Chapter 37

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Two months, one week, three days, 12 minutes and 42 seconds I have waited for this day.

I'm standing with Alice inside my room fitted in my wedding dress as she delicately places my veil on top of my head. I stare at myself in the full length mirror fighting the tears threatening my makeup. Alice, however, is not so lucky as she has already filled half a bin full of tissues and has redone her makeup at least 5 times.

"You look so beautiful Stacey." She said blowing her nose. I can't even speak as I slowly turn to her with a smile on my face. A grateful smile. My perfectly manicured hands stretch out and pull her towards me giving her a hug as a single fucking traitor of a tear runs down my cheek.

"Don't cry Stacey you look beautiful." Blades voice comes from the doorway giving us a small fright and making us let out a small laugh as we pull away from each other.
"Thank you." I smile.

"I've come to let you know that it's time for the bride to arrive." He says softly before heading back downstairs.

I turn back to Alice, my maid of honor. She gives me the bouquet of flowers and nudges me towards the door and we start or walk outside to where we find Hannah my bridesmaid waiting by the back door.

I had decided that the wedding will happen next to Jayce's bench and he nearly broke down at the thought thanking me and calling me amazing to which I blushed and nearly died right then and there. I also only wanted to have Alice and Hannah as my bridesmaids since they have been there for me throughout and I guess Jayce felt the same about his groomsmen, Andrew and Blade.

Walking out towards the ceremony we followed the path made by flowers and a stunning white carpet leading all the way to the alter. Guards were everywhere and many even congratulated me as I went past. The wedding has so much security not even a mouse could get in without being captured, this is because all gang leaders and their second in command were invited as well as Jayce's and now, my gang.

The roses spread across the law smelt absolutely divine and the rose arcs were in bloom as we had planned. By now we were getting close to Jayce and my hands were getting sweaty holding the flowers. The girls were walking ahead of me and two guards were behind me as we passed the other rose arc.

My heart is thumping in my chest and my mouth is going dry. My legs feel like they are about to give way as we turn the corner about fifteen steps away from the beginning of my walk to my future. This is it.

12 steps...

The man who captured me...

9 steps...

Who tortured me...

6 steps...

Who broke my heart...

3 steps...

I am going to marry.

I turn around the corner and I see Jayce and the priest standing at the end. Jayce not yet having turned around then all of a sudden music starts and everyone sitting down stands up eyes all facing in my direction as both Alice and Hannah start their ascend.

I then see Jayce turn around and lock eye contact with me and that's when everything stops. His mouth drops open like a broken nutcracker and his eyes widen, shimmering with happiness. He looks absolutely dashing. His suit fits him like a glove and hugs him in all the right places complementing his beautifully broad shoulders and his hair is messy in a hot and sexy kind-

"Stacey?" The guard on my right says pulling me out of my trance and giving me a nudge to start walking down the isle following my stunning bridesmaids.

I think back on my past as I look into the eyes of my future and almost forget about the present. My mind brings me to everything Jayce has done to me or I to him and think that if it got me to this moment right now, I would do it all over again.

Everything is drown out as I finally reach the end to where my Prince Charming is standing. His eyes never left me once when I was walking and neither did mine. Someone takes the flowers from my hand and Jayce replaces it with his own hands.

"Jayce Parker and Stacey Robertson, have you come here to enter into Marriage without coercion, freely and wholeheartedly? Are you prepared, as you follow the path of Marriage, to love and honor each other for as long as you both shall live? Are you prepared to accept children lovingly from God and to bring them up according to the law of Christ and his Church?" The priest asks.

"I am." Jayce and I simultaneously say.

"Since it is your intention to enter into the covenant of Holy Matrimony, join your right hands, and declare your consent before God and his Church." Even though Jayce and I aren't very religious we decided that maybe Christianity was the way to go since his parents were Cristian as were most of the gang members funnily.

"Jayce Parker, do you take Stacey Robertson to be your wife? Do you promise to be faithful to her in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love her and to honor her all the days of your life?" The priest asks him and all eyes stare intently at Jayce.

"I do." He says with a huge smile on his face.

"Stacey Robertson, do you take Jayce Parker to be your husband? Do you promise to be faithful to him in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love him and to honor him all the days of your life?" All eyes now turn to me.

"I do." I manage to choke out because I'm about to cry and laugh at the same time.

"May we have the rings and the vows please." Mr Priest says and Andrew fives the, to him. He hands Jayce my ring and Jayce's rain to me.

Jayce takes my left hand and looks me straight in the eyes before sliding the ring perfectly onto my finger. "I, Jayce Parker, have always loved you from the moment I saw you. Your beauty lights up this world and you can never burn out. Your smile and laugh and body and hair and everything makes me happy. Without you I would be a horrible person and I am overjoyed to now claim you as mine. I will forever keep you safe and never hurt you ever again. I love you."

My eyes are now full on crying but I'm too shaky to wipe them away because it's now my turn to hand over Jayce's ring.

I take his hand softly and concentrate hard on not screwing it up before carefully placing it on his finger. "I, Stacey Robertson, think you are the most amazing person in the world. Your laugh makes me giddy and my stomach erupts with unknown beasts when you are around. Just the thought of you next to me by my side makes me smile and I promise I will never make you question this relationship. I am forever yours and you are forever mine. I love you so much. "

"You may kiss the bride." The priest says and I practically jump into Jayce's arms kissing him on the lips and sealing our bond. This is the man I was destined to be with and I regret nothing of the past. He is my everything and I adore him.

Im sorry for the delay but I've been busy xx. Hope you guys enjoyed, don't forget to like, comment and follow me. Have an awesome year guys and let me know what you think xx.


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