The Aftermath.

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Emma glanced at her phone as it vibrated yet again, So how did it go? Are you okay? Swan?, The messages read. She ignored them, still shaken from her encounter with Regina days later.

She tried her best to focus on her homework as much as possible, but couldn't find herself unable to do it. Regina had managed to make her so small and insignificant after Killian had built her up. It was amazing how much venom one persons words could have. She heard a steady three knocks on her door before she had the chance to respond it flung open, Regina stood there. "I want you out.", she commanded.

"What?", Emma asked as if she'd her wrong, not trusting her ears.

Regina crossed her arms in front of her chest, "You heard me. That was the last straw.".

Without another word Regina turned and left. For Emma there was nothing new to this, sadly she picked up her things and began to pack. She picked up her phone, Regina kicked me out., she texted unsure of why she was even doing so. Emma needed to tell someone, needed someone to talk to and her friends... she knows what they'd say.

Just as she threw her black duffle over her shoulder, her phone buzzed violently buzzed in her back pocket. Meet me at the school. The text read.

Quickly she darted out of the house, Regina must have locked herself in her room because she managed to avoid her on the way out.

Emma saw Killian immediately when she arrived at the school, with it being the weekend the place was empty excluding them. He peeled himself from the side of brown bricked school when he saw her, "Swan are you alright?".

She managed to keep her composure until he asked that, tears finally broke free. Rather than saying anything she hugged him, taking comfort in his warmth. Killian's arms came around her as she dug her face into his shoulder. "I want to help. Tell me what I can do to help?".

"Don't you get it?", she asked a bit harshly pulling away from him, "There's nothing you can do.".

He stared at her for a moment, "Come with me."

~    ~    ~

It wasn't long before she found herself sitting lamely in his living room of the condo he apparently resided in with his elder brother. Liam his name being, sat across from her, "Killian I'm not so certain this is the best-"

"She has no family like you and I brother.", Killian said cutting him off a bit bitterly, "She needs a place to stay.".

"Killian where do you suggest she sleeps? With you?", Liam asks incredulously now standing. "You forget that you've only known this girl, for what, a few months!?".

Emma found herself standing throwing her black duffle back over shoulder, "I'm sorry- I shouldn't have put this on you.".

"Swan wait.", Killian urged.

"Your brother isn't wrong. We've known each other such a short time, I can't ask this of you.".

"Emma it's fine.", Liam said surprising.

"What?", she stuttered.

Liam moved a bit closer, "My brother has mentioned your story to me on numerous occasions, and from what I gather your tale is worse than our own. Who am I to turn away another orphan?".

"Thank you brother.", Killian said with a large smile.

"I just don't know how much I approve of you sharing a room. I don't exactly approve of my little brother's-"

"Younger.", Killian interjected, only to receive an amused glance from Liam.

"ideas for sleeping arrangements.", Liam finished combing a hand through his dirty blonde locks.

"I could always sleep on the couch.", Emma suggested.

"No, I can sleep on the couch.", Killian supplied, "What kind of gentleman would I be if I allowed that?".

Emma now gave him an sadistic look, "Now your a gentleman?".

Killian grinned at her, "I'm always a gentleman.".

She of course knew that, thankful to him and his brother for opening up their home to her so generously, but all the same she enjoyed teasing him. Maybe only for the familiarity and light nature of their banter.

Liam left the room after a short beat, finally being left alone once more she felt herself crumbling with realization. The home she had grown accustom to she'd never see again, and despite everything it won't be long before cops are involved. Legally at her age she can't live here, not unless she was able to emancipate. Her only option was to wait and hope, she thought a she met Killian's caspian blue eyed gaze. Maybe the cops would give up for once, maybe someway she could stay here and finished out highschool. But she was terrified to hope for a moment because all her life hope had only left her full of disappointment.

Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter! I hope you liked it anyway, will update later this week though! Please LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK AND VOTE! It is my only way of knowing if people are reading this story. And... UNCOVERED- a CS AU fanfiction where Emma is a spy and Killian is a professor at a college where she goes undercover- comes out June 3rd!!! So please please check that out!! Thanks so much!!!

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