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Evan's P.O.V
"Ugh!" I grunted as Ryan (Cryoatic) from the late night crew shoved me into my locker, causing me to get a gash on my forehead.

Nobody bothered to help, they never do most people just laugh or frown. I've learned to put up with it by now.

I use to be popular had friends and a beautiful girlfriend named Sydney. She ended up cheating on me with half the basketball team and probably even more guys, and then said I was the one who cheated and turned everyone against me.

Everything just fell apart in front of my eyes, my family has supported me through everything and kept me from becoming depressed.

Anyways back to present time. Ryan pushed me to the ground and kicked me in the stomach multiple times causing me to get winded.

As I struggled to breath, my vision blurred as he kicked me in the face also busting my perfectly shaped top lip. As I was trying to breath I heard someone start yelling at Ryan.

"Fucking leave him alone, otherwise I'll destroy you all!" A deep voice boomed silencing the hallway and caused everyone to scatter, even the late night crew.

"Are you okay..?" The same voice asked but in a much softer tone. When my vision was a little better I got a good look at my savior

Fluffy hazelnut brown hair tufts poking out from his navy blue hoody, a hockey mask covering his face. A pair of black jeans, an average but slightly muscular body shape. He was extremely attractive.

As my eyes roamed over the rest of his beautiful looks, he snapped his fingers in front of my face getting me out of my weird-ass-trance-thing.

"Are you okay..?" He repeated again sounding a tad impatient.

"I'm fine, thank you." I managed to say and struggled to get up. I stood up and my knees buckled, my savior caught me before I face planted on the floor.

He put his arms under my legs and picked me up bridal style, at this point I was a human cherry tomato.

"Wha-t are you do-ing?!" I stuttered out surprised. He didn't answer and kept walking, as if stuck in his thoughts...

Jonathan's P.O.V
'How could they beat up such an handsome man..?' I thought to myself glancing back at his breath-taking face.

As I continued my way to the nurses office, I started talking to him.

"What's your name?"

"Evan," he replied "Evan Fong, what's yours..?"

"Delirious," I said uncomfortable to say my real name.

"Your real name is Delirious..?" He asked in disbelief.

"Of course not! I might tell you my real name some day..."

After that we stayed quiet. When we arrived at the nurses office the nurse was actually there for once in forever it seemed like a miracle.

"Did they beat you up again Evan?! Godamn boys I'll have to teach them a lesson!" The nurse exclaimed. Evan just chuckled,

" Don't worry about it Eva." He said as I set him down on the bed. As I made my way out of the room I heard him speak up again.

"Thank you, Delirious.. wanna hang out sometime maybe..?" He asked rather nervously.

I turned and looked at the blushing Canasian and replied a quick "sure" and hurried out the door.

Evans P.O.V
I made my way through all of the people in the hallway trying to find Delirious in the massive crowd of people.

I spotted a familiar navy hoody in the midst of all the people in the hallway I made my way over to him and tapped on his shoulder.

He turned and looked at me staying silent. I gave him my phone number, and walked of to my locker getting ready for my history class.
Jonathan's P.O.V
I put Evans number into my crappy Nokia phone and sent him a simple 'hey'. He texted back and we started a decent conversation, he soon asked me if I wanted to come over to his house so I accepted of course.

When I arrived at the address I couldn't believe my eyes. Evan lived in a mansion and it was huge! When I knocked on the door a butler opened the door and invited me in and escorted me to what looked like Evans bedroom door.

I knocked on the door and Evan opened it and let me in, his room was red red red so much red you'd think he was a serial killer, It was quite amusing actually.

We played some video games, talked, watched cartoons and ate junk food, it was the most fun I've had in years considering Evan is my first friend and my parents fight a lot so I'm rarely happy.

We got onto the concept of relationships somehow, he asked me if I'd ever had an girlfriend and of course I said no.

Girls are to complicated (A/n which is what most people think, then you've got me.. "You wanna fight bitch!?" XD)
I'm gay and I'm proud I said the same thing to Evan and he was fine with it.

"I'm Bi-Sexual." He admitted, and looked at me.

"What's your real name..?" He questioned.

"It's...-" I stopped and thought 'should I tell him..? no one knows my real name except my parents... Aw screw it!' "It's," I sighed "Jonathan.."

He nodded.

"I wanna talk to you about something.." He said and it was my turn to look at him.

"I really like this guy but I barley know him.. and I don't think he likes me back.."he muttered.

I froze and my heart shattered. He likes someone else..? 'Did you really expect him to lik- 'just shut up..!' 'Okay, Okay!'

"Who wouldn't like you Evan, I'm sure he likes you back." I said hiding my heart ache and put on a fake smile even though he couldn't see it.

"Okay that gives me confidence..." He said and looked at me. "Jonathan... I love you, I may not know what you look like but I don't care and I still love you because looks are nothing! Personality is what matters! And your pretty attractive just putting that out there." He muttered the last part.

I sat there shocked. I pulled up my mask enough to see my lips.

"Jona- mph!" I cut him of by pressing my slightly chapped lips against his plump and slightly still cut ones.

We both got an happy ending, the bullying stopped for Evan and my Parents stopped fighting even though some people picked on us for being gay I beat them until they couldn't walk :D



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