Chapter 17

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Top - Hannah, bottom - Blade
Ok so um, the part where I said, 'hope he doesn't wake up' didn't exactly play out because he woke up and is now trying to get out the chair I tied him to. I have asked him all sorts of questions but he refused to answer them or even to make a sound so while he struggles to get out of captivity I decided to talk to him even if he won't talk back.

I know, I know, I'm crazy but being normal is boring and who likes boring? Sorry for the people who do but I don't so ya anyway...

"... and that's why I'm afraid of small candles. You know your a great listener, you will make some girl happy one day, unless your gay then you'll make some guy happy one day unless Jayce doesn't let you go then you won't have anyone, unless you already have someone. Wait, where is that son of a bitch anyway? It's been like 3 hours! You must be really uncomfortable to sit for that long." To my surprise he actually nodded making me laugh a little.

"Stacey, why the hell are you up so earlyeeeeeeee!" Alice squealed, her voice scaring me half to death. "Jesus Christ Alice! I nearly died of a heart attack! Don't scare me like that!" To be honest I completely forgot she was here. I've been a little pre-occupied.

"Who the hell is that and why the hell is he tied up to a chair?" Alice practically screamed. "Actually now that I think of it, this 'he' may be a 'she' but it has a mask so we cannot see." I start going all Dr. Seuss on her ass however I stop when I see her clearly irritated face and whisper a quick sorry before explaining myself.

"Well after you went to bed, I went downstairs for some food because I hadn't eaten any proper food but after a while I heard a strange noise so I went to investigate after I saw there was a intruder I smashed his/her face in with the door knocking him/her out cold now he/she won't talk so I have just been talking to him/her until someone comes home or you wake up. Actually I'm surprised you didn't wake up when I bashed his face with the door because  I have to admit I was a tad bit loud."  Okay maybe really loud but she didn't have to know.

"Well who is it?" She asked clearly shaken by this strange persons appearance. "Well I don't know. I didn't want to take off the mask until someone could bear the surprise and confusion with me or to explain who it is if I don't know him/her." I explained.

"Well take it off. I'm not going anywhere near that chair so you have to do it." She exclaimed. So I hesitantly walked up to the man and was about to take off the mask when a loud slamming of a door was heard downstairs and my immediate reaction was to basically slap my hand across the intruders mouth in case the noise downstairs are more people like him and he decides to shout for help.

I turn my head around to face Alice who is looking like a deer in the head lights and ask her to close the door while I desperately reach over to the tissue box lying on the desk and try grabbing a lot of tissues in order to gag him so he doesn't smoke a sound all while still holding my hand on his face while he wriggles around.

While I'm reaching over to the box of tissues which seems to be just out of reach, he bites me. Yes, he fucking bites me! On my fucking hand!

I instantly retract my hand forgetting about silencing him for a moment but just as I remember, it was too late. Alice had already hit the stranger across the head with my previous weapon the walking stick knocking him out cold for the second time in order to silence him.

Both Alice and I stared at the unconscious body for a few moments before bursting into muffled giggles. We couldn't laugh out loud incase we gave our location away to those downstairs but it was still hilarious.

When we finally calmed down I somehow convinced Alice to come downstairs with me to check it out. So now we are standing at the top of the stairs preparing ourselves for a fight. Alice was holding the walking stick since she proved herself worthy of its power before and I am holding a umbrella which I found in the office. I know, scary right.

"Okay now we need to sneak downstairs and attack them while they're unsuspecting." I whispered to Alice and she gave me the nod of approval so we started the journey. Down the stairs, past the coat rack and front door following the not so silent talking of the intruders through the hall way and into... The lounge? Why the lounge.

Alice looked at me and held up her hand showing me three fingers, two fingers, one finger, go time. We burst into the lounge screaming our heads off, probably not such a good idea, and started swinging our 'amazing' weapons at anything that moved which happened to be Jayce lying on the floor in agony, Andrew sitting next to him and a strange man and woman next to them also leaning over Jayce.

As soon as we burst in all eyes turned to us and as soon as we realized it was our friends we lowered our walking stick and umbrella begins our backs however still cautious of the two strangers. Hold up, why is there a medical aid? Why is Jayce on the floor? Why is there BLOOD?

"Holy shit Jayce!" Alice and I both screamed as we ran towards him. Alice started crying while I was trying to figure out what was wrong I mean I have had to deal with many things such as broken bones, deep gashes, stabs or scratches and so on from my previous life but Jayce definitely beats me as he has a huge wound in his right shoulder. Okay now for all my wounds I would search the cure or something to help it on my computer but I have no idea how to help him now. It's not like I have had a wound that big.

"What the hell happened?" I ask nobody in particular as Alice is inaudible from her hysterical crying. The first person to answer me is the unknown man. "He got shot in the shoulder in the attack." He states while giving me a quick smile.

"Oh my god what do you want me to do to help?" I asked again to no one in particular. "Can you please get some towels, warm water and another medical aid box quick oh and a bottle of vodka to clean the wound." The strange woman said and as soon as she finished I was up and running to get the requirements.

This went on for  about 2 hours. Me grabbing different things and helping every once in a while also calming down Alice at the same time. But finally when we had fixed Jayce and stitched him up we were all exhausted. Jayce had passed out on the floor but the man said he was okay and stated he was a doctor so I kinda believe him, Alice had fallen asleep on the couch after finding out he would be okay, Andrew had gone to the his room and most likely also fallen asleep and I was sitting on the floor with Jayce's head on my lap while the two strangers who introduced themselves as Hannah, the woman, and Blade, the very flirtatious man, talked to each other. I'm pretty sure they're siblings but I don't know.

"Mhmshnmncrksmm." A very tired sounding voice, aka Jayce, muttered finally waking up from his slumber. I immediately helped him sit up but he slumped back so his head was on my chest between my boobs and his hands grasping my shins however I don't think he minded at all since he turned around a little and told me he liked the position which ended in me giving him a soft slap and Hannah glaring at me. Okay....

"Hey are you okay?" Hannah asked Jayce while placing her hand on his left arm causing me to glare at her although as soon as I realized me jealous outbreak I calmed myself down and focused on Jayce.

"Ya I'm fine just a little sore but thanks." He stated while trying to get up. The key word is trying so eventually Blade helped him up and I stood up after him. "What the hell happened to you guys? I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure that doesn't happen at a normal business meeting." I exclaimed.

"I-" Jayce started but was quickly cut off by a sound of something falling over upstairs. My eyes widened in realization as to what made that sound. "Oh shit! Long story short there's a guy in your office who may be trying to escape!" And that's how we all started running to his office. Well except for Alice and Andrew since they were sleeping but you get what I mean.

Hey guys. Sorry for not updating in a while so here's a long chapter for you:)
Don't forget to vote and comment my prettiests :p

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