Fighting for Everything

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Later on that day Raven was paid a visit from Riley. He was actually angry for her getting into a fight with him. "What in the hell were you thinking, Raven?!"
"Oh hell, I don't know! Riley, he hurt you several times and I am just now figuring out who the hell has been causing trouble! He hurt you and I yesterday. He almost killed you! If he did..." she stopped and shook her head.
"I don't care! Raven, he is going to strike back when we aren't suspecting it and when he does we are fucked because you couldn't keep your anger held in!" Riley was fuming.
"Oh Jesus, Riley! At least I care! I was scared out of my mind last night! My house was broken into and I was dragged from under my bed, only to be beat on and asked stupid questions!" She looked at him. "We both could have been killed because of that psycho douche bag! I don't even know what has been going on and I am so done with it!" She bursted into a fit of anger.
Riley watched as she paced around. "He was asking these stupid damn questions... calling you wolf because he's a fucking idiot! I don't even know how he got all that equip..." she stopped mid sentence. She remembered the bullets and what was in them.
"Go on. I am listening."
"Riley, you better tell me the truth because if you lie to me right now I wil never, ever forgive you." She had small tears in her eyes. "Is it true? What he was saying? Because those bullets weren't normal ones. They were silver and filled with something. They were for something that's not human or a normal animal."
Riley felt his heart get heavy. "No it's not true." He lied to his best friend.
"What the hell is going on then?" She asked.
"I don't know, honestly." He looked at her.
"What were the bullets for? Why did you tell me to remember one of you?"
"I have no idea..." he rubbed his temples in frustration. She wants answers that he can't give. "I can't... I can't tell you Raven. If I did you would just be more scared and hurt." He looked at her. His heart all.ost broke when she made the face. The same face that she made whenever something had devastated her.
"Oh..." she looked at him. "Riley... what ever this is... what ever is happening. Promise me you will be okay." She looked up at him as he walked over. They made the pinky promise. A pinky promise that held their fate. And as fate would have it, something was bound to happen. He pulled her into a tight hug, knowing that he might not even be alive in the next few hours, days or weeks. At any time he could be killed because of what he is. He closed his eyes tight and just held her.
"I'll be okay..." he said. "You may not know what is going on... but you will be safe every step of the way. Raven, you know that I am willing to take a bullet for you."
"I know. I mean, I have no idea what is going on but whatever it is, I refuse to let you go. I don't care if it is even to protect me. You better not leave me." She pretty much pleaded.
"I can't make that promise... I really can't." He pulled back and looked at her. "Because I need to protect you from what's going on and what I am." He hinted.
Raven only hugged him again, but tighter and didn't say anything. She didn't cry either. Hell, she didn't know if it was the last time she could ever hug him.
He knew he would eventually have to leave her because things will go haywire. It would be for a while too if he did go. "Raven, don't you ever forget me if something does happen and don't try to save me if something does go down. You need to promise me that."
She finally crumbled in, again. Confused, Riley pulled back to look at her. "Riley you know damn well I would jump in front of a bullet or even jump in front of a bus for you. Don't make me promise that... please no." She looked up into his eyes and he saw pure fear.
"Raven... you.. you have to. It's hard, I know." He rubbed her sides in an effort to calm her down. Every few moments he would wipe her tears away.
Quietly she said "Okay... fine... but it going to kill me if something happens to you." She wiped her face and he noticed that she was truly upset. She just hugged him and nestled her face into his chest. "You better keep this heart beating..."
He rest his head atop of hers and rocked side to side with her. She knew something would happen. Her stomach felt uneasy and she just clung onto Riley.
That was how they spent their night. Holding each other as if their lives depended on it. Which, it really did. If he vanished, she would go off the deep end. Raven would loose herself before anything else. He knew it too, which hurt him the most.

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