It Thickens.

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"We are going on an actual date tonight.", Liam announced standing in the kitchen after Killian had just left for yet another bed date with Sophia. It still stung a lot to know that the guy she loved was with the person she hated most in the world.
Emma turned on the couch to face him, "Are we?". Things had been different since that night, between them and just in general around the house. Killian seemed to be spending more and more time out of the house, and due to that she and Liam were spending more time together. She'd officially gotten completely caught up on Arrow now- or at least the first three seasons; she liked Oliver with Felicity, she thought they were a good match. Emma mentioned that to Liam once and he'd snorted, saying if you read the comics she'd disagree.
Liam walked over to the couch and sat next to her so that his thigh bumped hers, "Yes.".
She grinned pulling her legs up so she sat with her legs crossed, "Anything else your going to tell me?".
He shook his head, "Nope. Well- just you don't need to dress up and we leave in an hour.".
"I need to go out and grab something at the store, can we leave when I get back?", she asked a bit guiltily.
His smile faltered but he nodded, "I'll be waiting when you get back.".

~    ~    ~
Emma fumbled nervously into Starbucks after the store with what she had bought it resting heavily in the bag. Walking in and nearly knocking a guy over, she turned to apologize then she recognized him, Killian. Her eyes widen, "What are you doing here?".
Killian looked a bit panicked at first but his expression smoothed over, "Waiting for Sophia.", he responded coolly.
"And you couldn't do that at home why?", Emma questioned. She shouldn't be having this conversation, she should be trying to get him to leave.
At this he fumbled, "You caught me.", he admitted playfully raising his hands in defeat. They shuffled out of the doorway, "I'm not meeting Sophia.".
"Then why aren't you at home?"
He scratched behind his ear and looked away, "So you'd think I'm with Sophia.", he answered earnestly.
Emma stood there shocked, "What?".
"You and Liam- you both needed a push. I provided that push."
Emma slapped him hard on the shoulder, "How could you do that?! You know how I feel about her.", the second part came out considerably weaker than the first.
"Emma I-"
"I spent that entire night after you first announced that crying in my room. Do you not care, or are you that blind?"
Now he looked hurt and a bit angry his chest puffing out a bit, "I care.", he began, "You know I care.".
Emma wrapped her arms around herself, "I'm beginning to wonder. I think your scared personally.".
"Excuse me?".
"I think that the reason your pushing me towards your brother like you are is because your scared. And don't want to face life or your feelings."
Killian's eyes searched her own, before she knew it he had yanked her to him. Pressing his lips to her's hard. It was like they both were scared they were going to get pulled away from each other, but as soon as the kiss began the kiss ended. And around them there was a steady chorus of applause, "Don't ever-,", Killian said breathlessly, "Ever tell me I'm scared of what I feel for you. I know what I feel for you.".
Emma stared up at him, her head was still cradled in his hands. She could see him, for who he was, who he really was. The pain he felt was so evident to her now, she wondered how she could ever be so blind, maybe she had wanted to be. "Killian-"
"Please don't. Emma, we can't. Not yet. I haven't...", He sputtered letting her go.
She knew what he meant, forgiveness. "I have a date.", Emma managed to say and everything that had been there moments before dissipated, all the feelings seemed to go back to being buried with one sentence. "With Liam.".
Killian nodded, "I'll make my self scarce then.", with that he tucked his hands into his pockets and spun on his heel and walked out.
It took Emma a moment to recover then she glanced back down at the grocery bag and gulped, racing to the bathroom.

The minutes it took to get the results felt like eternity to Emma. She'd been late for months now, if she was... It could be either of them. She'd had sex with both of them so close together. She thought shaking her head solemnly. Finally the alarm on her phone went off and she held her breath as she looked, negative. Thank god.
~    ~    ~
When she got back to the condo Liam was waiting there with a bouquet of red roses, "Oh my god Liam.", she chuckled taking them.
He grinned, dimples appearing on his cheeks as he did. "I'm glad you like them." And then he offered a hand to her.
~    ~    ~

He'd decided to take her to the park, and interestingly enough the sun was setting now. Sunsets in her mind were Killian. Sunrises were Liam. There were Swans in the man made pound and they ended up walking around talking until her legs felt numb and they decided it was time for dinner. He'd packed a picnic, PB&J for him and grilled cheese for her. "Killian isn't dating Sophia.", she said when there was a moment of quite, pulling herself from his lap.
Liam nodded, "I had guessed.".
She raised an eyebrow, "I didn't.".
"I know. No offense Emma but he's my brother I've known him all his life, there are some things I can pick up on you can't."
He grinned, a white flash of teeth amongst the darkness, "Are you going to be okay if I got to the bathroom?".
She nodded, and he got up.
It was only once he was out of sight she realized they were the only ones out, and then she heard a slow steady growl. Emma glanced up at the moon, full moon, then almost laughed at herself. Like that made any difference. The growling though continued, becoming more guttural as it got closer. She stood up, unnerved, "LIAM!", she shouted with no reply. If she ran it would only cause the creature to chase her, if it was a wolf- it sounds like a wolf- then it could do no real damage on it's own. That's when it came out from the tree's bearing white long canines at her, drool falling from it's mouth. It looked twice as big as any wolf she'd ever seen, "Nice wolf.", she tried. It's fur was dark like night making it effortless for it to blend with it's surroundings. Where is he? She began to back away slowly, and the wolf followed this by edging closer. "Please.", this came out more like a whimper, she was begging an animal not to attack her. "Please.", she tried again just as it lunged she screamed.
She felt hot knife like teeth tear into her arms, the pain was bad she blacked out before it attacked again.


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