Damaged Petals

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It wasn't often when Raven and Riley would argue, but when it happened their parents always knew. Riley had a football game the night they got into their argument.
Raven was the most distraught about the argument, but she was also rather sensitive out of the two. They were arguing about who she had a crush on. He was a young man named Jaxon Ride. Everybody knew him as being a very rough and tough guy. He did as he pleased.
Riley knew how he was. He was on the football team. He was the quarterback, not because he was great but because he was the Coach's favorite.
Riley had actually gotten into a couple fights with Jaxon. Raven was defending Jaxon. That was one of her weaknesses, trying to seek the good in others.
"Riley, why are you getting so angry? He is nice! Give him a chance. Please?"
"No! Have you forgotten what he does? Raven, that kid is bad news! He isn't good for you... Not at all." Riley looked at her. They were walking home from school.
She huffed in irritation. "Riley, just hear me out, hear him out. He's got some good qualities. I mean, I don't like some of the people you hang out with and I don't make a big deal about it." She looked up at him.
"Seriously? Raven he has a track record for getting arrested! I just don't want him to hurt you because he is like that. You don't see it, but I do. He has broken so many girls hearts. I don't what you to be next."
"Riley...come on." She paused, basically pleading. "I'll be okay. I mean, when we call each other he is the nicest person you'd ever meet."
Riley had anger swelling inside of his chest. He so badly wanted to stop and tell Raven everything. How he felt about her, but as soon as he felt his hands shake he knew he had to calm down.
"Raven. Listen to me. Jaxon is a flat out prick. He uses girls for what he wants then tosses them away like trash." He paused. "I refuse to let you get all twisted and heart broken over a guy like him!"
"Riley just stop!" She exclaimed. "I will be fine! You're not my mom so just drop it! Please? If it doesn't work out then oh well!" She was done with the conversation.Riley drew his lips into a hard, thin line. He was irritated. Raven knew it was. "Look Riley, I understand that you want to protect me and are concerned. I get it. I really do... But stop."
"Raven, I don't think you get what I am trying to do. But that's okay. Like you said, you'll be okay. If he hurts you or breaks your heart then remember my words." They were right in front of her house.
"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow morning Riley. Good luck at your game." She was flustered. He just snorted in irritation as he continued walking. Raven flung the door open and closed it shut rather roughly.
She put her bag on the couch and saw a note on the fridge from her mother. She read it: Hey kiddo, I will be home later tonight. There is some chicken in the fridge for you. I love you. Her mother drew a heart at the end.
Raven thought about the conversation between herself and Riley. She hoped he didn't hate her. Thinking of ways to make him happy, she knew going to his game would cheer him up.
Riley was fuming. He hated Jaxon. Literally hated that kid with a burning passion. Riley was packing everything and getting ready for his game. He thought about Raven being so blind to Jaxon. Remembering his game, he ignored the argument. He growled lowly and mumbled "If he hurts her I will hurt him..."
"Riley? Are you okay?" His mother asked, ready to head to work.
"No, not really Mom. But I can't let the fog my thoughts, I got a game to focus on. Not some jerk who's gonna use Raven and break her heart into a million pieces." He rambled on. "She's so blind to not see that he's a condescending jerk! I hate her for trying to see the good in every little thing! Damn it!" He ripped the zipper so tight it ripped off. He made a noise in frustration and threw his bag down.
"Riley, it's okay. Trust me. I know if anything happens she will come to you. She trusts you enough. I know she'll see something is up with him."
"Mom... She won't." His hands shook, his wolf was clawing it's way out. He refused to take form.
"Settle down, you can't shift now or during your game. We know what happens when your wolf is angry. Don't think on it." His mom picked his bag up and fixed the zipper.
"Thanks mom. What would I do with out you?" He hugged his mom. She only smiled.
"Your Dad will come get you after your game tonight, then you can choose what you want for dinner." She pat her son's back before leaving.
Riley left soon after his mother. Raven watched an episode of her favorite show, Sons of Anarchy. She was eating and watching her show. When she realized the time she jumped up and shut everything off before hurrying to the school for Riley's game.
She pulled into the parking lot and hurried to the bleachers, sitting in the front so Riley could hear her. Maybe even Jaxon. The players were scattered around usually before the games. Jaxon had seen Raven and he walked over. Sitting next to her he said "Hey there Raven!"
"Oh hey! What are you doing?" She asked.
"Oh nothing. Just sitting here before my game. I'm hoping you'll be my good luck charm and kiss me on the cheek." He replied.
He looked at her with a big smile and she giggled. Riley watched the two from a bench on the field with disgust showing in his eyes. Raven said "Sure." Leaning over, she kissed Jaxon on the cheek. He smiled even more. Riley rolled his eyes and took a drink of his Gatorade.
"Well thank you. Who knows, maybe we'll win tonight." Jaxon winked. Raven smiled even more.
"I know you will. You guys have it. I have faith in you." She looked into Jaxon's brown eyes. He smiled and put a hand on her knee with a small squeeze.
"Thank you. I won't let you down then. After all, if I want you to stick around then I guess I should prove myself to you." He stood up and she did too. They hugged before he went to the team on the field. She blushed heavily before sitting down.
Riley was ready to snap. His emotions were mixed between jealousy and anger. He set his drink down and walked over to the team's gathering. He listened before the game started.
Raven watched as the team began to play. So far the had the lead. The other team had the shorter end of the stick. Riley tackled one of the other team's player before taking off, getting open for a catch. Jaxon had intercepted though and he dropped his hip and sprinted.
Raven screamed out "Woo hoo! Come one Riley! You got this!"
Riley couldn't help but to smile to himself.
Raven was cheering from the other side of the fence. "Come on guys! You can do this! Get that ball to the end zone! Yeah!" She jumped up and let out a call of victory as did the other people. Riley zipped around the field like there was no tomorrow. Jaxon always ended up stealing Riley's passes though.
"Come on Jaxon! You can do this!" Raven cheered. "Riley you got this too! Come on guys!" She screamed out and clapped. Riley's pass was stolen once again.
Riley just rolled his eyes. Raven was calling for Jaxon and cheering him on. Before Riley knew it, the game was over with. They were the victors. Raven jumped down and waited at the gates for the team to come out. Raven was actually waiting for Riley, but Jaxon had met her instead.
"Hey! See, I knew you were pure luck." Jaxon put an arm around her shoulders. "Can I walk you to your car?"
"Yeah, sure! You were amazing! Oh my goodness I can't even describe how amazing that game was." She looked up at him.
He grinned. Jaxon knew what Riley was. He also knew that Raven was his best friend. So he knew that if he could use her to get close to Riley, then Jaxon will get what he wants. But what he didn't know was the two's deal.
"Ah thank you. It was a team effort, really." Jaxon said, trying to be modest. Try again, you stole all of the passes! The thought popped into the back of Raven's head. Raven just smiled.
Riley was searching for Raven before he went to his father's car. They always waited at the gates for each other. When he caught a glimpse of her dark hair and Jaxon's arm around her he felt a small pain in his chest. Riley growled quietly and walked to his dad's car. "I just need to get outta here."
"Why? What's wrong? Where is Raven?"
"Forget about her!" He slammed the door shut and his eyes became dark. "I don't even want to talk about her!" He snarled.
"Okay, okay. Forget I asked." His dad pulled out of the parking lot and drove away. His son's heart was hurting from the sight of Raven hanging onto someone else's arm.
Raven had no idea Riley had been waiting. She was at her car when Jaxon took her hands into his. He looked into her eyes and said "Thank you for letting me walk you to your car. And thank you for encouraging the team tonight."
"Hey, it was amazing!" She beamed. "And you're welcome. Despite what I have heard about you, you're really a nice guy." She looked into Jaxon's brown eyes.
He tilted his head down and kissed her forehead. "Drive safe, Raven. I'll see you tomorrow at your locker?"
"Yes, of course! Goodnight Jaxon."
He winked and walked away, over to his own car. He looked into the trunk as he threw his sports bag into the trunk and looked at a big flat black case, his crossbow, and smiled. There were a few arrows with silver arrow heads and a few that were laced with a specific poison.
Raven had no idea as to what was planned. She was a human surrounded either by mythical creatures or humans with cruel intentions and heightened skills.

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