Krism X Fem!Reader X Minx - Chose!

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Hi. This was requested by LittleYuiStars . I hope everyone enjoy this.

I've never wrote a love triangle, but I've tried my hardest to make it good.



Minx/Michelle's P.o.v / Occasional 3rd Person Description.

I glare at Krism as she makes (Y/n) Laugh, then I sigh because I wish I could've made her laugh like that.

"Whats wrong Michelle?" You say, having stopped laughing and genuinely worried about your friend.

"Oh nothing! Just thinking." I say smiling at (Y/n), waving her off.

"Hmm.. Okay. But if you need anything you can talk to me or Krism here!" She says, gilgging patting Krism's head.

"Thanks!" I say forcing a smile, watching them. They've always been way closer and it breaks my heart.


After a bit we decide to go to an ice cream parlor, just to hang out.

This time (Y/n) sits next to me and not Krism.

I cheer silently and enjoy my chocolate and vanilla swirl ice cream, happy that (Y/n) was so close to me and not Krism.

"So, Minxy are you dating anyone?" (Y/n) questions, eating the last bit of her ice cream cone.

The question takes me by surprise and I start blushing. "I um.. No but I have my eye out for someone." I admit shyly.

"AWEEE! Who is it?" (Y/n) begs me to tell her but I don't budge.

After about 5 minutes of constant nagging, you give up and become really grumpy.

"I'll tell you sometime okay?" I say smiling at the gorgeous girl sitting next to me.

"YAY!" She screeches, her mood instantly rising again.

"What about you Krispy Kream?" She says to Krism.

"I told you to stop calling me that. And what Minx said." Krism groans, blushing in embarrassment.

"Awe. You guys are no fun." You say laughing.

~Timeskip a few weeks~

Your P.o.v

Krism and Minx have been acting strange the past couple week, it's been odd.

They blush whenever they're around me and they seem to be at each other's throats all the time.

I sit down with them anywhere and they fight over who sits next to who. It's starting to tick me off.

I wish they'd quit with it, so I decided to confront them about the strange way thy e been acting recently.

"Sit down, both of you," I plainly say, with a serious look on my face.

"Why aren't you sitting down too, (Y/N)?" Krism asks, sitting down as requested, inching away from Minx as she sits as well.

I start speaking, ignoring Krism's question " I have sat you down on my extremely comfortable sofa today, to ask you both something important.....  WHY THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN ACTING SO DAMN WEIRD AROUND ME?!" You screech angrily, wanting an answer.

They both start stammering,
looking anxious.

You gesture for Minx to start talking and she does, slowly.

"Well.... Umm....... (Y/n).. We both erm... We both have feelings for you!" Minx stammers quite loudly, sweating and blushing, and not just because the AC  wasn't working!

Your heart sinks, "What..?"

"Chose one of us. You have to! Please." Krism pleads.

Option One: Krism

"I'll... I guess I'll have to chose... Krism." You say painfully.

Minx smiles at you as Krism engulfs you in a hug.

"If that's what you chose, I'll support you the whole way (Y/n)." Minx says, wiping away painful tears.

You never felt so guilty but so happy in one moment.

Option Two: Minx

"I chose... Minx. I'm sorry Krism." Minx hugs you softly and Krism looks away with a sour face, walking out of the room.

You tear up at the loss of one of your best friends.

"Don't worry about her," Michelle whispers sweetly in your ear, " If she was a true friend she'd support you no matter what."


You didn't feel so guilty after that.

Option Three: Both

"I can't chose... I love you both." You exclaim, eyes welling up with tears.

"Don't cry!" Minx shushes, wiping away your tears, hugging you.

Krism joins the hug.

"We'll just have to figure something out then, won't we?" Krism whispers comfortingly.

"Yeah." You whisper back, enjoying the hug.

Option Four: The Couch

"I choose.... THE COUCH!" You say smiling, flopping onto the comforting couch.

"WHAT?!" They both yell in disbelief.

"We're in love, if you don't like that, leave. -_-"


I'm back! I hope you enjoyed. Have a nice day.


- NekoGirlChan

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