Chapter 2

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We all scurried like little mice down the stairs which led to the basement, apart from Ryan who got told by Miss Jill that he couldn't come and play with us until he had done his homework.

I had been planning a few ideas for this day for a while now, but I just had to wait and see how everything panned out. Some of the ideas and games I had come up with probably wouldn't be appropriate for Hayley- well, not with some of the questions and dares that might arise- so it's a good job that she was at gym for most of the morning.

We all crashed on the couch and started discussing different game ideas.

"I'm really sorry for interrupting our little brainstorm, but I am about to pee myself, so if you would excuse me..." Katie said, as she ran out of the room to the toilet.

"I suppose I will take this opportunity to go and get my phone from upstairs, I'll be right back." Caleb said.

This meant that it was now just Brennan and I, in the room, sitting on the couch next to each other. Alone. I could feel my heart pounding and my face getting redder. Boy, I didn't realise a little crush could make me feel this way, I thought to myself.

"Right, I'm just going to this minute or so to tell you something whilst we're alone, okay?" Brennan said to me in a rushed voice.

"Sure, go ahead!" I replied. Oh my gosh, what is Brennan going to tell me, I wondered as I got slightly panicky at the thought of it being something bad.

"I just really don't want this to ruin our friendship or anything, but I... I really like you Annie and I have done for a while now." Brennan whispered, in case Katie or Caleb came back.

"I really like you too Brennan, I'm so glad you feel the same way, but I'm really not sure how Caleb and Katie are going to react. You already know how Caleb acts when we're together, he's too protective of me. And Katie won't be too pleased about the fact that I like you, as you're her brother." I said quietly, "Maybe we should keep this a secret for the time being and see where things go." I continued.

"I totally agree. We'll make sure to just act normal, although it may be quite hard, we're just going to have to try." Brennan replied.

"Try what?" Katie questioned as she walked back into the room.

Oh gosh I hope she didn't hear anything, I thought to myself. I had to think quick but I managed to reply to Katie with; " Try to play truth or dare as best as we can with only 4 people, but because we know that you and Caleb both love truth or dare, we have decided to do that."

"Yay!" Caleb shouted as he ran back into the room. "I'll get it all set up." He continued.


So here it is, chapter 2! So sorry for the long wait, I've just been really busy revising for my GCSE's! Although I know that that's not actually an excuse because it's been like 3 months after my last chapter...
I really forgot how much fun this is, and so this time, I will try my absolute hardest to get as many chapters done as possible each week.

Please leave any suggestions in the comments, and I will try to include as many of your ideas as possible!

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