There's a First for Everything

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The stadium was packed full of people. Cheerleaders, Football players and the parents, family and friends. Raven was amongst the massive crowd. She was with Jaxon and the team, and the team mates' girl friends. Riley had a blond girl with him, she was much taller than Raven. Raven knew she wasn't his type. Raven however, did see them kiss and she gave Riley a look.
Jaxon had his arm around Raven and he would rub a small circle on the small of her back every now and then. She'd look up and smile at him. "Thank you for coming." He said sincerely.
"You're welcome." She smiled. He kissed the top of her head and she leaned into his side as comfortably as she could with all his padding on. Raven felt rather safe around Jaxon, despite what Riley had claimed. Raven said "Do you need a drink? I can go get you one if you'd like."
"I'm okay. Thank you though." He said, smiling.
"Oh c'mon. I know you need one. You're gonna get dehydrated if you don't." She convinced Jaxon.
"If you'd be such a doll and get me a water I would appreciate it so much." He smiled and looked at her, handing her a couple of one dollar bills. She nodded and left to go get him a water. Raven also got him a snack too. A pack of Skittles.
She got back and decided to sneak up behind him and wrap her arms around him from behind. He saw the drink and snack in one hand, and the change in the other. She giggled and said "Here you go. The sugar is for the energy bit." He chuckled.
Riley watched the two with a mild disgust. He was almost jealous of how she gave Jaxon all of her affection, more over the fact she was dumbstruck by love. He watched as Jaxon looked into her eyes and kissed her forehead, her eyes closing as his lips touched to her skin.
"You are officially the best!" He lead her over to one of the benches so they could sit. They happily shared the Skittles and made each other laugh.
The players were all lined up and ready to play. Raven was sitting in the last row of the bleachers. It was dark out and starting to rain. She did the usual until halftime. She didn't bring a jacket with a hood, and she left her beanie at home. Raven pulled the collar up around her neck and walked over to the fence between the players and the crowd. She looked for Jaxon and found him. "You look cold! Do you want to sit in the car and watch? I forgot my hoodie in my locker at school." He took his helmet off and he put one hand against the fence.
"I want to watch you-" it began to downpour. "Play..." She finished her sentence. He chuckled. They intertwined their fingers through the fence and into each other's.
"Go get into the car, silly. I don't want you to freeze out here. You're too precious for that." He spoke softly. "I parked where you can still see the field. I promise you that you aren't gonna miss much." He looked into her eyes.
"Okay... Only because I can still see the field. Do you need any water? A Gatorade?" She asked.
"No, I'll get one after the game. Hey, they're calling for me. I'll meet you at the car!" He quickly placed a gentle kiss on her fingers and put his helmet on before jogging back to the field. She went to the concession stand and bought a Gatorade and ran to his car. She got in and flipped the heat on and put his drink in the seat. She watched as the team tried their hardest to finish strong.
It was a really close score. The boys walked off of the field with their heads hung down low. It was a very common and loved sport for Raven and Riley's school. She got out of the car, despite the rain. Searching for Jaxon, she saw him coming off the field last. Raven walked up and surprised Jaxon by hugging him tightly. He hugged her back, just as tight. "You did great... It's just one game." She encouraged him. "You'll win some, and you'll lose some." She looked up into Jaxon's eyes and rest her chin on his chest. He smiled at her.
"You're still freezing... Let's get you to the car." He wrapped his arm around her as they walked. When they got in his car he smiled when he saw the sports drink on his seat. "You're too sweet... Thank you Raven." He got in and felt the car was warmed up from earlier. She had her seat belt on and as he got buckled in, she looked at him.
"Jaxon?" She asked.
"Are you friends with Riley? Cause I was wondering if we all can hang out sometime." She was looking out of the wind shield.
"Not really, but if you'd like I can make amends with him." He felt her reach for his hand. They held hands and every now and then Jaxon would kiss her hand.
"That would be amazing!" She said as he was pulling into her drive way. Her mom was home.
"Okay, see you tomorrow?" He asked.
"Yeah, of course!" She smiled.
"I am sorry you're so cold and wet. If I would have known, I wouldn't have made you sit out in the rain." He apologized.
"It's okay! It really is. It was fun and even though we lost, you did amazing." She unbuckled.
"Goodnight Raven. Thank you so much for everything." He smiled. Raven was ready to get out of the car before he said "Wait."
"Hmm?" She turned to face him. He leaned over and looked into her eyes before closing them. He pressed his lips ever so gently on her own. Raven didn't pull back. She gave him a small kiss back. His hand cupped the side of her face as they both deepened the kiss. It was so gentle and innocent.
They both pulled back and smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow then," he paused. "Goodnight Raven."
"Goodnight Jaxon." She smiled. She walked into her house, still smiling. She left a twenty dollar bill behind the label of his drink. She made sure it was obviously poking out.
He drove away after he was sure she was inside her house safely. She told her mom everything. Her mom asked "Where's Riley?"
Raven got to thinking... He didn't play in the game at all. She never once saw his jersey flash amongst the players. Only just before the game begun. She remembers him walking off the field shaking really badly.
"I'll call him." Raven dialed his number quickly and it rang until she got the voice mail. She dial three more times and got the voice mail box. Raven sighed and said "Mom... He didn't answer."
Raven was worried but only slightly. Little did Raven know, something extreme was happening to her friend.

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