Chapter One: No.

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I remember the day I moved to town, moved in with my new foster family that day. The Mills; Regina my new foster mother is a devil in a pantsuit minus the horns. Since the moment I walked in to her condo for some reason she decided that she disliked me. I also remember the day I started at Lincoln High school. I had decided that I didn't care what these kids thought of me before I had walked in. There had been so many schools where I had gotten bullied and picked on for a long list of reasons, I think that I have finally just learned not to care.

I hate though the long lunch lines and the cliques of the school, talk to the wrong person your entire friend group just wants to drop you. "Emma?", my friend Ruby waves a friend in front of my face trying to get my attention.

"Oh- uh sorry, were you saying something?", I responded apologetically, Ruby looked at me mildly concerned. Her black eyelashes green eyes wide, her red painted lips brought to a line, and her hair falling effortlessly framing her face.

She rolled her eyes now sighing a bit in relief just as Elsa took a seat in the seat next to me, "What's going on?", she asked nervously. Elsa was a bit more straight lace than either Ruby or I with her pale blonde hair, which was nearly white, always in a braid, and dressed in some preppy fashion. Today it was a white dress shirt tucked into a blue skirt.

Ruby flashed a wolfish smile, "Just Emma zoning out on me.".

"I apologized.".

"What I was saying earlier is we should try out for the cheer team.", Ruby pulled out a lollipop from her purse and placed it in her mouth.

Instantly my mind thought of Sophia, the meanest girl in the junior class, all the cheerleaders seem to have the same personality. Even the nicest girls became cruel within the first week of school after joining the team, if Regina was the devil these were her demons. "No.", I instantly respond shaking my head profusely.

"It could be fun.", Ruby attempted, "I just want to see if I could actually make the team.".

"Then you try out.", I retorted crossing my arms across my chest, "I'll sit on the bleachers and cheer when one of the girls hurts herself.".

"Please Emma.", Ruby begged, "I don't want to try out alone.".

"I could try out with you.", Elsa offered.

Ruby glanced momentarily at the lighter blonde and met my gaze once more head on for a few moments, "Fine.". I relented, irritatedly, "Ill go.". Truth was I hated the idea of even giving that much time of her life to some of the most vile people.

By this point the entire class had filled in, and Mr. Andrew stood at his podium glancing at the class. His eyes staying on me for a few moments, "Ms. Swan.", He began to her dismay booming so the entire class could listen in. "I see you decided to show up today.".

I didn't respond, this was exactly why I didn't come to this class. The teacher saw my record knew what I'd done and had already decided I was his number one enemy. Thankfully, at that moment someone walked in. The entire class which had been snickering moments before quieted themselves, "Am I late?", he asked with a coy grin to the gray haired, beer bellied, Mr. Andrew.

I watched Ruby gape at the guy, I can't deny he is attractive; with dark hair and caspian blue eyes. The kind of looks that told you he was moody and brooding, and most definitely trouble. The way he dressed didn't help as he stood in a dark leather jacket and black jeans. "Yes and on your first day of school Mr.Jones no less. Perhaps you'll befriend Ms. Swan.", the teacher suggested.

I watched as he furrows his eyebrows and cast a look about the class and I feel myself turning red as I sink into my seat. His eyes meet mine and a cocky grin appears and he winks at me, "Possibly.".

"Jones take a seat please.", Mr. Andrews commands exasperatedly.

I watch as he without his eyes leaving mine or that arrogant twist to his lips leaving takes the seat in the desk directly in front of my own. "Now,", he turns in his chair only a few moments after, twisting so he could meet my gaze head on, "Swan is your last name am I going to get a first?".

Before I could even open my mouth to respond Ruby quickly jumps in, "Her name is Emma.". I cast a heated glance at my friend and she blanches.

"Emma Swan.", His lips seemed to curve up a bit more as he said my name, "Nice name.".

I rolled my eyes, not dignifying his flirting with any actual response. Rather I try to my best abilities to focus on the chemistry lesson, but he seemed to enjoy making me uncomfortable. Sitting in his chair hanging out of the side so that he openly stared at me, every now and then I would glance at him and our eyes would meet and I quickly look away slapping myself in my head for doing so. "Mr. Jones.", Mr. Andrew beckoned from the head of the classroom obviously very annoyed, "If you feel so inclined to stare at Ms. Swan and disrupt my class then I will be forced to assign her as your lab partner."

"WHAT?", I shout, "That is not fair!".

That only seemed to make things worse as the teacher seemed to take sick enjoyment out of this, "I think that's a great idea so you don't make anyone else's grades suffer.". At that the bell rang, and instantly people began filing out of the classroom.

To my irritation my path of coarse was blocked by the dark haired scoundrel, "Move.", I commanded meeting his gaze.

I carried my book bag on what shoulder, the full weight of all my books on one arm. My blonde hair caught a bit beneath the strap. "No.".

I roll my eyes, "You are going to make us both late.".

"So be it.".

"Listen wise guy, I'm already stuck with you being my lab partner and for some reason you decided to stare at me for the entire class period like an idiot. So if you don't move I will find some way to get pay back."

That seemed to only spark amusement, "I would despair if you didn't.".

"Fuck off."

"Language Swan."

"Don't call me that Jones.", I retorted.

"Killian, my father went by Jones."..

I finally shoved past him, "Whatever just get over yourself.", I muttered.

I honestly don't know what sparked me to write this but if you guys like it. I will continue to post for the story, but I need comments and votes to know if you are interested! Thanks xoxo!

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