All Hope is Gone

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Raven was sitting in her room when she got a call from a blocked number. She answered it unsuspectingly and in a confused voice. "Hello? Who is this?"
"You don't need to know that... All you need to know is that you will need medical supplies and go to a place people call Second Bridge." The person hung up. Raven immediately grabbed her backpack that was filled with medical supplies and put her car keys in her mouth while grabbing her small handgun. She tucked it into her waistband and dashed down the stairs. She didn't even put a seatbelt on and waited the agonizing thirty minute drive, and she was speeding.
Raven had no idea who was in need of her help. She arrived and sprinted for the building. When she got inside she couldn't help but freeze in pure fear. There was an all out bloodbath in the room. She saw Jaxon with scratches and blood all over him. Then there was someone she didn't recognize because they were covered in blood.
"Oh hey sweetheart! Come to enjoy the show?" Jaxon said in a cocky tone.
She couldn't even answer. Her hands began to shake and her throat felt tight. Suddenly the second person began howling out in pain and screaming. They started shifting into something huge and muscular. She covered her mouth and backed up a few steps and felt tears roll. She knew who it was.
"Holy shit..." she murmured. She watched in horror as Jaxon and Riley lunged at each other. She didn't want Riley to be ripped to shreds. She discretely reached for her gun and waited until she had a clear shot. Raven's knees began to shake as she aimed and she actually went through with her decision. A gunshot rang off and a body fell limp to the floor. Riley stopped dead in his tracks and didn't do or say a thing. Raven ran out of the building faster than she's ever ran. She threw her bag on the hood of the car and she began freaking out.
Raven ran her fingers through her hair and started to breathe heavily. She grabbed her bag and drove off in a hurry. She was about halfway home when she had to pull over because she felt sick. Raven walked off into the ditch and pulled her hair out of her face and she dry heaved. Suddenly, she vomit. She was overwhelmed and upset.
She couldn't believe what was going on. Riley was that... beast! He couldn't be. It was not him. Jaxon couldn't have been right that night. She hated Jaxon, and oh god... she shot him... In the head. Feeling even more sick she vomit again, remembering the awful sound his skull made as it shattered from the impact of the bullet. She killed someone to save Riley. Raven heaved again and shivered. She couldn't believe that she killed someone who she once lived and even trusted. She had adjusted to everything after about ten minutes of pacing, rinsing her mouth out with water and even punching a tree a couple times. Her knuckles were cut open and slightly bruised.
Raven got into her car and drove the rest of the way home. Her heart dropped when she saw him on her porch. Raven grabbed her bag and gun and walked past him, holding the door open. "I'll fix you up, but then after... leave..." she said.
He followed behind and threw away what was left of his shirt. For a while neither of them said anything to each other. She was stitching up a six inch gash on his back up when she finally had the strength to say something. "Why didn't you tell me the truth that night?"
"Well, it's not like I can flat out say 'Hey Raven I'm a werewolf! And at any given minute I could rip your throat out if my heart rate goes off the charts'; I didn't want to scare you away..."
"Riley, you could have brought it up to me though. And it's not that you did scare me, because you did. You had a murderous glare in your eyes and I have never seen that from you. But if you would have taken time to explain things to me and why shit went down, I would have been okay." She threaded the needle again and walked over to his shoulder to stitch that up.
"Raven if I told you, you would have ran off. Plus it's better off if you acted like you didn't know." He snapped at her.
"Why? Because you don't want me to get involved again?"
"That, and if other people knew that you know they will kill you. It is more dangerous that a human knows, you, because you don't get it." He explained but in an angry voice.
"Riley, I would have known if you told me!" She paused. "How long have you been a werewolf?"
"Around three years. Since sophomore year." He said. "And I can't tell you. Now you have an even bigger target between your shoulders." Riley felt his heart beat faster.
"Damn it Riley... We are supposed to be best friends! You broke a major promise... two of them!" She said, getting emotional. "You were supposed to tell me everything! Even if it was major! And guess what... you didn't. And you lied through your teeth right to my face when I asked if it was true that you're a werewolf. You lied to my face!" She had stopped stitching him up and she looked at him as she stood in front of him.
"Raven, there are things you should and should not know. I wish you never would have answered that call tonight! Because you wouldn't have found out and we wouldn't be having this conversation!"
"Oh yeah, here's something to think about. If I wouldn't have answered that call and shot Jaxon, you would have been dead! He would have gut you like a fish if I didn't answer that call! How do you think i would have felt if I found out you had been killed?" She tried to sound angry but her voice kept cracking.
"Raven, he is dead because of you!"
"Yeah, your point is? He had it coming! And you would be dead and six feet under if I hadn't shot him!" She argued.
"You didn't have to kill him, for Christ sakes!"
"What the hell else was I supposed to do! Obviously he didn't learn the first time to fuck off when you shot him! Be glad I even did something because I was a few short seconds of running out of that place because I was so dam scared!"
"That's what you should have done! I didn't ask for your help! And I certainly don't need it!"
"Fine! Don't you ever ask me to stitch you up when your bleeding out and injured! Don't you dare show your face at my house again, Riley!" She let her anger eat her alive. It chewed her from the inside out.
"You are so lucky I hid his body and hid it damn good. And don't worry about seeing my face anymore, because after tomorrow I am leaving anyways." He started to walk towards the front door.
"Good! After tonight I am never going to forgive you! Never! I don't care what you do to try and fix this because some part of me will always hate you, Riley!"
He muttered "Good." He opened the door. "Because I am never coming back!" He shut the door and didn't even look back.

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