Not what to Expect

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"Hey! Drag her ass over here!" The oldest of the four men said. He was directing the youngest to the big SUV. The windows were tinted and the vehicle itself was a dusty gray color. They had a bag over Raven's head. Her hands and feet were zip tied together. She was still out cold, with a bloody nose and split lip. The lip was from the youngest one knocking her out the second time because she woke up and kicked the middle aged man in the no-no square.
Raven was determined to fight her way out of this situation. It was a shitty situation. They tossed her into the trunk carelessly. She was still unconscious. The men were talking about what Little Jay would do to her and Riley.
"If he doesn't confess, Jay will shoot him. Then beat the answer out of her. Either way, they'll end up dead. She's resistant." The man named Bryan said. He was the oldest at 43. Then it was Luke, who is 31. The other two men were both 20, their names are Jack and Ryan. Raven was in for a fight.
"Nah, he'll beat her some just to make that other dick answer his questions. Or he'll kill her then get answers. A death always brings up answers." Jack said.
"That's true too. Maybe he'll beat them both until he gets and answer and then kill them!" Luke sounded almost hopeful.
They arrived at an abandoned garage and parked the SUV outback. Jack grabbed Raven and carried her inside, where they blind folded her and tied her down to a chair. Riley was chained up to a wall. They had him beat up, but he was half healed already. Something about this situation was going to be heart breaking. Riley smelled something metallic and knew it was blood. Looking up, he saw Raven. Her head was drooped to one side, blood dripping down her face. Her lip was swollen. She was barely awake. Riley said "Let her go... She has nothing to do with this!" His arms pulled in an effort to break the chains. The chains rattled and gave Raven a jump start.
"Hey! Who's the scrawny guy that punched me in the mouth? I'm gonna kick your ass!" She called out.
"Oh shut up!" Bryan shoved her head forward. She spit blood onto the floor.
"Hey, why don't you take this blind fold off so I can see your ugly face?" She spat venomously. "Or are you a bunch of cowards?" She pressed.
"I said shut it!" Bryan struck her across the shoulders with a metal rod. She arched her back and made a face.
"Don't you dare! I'll kill you!" Riley yelled out, he was pissed off.
"You, mongrel, shut up or you'll get it too!" Jack said.
"Will someone take this damn thing off of me already?!" Raven said. She was punched again. "Hit me harder, you little bitch! My dad can hit harder than you! And he is dead! Someone killed him in jail because he liked to hit girls you know." Raven said.
"So help me... If you hit her again, you asshole... I will kill you when I break these God damn Chains!" Riley started pulling.
"Shock him." Luke said. Jack dumped water on Riley first and he clipped jumpers to the chains and then turned on a car battery. Knowing it would daze him, but won't kill him. It would kill a human, not a werewolf. Riley began spazzing out and screaming.
"Stop! Stop! Let him go!" She started to pull the restraints as hard as she could. She managed to break the zip tie around her wrists. She felt blood ooze down her hands. Deciding it was best, she kept the tie in her hands. Riley was coming back to it when he managed to break one arm free. He pulled with all his strength and grabbed Bryan. He slammed him down to the ground and instantly broke his neck. Raven screamed.
They sedated Riley but didn't realize it wasn't enough. "Tell us what your friend over here is and we'll let you go."
"The fuck are you talking about? He is a human you psycho!" She rose her voice.
"Tell us!" He said. Raven heard a gun click.
"I said he was human! Let us fucking go!" She screamed. Riley had broke all of his chains before Ryan aimed at Riley's head. Raven felt someone fix her ties again and she knew it was over.
She started panicking when Riley fell silent. "Don't! Please! We are so young! Please! He's my best friend and I love him! Please, sir!" She cried.
"Time is ticking! What is he?!"
"He's human God damn it! HE IS HUMAN!" She screamed out. There was a gunshot, then a thud. Raven let out a horrified scream. "No! Riley! Oh god! No! He's my best friend!" She repeated until her sobs became quieter and more hushed. Her voice broke every now and then. The door opened.
"Hello?" She sniffed.
"Oh hey sweetie!" She recognized the voice. She was struggling to break the ties.
"Jaxon you asshole! Let me go!" She wriggled around.
"Put that gun down, wolf." Jaxon spat.
"Leave, or I'll shoot you in the knee cap." Riley threatened.
"Put the gun down." Jaxon demanded.
Raven was overwhelmed. She heard a shot and Jaxon's pained scream. Then she felt warm hands working on the ties. She ripped the blindfold off and looked around. Riley wasn't there. She bolted for the door and zipped through the halls and many doors. She was outside when she stopped and leaned against a tree, breathing heavily.
Riley had been right the whole time. She waited for what seemed like forever. Still, no Riley. She got a text that said "Go home. I'm fine. I'll see you later." It was Riley.

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