Me.Phone Inside Story

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Hello, I making a story for S5Galaxy. Enjoy it!

(After End of episode 12)
One day in the Free day without Hosting the Show. Every Contestants is free doing their things until the Show begin. Fan is keep watching his egg while Lightbulb watching him, Suitcase and Baseball have Depressed and not Talking with each other, Mic Talk with Taco about Knife, and Test Tube is on her Lab.

Me.Phone is alone and have a Cookie that he gonna eat, Toilet is come and Scream at him.
Toilet: "Hello Mr.Phone!!"
Me.Phone: "Toilet!" *He get choking by a Cookie* "Great! *Cough* Very great!"
Toilet: "Mr.Phone?You okay?!"
Me.Phone: "No!I'm not okay! *Choking* The Cookie is stuck in my Throat!"
Toilet: "Oh No! What I gonna do?!"

Meanwhile, Me.Pad see Galaxy (By S5Galaxy) Dancing, and Me.Pad is turn the music that He Play for Galaxy.
Galaxy: "How is my Dance? :)"
Me.Pad: "Very good, you dances good ^^"
Galaxy: "Look how I do dance Spin!? :3"
Galaxy Spins around.
Me.Pad: "Be Careful Dear!"
Galaxy is have too much spins and spinning fast going to Me.Phone.
They are bumping at each other.
Both: "UGH!"
Me.Pad: "Galaxy! Sir!"
Toilet: "Oh Gosh!"
Galaxy: "I'm okay! Ow...."
Me.Phone: *cough the Cookie out from his throat* *Gasp*
Me.Pad: "Are you alright, Sir?"
Me.Phone: "Thanks... I just get choking with this Cookie.... Because Toilet scream at me!"
Toilet: "Sowwy ..."

Me.Phone Sounds is a little weird, he talking like he did in Season 1. He have his Old voice back.
Me.Pad: "Uh... Sir? Are you feel okay? Your sounds different"
Galaxy: "Yeah... Like it's your Old Voice"
Me.Pad: "What?!"
Toilet: "Oh wait! I know what to do!"
Toilet get the Rock and Hit Me.Phone hard on his Face.
Me.Phone: "ACK! WHAT THE WHAT?!"
Galaxy: "Nothing different... :/"
Toilet: "Well.... They can doing it to you in season 1?"
Galaxy: "So what do we do now? I don't think everyone will accept this old voice, or everyone are watch this gonna be surprised that His Voice changes suddenly!"
Me.Pad: "You are right, but maybe we must take Me.Phone to a Me.Cloud agian for Fixing his voice"
Galaxy: "I don't think so, The Contestants is stealing batterie and Maybe Steve Cob still gonna capture us"

Galaxy then see Test Tube just get out from his Lab.
Galaxy: "Aha!"
Galaxy go to Test Tube.
Galaxy: "Test Tube! We need your help!
TT: "Huh? What's wrong?"
After they explaining everything, Test Tube telling them about how to help Me.Phone 4.
TT: "Okay, so As you know, Me.Phone Voice maker inside his throat are broken. Very different of all of us, it needs to be Repaired"
Galaxy: "How you can do that?"
TT: "Well, He need be in Operation...."
Me.Phone: "Operation?! *Girly Scream*"
Me.Phone gonna run away, but Me.Pad and Galaxy stop him.
TT: "Or Maybe?"
Three: "Huh?"
TT: "We must fixing Me.Phone inside his body, with This new Voice maker that I make. All you do is just replace the broken one into this one, and Everything is Complete! Anyone wanna try?"
Me.Phone: "That is more worse!"
Toilet: *scream behind him* "I WILL HELP!"
Me.Phone is jumping because get surprised and he get slipped then Fall to the ground and Fainted.
Me.Pad: "...."
Galaxy: "Well, I think this is a perfect time?"
TT: "Okay then, Maybe I gonna try, I gonna shrink myself with this Shrinking Ray and get inside him"

They Put Me.Phone lay on the Table in her Non-Secret Lab.
TT: "Just let Him stayed when he waking up and take care of Him while I'm in his inside"
Me.Pad&Galaxy: "Okay"
Test Tube Gonna turn On but the Spider get down and hanging in front Her.
TT: "AAAHH! Spider! Get away!"
Test Tube accidentally shoot the Shrinking Ray to everywhere. Some of Things get shrinking, and then Accidentally Shrink Galaxy.
Galaxy: "!?!?!"
Three: *gasp*
Galaxy get small and her talks is small too.
Test Tube get her on her big hand and look at her with Magnifying glass.
TT: "Well... I guess you must go, Galaxy?"
Galaxy: "Oh yay!"

TT give her some voice maker Chip that in small Size like her.
TT: "Okay, what you must do, go to his throat and fixed his voice with this"
Me.Pad: "Be careful inside there, Dear..."
Galaxy: "I will be fine"
Toilet: "Please save Mr.Phone! I know you can do it, Galaxy!"
Galaxy: "Don't worry! ^ ^"
TT put Galaxy to Me.Phone's Mouth. She slide throat.
Galaxy: "weeEEEE!!"
Me Phone is get up.
Me.Phone: "?!"
Galaxy didn't make it to his throat and go to Me.Phone Stomach.
TT: *look at the Computer Screen* "Oh no!This is not good!"
Me.Pad: "What is it?!"
TT: "She not get to the throat, she fell to the Stomach!"
Me.Phone: "What? What's going on?!"

Me.Phone look that himself is on the Counter Lab.
Me.Phone: "Wait! Don't tell me you doing this?!"
Me.Pad "I'm sorry Sir, but this is what the best we can do"
Me.Phone: "And if Test Tube here, who's... Inside me?"
TT: "You can look here..."
TT show Me.Phone that Galaxy inside him.
Me.Phone: "........" *Eye twitch*

Meanwhile Inside Me.Phone.
Galaxy: "Where am I? Am I inside the throat?"
TT: *from outside* "Galaxy! Can you hear me?!"
Galaxy: "I can hear you! Where am I?!"
TT: "You're inside Stomach, you are missing the Throat! How do you feel right now?"
Galaxy: " I'm good, and wow, I thought our body is all in Machine from"
TT: "your body isn't all Machines yet, you still can digest food and get breath"
Galaxy: "Cool"
Me.Phone: "QUITE THE CHIT-CHAT! Can you get out from there now?! Also your right... My Voice is feel weird in the old one..."
Galaxy: "Hmm, but how?"

Me.Pad: "There is maybe something can pushing you to get up there? Or maybe something else?"
Toilet: *burp*
TT: "Dude! That's gross"
Toilet: "Sorry, I drink too much Dr Fizz"
Me.Pad: "Wait! That's must be work!"
Me.Phone: "What!?"
Me.Pad: "You giving me an idea, Toilet"
Toilet: "Really?! ^ ^"

So they are having some Soda for Me.Phone.
Me.Phone: "I feel don't like it....."
Me.Pad: "This is the only way to get her out"
Me.Phone keep drinking and make him gonna Burps.
Galaxy see that his Stomach have much Bubbling and the Bubble is getting Galaxy up from there and she going keep go to the up until she made it to the throat.
TT: "She did it! She in the thoart now!"
Galaxy is near the throat Walla and get to the side so she will not Falling.
TT: "Now Galaxy, what you must find is some machine that have 4 Screws, then open it"
Galaxy: "Found it!" *Going to open it, and she see some broken voice tube* "Must I changed it?"
TT: "Wait! Be careful!"
Galaxy: "Huh?"
TT: "If you unplugged it just in rush, you gonna be electrocuted!"
Galaxy: "Don't worry, my body is anti-electricity, so whenever I get Electrocuted, I'm not gonna hurt"

Galaxy try to change the Voice Tube and then some Electric is come out.
Me.Phone: !!
Galaxy: *try to unplugged*
Me.Phone: *Glitch a little and then laughing* "Hei! Be careful! X3"
Galaxy: "I trying...! *Unplugged*
Some electrics is come out and electric everywhere.
Galaxy: "Hehehe! Electricity ticklish~"
Me.Phone: "HAHAHAHAHA! I said be careful! ^ ^"
Galaxy: "Sorry, but I'm did it"
TT: "Good, now replace it with a new one"
Galaxy: *plug one wire*
Me.Phone: *Me Phone voice is become deep* "Uhhhhhh...."
TT: "Not right yet..."
Galaxy: *plug one wire again*
Me.Phone: *talk Spanish*
Galaxy: "and one more!" *Done plug all the wires*
Me.Phone: *glitch a little* *gasp* "Ow.... Huh? My voice back!"
Galaxy: "Yay!"

TT: "Good! Now you can get back!"
Me.Phone: "But how?"
Galaxy: "I've been in inside of a lot Objects body, so I know how to get out"
Galaxy going back to Me.Phone 4 Mouth, She see a big uvula on the throat*
Galaxy: "Hehe..."
Galaxy is hugging Me.Phone4 Uvula.
Me.Phone: "What the?!"
Galaxy: *tickle it* "Pfft!"
Me.Pad: "Are you okay, Sir?"
Galaxy: "He also have ticklish Uvula! Hehe"
Me.Phone: "Hahahahaa!! Stop it!"
Galaxy: *keep tickling* "tickle tickle tickle~"
His mouth is in open and she get out from his mouth.
TT: "Galaxy! You're come back ^ ^"
Galaxy: "Well, this is the best thing in my life that I do! Thanks TT! And Me.Phone~" *blush*.
Me.Phone: *blush* "Uh.... You're welcome ...?"
Me.Pad: "So that's mean, you are can get back to your business again! ^ ^"
Toilet: "YAAH!"
Test Tube is make Galaxy be in her normal Size again.

After that everyone get back to their stuff.

The end.

Hope you like this S5Galaxy .

And see you in the next story! Hope you all like it too!

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