"Fucking Idiot..." MiniCat

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"Fucking Idiot.." The red head muttered watching his idiotic friend try too flirt with girls then get pushed away moments later.

It was quite hilarious for Craig to considering Tyler wasn't the most smoothest person as his huge ego thinks.

but picking up chicks isn't a problem for Craig because well, you guessed it he's gay and the only people that know are Jonathan and Evan considering they're both gay as well and had the courage too come out to the group.

Where as Craig was to busy dreading they would reject him and shon him despite them accepting Jon and Evan and even being happy for them as an couple.

But the worst thing in this situation is who He's in love with.... the one and only Tyler, the most straightest man ever alive. I guess you really can't help who you fall in love with no matter how hard you try to resist them this feeling, love will just attack your emotions until it gets what it wants and in this situation it wants Tyler.

Tyler slinked back over too the table Craig was sitting on surprising him since he was checking his social Media too pass the time, replying too some questions his fans asked.

"No luck,"Tyler Sighed sliding down into the chair across from Craig's. " Well maybe if you weren't so fucking stupid you would actually be able to get a girl!"Craig scoffed, tired of being in the bar ready to go home and sleep.

"Why the fuck are you so pissed of?"Tyler questioned annoyed pulling out his phone."Well maybe because I'm tired and I want to go to bed instead of watching you fail at picking up chicks,"

Craig muttered but still loud enough for Tyler too hear it."Your one too talk, You've never even fucked a girl in your life you little virgin!"Tyler Shouted "Well maybe because I'm fucking Gay and have no interest in women!" Craig Shouted without thinking but soon regretted even speaking, and coming here with Tyler in the first place.

Tyler's eyes widened in surprise 'Craig's Gay?!' Since When' these types of thoughts running through his head. Craig stood from the seat he was comfortability sitting in and rushed out the front door of the bar and dashing toward's his car.

Tears streaming down his face, the tears just came down his face like Niagara Falls even still pouring out of his eyes when he entered his apartment and climbed into his bed not bothering too change his clothes.

Tylers P.o.v

"Shit, what the fuck have I done, I better go and check on the little bastard.."He muttered too himself and called a uber too Craig's place. Once he arrived at his friends house, he entered the apartment with the spare key he had ( A/n Don't ask why he had one xD).

Once he was in the apartment he quietly creeped to Craig's bedroom to see him awake and sobbing quietly and muttering things like "They'll never except me.." Or "Tyler will never love me..."

The last one he said surprised him 'Craig loves me?!' He thought in shock he smirked to himself and thought 'so it isn't one-sided, he loves me back huh..?' Tyler quickly creeped over to the opposite side of the bed and quietly slipped under the covers and hugged Craig's waist pulling his petite body into Wildcats slightly muscular one.

Tyler soon started talking, "You know we'd never hate you right Mini,"He said slightly nipping at Craig's neck with his teeth and kept talking in between nips."You know I'm Bi-sexual right? I've loved you for so long Mini, I thought it was one-sided but your little comment earlier made me think otherwise.." he said and pushed Craig onto his back and started straddling him.

"Do you love me Craig?" He said kissing Mini on the Jaw-line to his collarbone "Ye-s!"he said in between Moans."Good, Because you don't have a choice..."Tyler pointed out and laid down on his back retaking they're previous position so Tyler could hold his new lover.



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