one of the only things I can look at besides the table, walls and door.

The door opens and someone walks into the room but I cannot see its face because the lights are off except for the one above me. It's like a spotlight like in the scary movies. It looks like a man and by the look of his posture, he seems very important. I don't think it's Andrew. Andrew would just walk in and start the interrogation. He walks over to the darkest corner of the room and casually leans against it.

"Why were you in my territory?" I recognize that voice, it's the voice always fighting with Andrew. His voice is strangely calm however I think its the calm before the storm.

"I didn't know it was your territory. For gods sake how many times do I have to tell you people? Just let me go and I promise I won't say anything to anyone. Not like I have anyone to tell." The last part I said in a whisper. He didn't need to know the situation I was in. To be honest even if he did let me go I probably wouldn't last long if you know what I mean.

I hear the cock of a gun making me raise my head. The all too familiar sound ringing in my ears. "I don't believe you bitch, so you better tell me the truth or your brains are gonna end up on the wall." Ah there's the storm and how the fuck did he get next to me without me noticing.

The gun is situated against my head making me unable to move my head to see his features. "A gun doesn't scare me arsehole, I've had way worse things than that!" I shout at the wall in front of me since I couldn't see him. He steps in front of me, gun on my forehead so now I can see his features. He is extremely good looking but right now is not the right time to admire his beauty. I stare straight into his pitch black eyes, daring him to try harder than this.

He smirks and leans forward searching my eyes. Before I can even register what's happening, he punches me in the face. "Ah!"

"Wow, aren't you a little spicy one. A little too spicy... I might have to teach you a lesson because I don't like bad behavior." Yet again he punches me in the face.

"Ah!" Now I can taste my metallic tasting blood. Dick! I spit in his face. Splattering my spit and blood mix onto his beautifully sculpted face. I don't care if he beats me, he needs to teach me a lesson? ME! Teach me a lesson my ass, he needs to learn that people don't give up as easily as he thinks.

"Well," he wipes my art work off his face,"your going to pay for that." Bring it on asshole. He walks over to the table and picks up the same knife Andrew used on the first day I was here. He crouches in front of me one hand holding the knife and the other placed firmly on my right thigh.

I shiver under his touch. What? It's cold and I've been locked here for a long time now give me a break. He smirks at my reaction probably getting an ego boost. "Such a waste of a pretty face." I could feel myself getting even more irritated. He just managed to compliment me and say 'Your going to die' in the same sentence.

"Aaahh!!" What the fuck- did he just- no he didn't- he fucking did! He stabbed my thigh! With the knife! How dare he, I swear to god when I get out of this chair I'm going to kick him so hard in the balls he's gonna have 3 Adam's apples.

My face was wet with tears as I glared at him so hard he flinched just enough for me to see and notice before covering it up with a smirk. "Next time you pull a stunt like that I'll kill you." He pulls the knife out my thigh making me wince and throws it carelessly onto the table before starting to walk away but as he is about exit, I mutter under my breath, "Why don't you just kill me now." Not meaning for him to hear. But by the way his shoulders froze and his back muscles that I could see through his shirt tensed, I guessed he did.

His hand was on the door handle holding it so tight I felt sorry for the door. "What did you just say?" He didn't even turn around but I knew it was directed at me, obviously.

"You already know what I said." I'm still muttering afraid that if I speak up I'll end up shouting and crying making him feel as though he has won.

"I said, what did you SAY?!" He turned around quickly walking over to my chair and placing his hands on the back of my chair so his face would be directly in front of me if I looked up. So me being me, I looked up.

"I said, why don't you just Kill me Right NOW!" My voice raising with each word surprising even myself with how much venom and hatred in my words that even he flinched so I clearly 100% knew he flinched. It made me proud on the inside but also kinda bad.

He raised the gun he pulled out his pants onto my forehead looking me straight into the eyes when doing so. I'm looking at him with a hard glare and at the same time gratefulness that he will finally end it here. I didn't want my last glance at life to be in a grimy old cell so I closed my eyes and imagined when I was 9 just before everything got bad. When I was pushing my little sister on the swing in the park next to my house. My parents were looking happy and I had the life I really loved.



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