Chapter 22

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"Aaaaahhhh!" I scream as Hannah pushes me up against the floor in the most uncomfortable position in the world. My face is smoothed up against the floor that smells of sweat and blood while my arms and hands are being held captive by Hannah behind my back as she puts all her weight on me by sitting on top of me and pushing down on my arms.

"Hannah enough!" A deep, load and very attractive voice shouts. It has been almost two weeks since I started training and I feel like I have gotten no where. The only thing improving are the color on my bruises.

"Yes Jayce." She replies slyly as she gets off of me and walks towards Jayce. I turn to look at her to see them talking lowly and I lowly growl as I watch her stroke her hand down his arm as she leaves the gym. I slowly and painfully get up and watch as Jayce walks towards me.

When he reaches my wavering body he gently picks me up and walks me over to a bench in the corner. I look up at him about to thank him when I notice the emotion covering his face. "Jayce, what's wrong?" I ask, worry filling my words like the plague. His face is etched with worry while his eyes are turned down in deep thought and regret.

He looks down at his lap but when he looks up again he looks so fragile. "Listen Stacey I don't know how to say this." Yet again he looks down at his lap with a sigh escaping his lips.

"Jayce? What is it? You're worrying me. Just say it." I feel so helpless, he looks so broken however when he yet again looks up I see nothing except an emotionless, blank face.

"Stacey we need to talk." Uh oh. This can't be good. "It has come to my attention that you are slacking in training-" "What! I just started that is so unf-" I cut him off however he has other plans. "Do not cut me off!" Oh shit I know this look all too well. His eyes were hard and his jaw was clenched his nostrils were flaring and his posture was rigid.

This was the exact look before in my cell where he would beat me to a pulp and physically and mentally torture me. Too many things were passing through my head. Me and Jayce in the garden after we had just kissed but then it flashes to him picking out his next torture device. Me and him running after each other or him punching me in the face. I couldn't handle it.

Breathe Stacey,"No," BREATHE Stacey,"NO," BREATHE STAC-" NO!!" I shout standing up from my seat. This can't be happening. Not only is he breaking up with me but he's going back to his original self. The cold, emotionless bastard who abused me.

"Is it because of her!" I shout pointing to where Hannah was standing. "Or is it actually about me slacking because I am not going to be abused in my life ever again you hear me!" By this time Jayce is standing towering over me while I point an accusing finger at him. "Everything was going just fine until now. What did I do wrong?" I say loudly wobbling slightly in exhaustion and shock.

By Jayce's lack of communication I decided to carry on. "Are we moving too fast or too slow or are you just scared that I will get hurt?" He tenses at this comment confirming my suspicion. "No one will hurt me-" finally he speaks, "It's not about that okay! It's just over so don't start jumping to conclusions. You will carry on training however you will not go on any missions until you have mastered all training! I am your boss and leader so you will listen to me without any smart comments or sarcastic remarks. If you do anything out of order you will be punished just like the others. You will be treated as a lower rank and you will respect us higher ranks. Now shut up with your pathetic whines and get going!" He shouts at me causing tears to build in my eyes.

"What the fuc-" I start yet get cut off once again by a massive pain to the side of my face. It all happened too fast. Too fast yet in slow-mo. The fist came charging to my cheek and my head went zooming to the side with so much force that I could practically see my tears flying out my eyes before the other side of my head made impact with one of the stacks of Dumbbells then everything went black.

Hey guys and gurls. Well I have no wifi at home or any data left so this is me using the wifi at a restaurant to post this. Unfortunately I still have no wifi so I am terribly sorry for no updates. I promise I will make it up.


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