Septplier - Hello...

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Markiplier x Jacksepticeye = Septiplier. This was requested by one of my real life friends. ((YES I HAVE FRIENDS.)) So here it is!

Trigger warning for abuse. It pains me just to write the word.

Mark's P.o.v

'Another boring day in math.' I groaned in my head.

Frowning, I reached into my pink backpack and pulled out my math homework and approached the teachers desk like most other people, laying my homework down on the teachers desk.

I sat back down in my seat and started revising the next quiz's questions like the teacher told us to.

The classroom door opened and in came the headmaster with a cute looking boy in tow.

Ignoring the headmaster, I cast my gaze towards the boy taking in his appearance.

Brown hair with green at the front, surprisingly huge baby blue eyes, fairly scrawny yet muscular frame and a grey hoodie, accompanied by black jeans.

He looked nervous, fiddling with his hands and casting his gaze downwards straight after trying to look at everyone in the class.

No one bothered to look at him, but I couldn't stop looking at him.

My buddy Pewds or Felix sent a wink my way gesturing towards the adorable boy.

I blushed but kept staring at him until he looked at me, then I pretended to be revising the questions.

"Alright everyone may I please have your attention," Miss Hill called out gaining everyone's attention. "We have a new student from Ireland, go ahead sweetie introduce yourself!" She exclaimed patting the smol bean on the back.

"Um, my name is Sean Mcloughlin but everyone calls me Jack, I hope to fit in here and make friends!" He exclaimed rather loudly, surprising me because of how nervous he seemed earlier.

"Well Jack you can go and take the seat next to Mark." She pointed to me.

I waved my hand awkwardly.

He made his way over to the seat next to me and sat down quickly pulling out a brand new looking math workbook.

"Hi, I'm Mark." I said holding my hand out towards him.

He shook my hand and replied smoothly, "Hello, I'm Jack!".

"If you'd like Jack you can hang out with me and my friends." I said pointing to Cryaotic (( I know his real name but I'm not sure if he really wants it out in public)), Felix and Ken.

"If I'm not to much of a bother, then sure!" He replied giddily.


Time Skip to Lunch

Jack's P.o.v

Me and Mark made our way through the bustling cafeteria, hopping in line to get lunch.

After we got our lunch from the lunch lady's we made our way over to one of the metal tables where his friends we're already sitting.

"Hi guys, This is Jack he's gonna hang out with us."Mark announced.

One of his friends, Cry I think it was, was wearing a pokerface mask and a simple hoodie and jeans like me.

Felix just had a flannel and jeans on. And their other friend Ken, had a bear hat and chequered button up polo shirt and jeans, quite cute.

They all said hi and made room for me and Mark to sit down.

The other guys just made small talk about video games and had a argument over whether Undertale or Mad Father was better.

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