Leafy and Evil Leafy

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Evil Leafy is Leafy evil twin sister, she life's in the evil Forest. She was teleport away from TLC/LOL before get crushed or in eliminated.

Than, in evil forest, She saw her sister Leafy in aftering by any objects, She is behind this all the time, she Possed her sister,to be evil, And Leafy steal the dream Island. Actually,She didn't mean to make her in hates by everyone, she just want her sister won dream Island.
When Leafy nearly fall in evil Canyon, she get her map and get in, but than, the Map in ripping by Pin.
Evil Leafy so mad seeing that, and that's why She keep aftering the objects and possed them (Like Spongy and Flower). Than after she see Looking her sister back ( When she turn into Metal and after Evil Leafy Get out from Flower ) She is saw Leafy death by Hummer by Gelatin. She very angry and Sad seeing that.

When Firey and Gelatin fall off from Puffball, she found them and Eat them, and after that she Eating Other Contestants like Freesmarth and Teams no names.
When she get into Evil Forest, she found The HPRC, than she tried too make Leafy Life again. And Leafy Life's again, "What? What happen?" Said Leafy, and she look Evil Leafy and scream "AAH!!GET AWAY MONSTER!".
"JEEZ, Sis! This is me, do you remamber?" Said Evil Leafy "Ehh, No?" (Well Deja vu?).

"How you can't be remamber? This is me! Your twin sisters! My color is red Because the liquid accident!(just read my New story)"
Said Evil Leafy, "Ohh yeah! I remamber! Sorry Sis" Leafy ashamed her self.
"So? how I can be here?" Ask Leafy
"Well, it's long story" and than Evil Leafy explain all What happen and that make Leafy so angry at her.

"SIS?! HOW Could YOU DO THAT TO YOUR OLDER SISTER?! (This is what I am think) "KNOW YOU LOOK! I BE HATED BY ANYONE BECAUSE OF YOU! AND I BE FORGETEN BY MY FRIENDS!!" Leafy yelling and cry to her Sister,
"I'm sorry! I just want you won dream island!" Said evil Leafy
"I more Happy if I look my friends Happy than I win Dream Island!!" Leafy Cried
"Sorry about that..." Evil Leafy is feel guilty
"Don't sorry on me! You must telling the truth what happen, now Everyone is hate me!" Leafy cried
"About that...I eat them all" Evil Leafy nervous
"What!?" Leafy surprise, "I Just angry when you nearly killed, so... I just want to revenge them all" Said Evil Leafy
"You know what? This is why everyone scared of you, you so evil and creepy, that's why you can't compete the challenge" said Leafy

Than they all become quite and not speak on minutes, than evil Leafy notice that her sister Crying, she so felt Guilty, she sit near her sister and asked what's going on "It's just my friends... He doesn't remamber me...and I nearly become the Killer (when she throw the Knife to Needle and Gelatin),did I just be Evil... like You?" Say Leafy sad.
"No you not, is all my Foult...you not evil, but me, you are nice and very kinds too Anyone" Evil Leafy just tried her best to cheer her sister "Know Listen to me, you still have a change, You must try your best to make everyone likes you and remember you again, I can't help you what to do, but I just give you a point" Said Evil Leafy.
And suddenly Evil Leafy feel weird inside her stomach, but than is gone. "You okay sis?" Ask Leafy "Yes, I just feel something weird inside me, But I don't mind it" Say Evil Leafy.

"Now, what we do now? I don't think to back and died again, and I can't just going back to Yoyleland" Said Leafy "Don't have to worry, In near Yoyleland is have YoyleLand City, maybe you can just stay in there for meanwhile" Said Evil Leafy
"Thanks Sister, but... how about the others? You ate them all" said Leafy.
"Don't worry, if they life again, I making Sure too explain what happen" Said Evil Leafy, "Oh thank you, but...how about you?" Ask Leafy "I be here in the Forest, this place is already my Home place" And Evil Leafy tickled her Sister before She Leave "Hahahahah, Hey!That Tickles!" "What was that for?" Said Leafy, "That was good luck tickle and Forgiveness" said Evil Leafy and smiled to Leafy.
"Goodbye My Young sister, Leaf (Evil Leafy truth name)" she Hugging her Sister and Evil Leafy too " Goodbye Old Sis, Leafy".

After that, When Book and Ruby come back from inside Leafy " HEI! " Evil Leafy Turn his Body by teleport and Scared them " AAAAHH!!" Book an Ruby Scream and Run away from Evil Leafy, and Evil Leafy Aftering them "No!Wait! Come back! I Just want say something to you!!".
But.... You all know that evil Leafy Death with Puffball and fries with in crashed.

If you all Thinks that Evil Leafy Really really Evil, Is not actually! Now, who is feel Guilty right know :'( ?

(Please don't be hate me, I just want you know a little about evil Leafy, she actually didn't that evil, just Creepy.
PS: I just made my new Story Evil Leafy Story in my Gallery, Hope you Like the story!)

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